Tuesday 26 October 2021

Lost and Found.

Never a dull moment.

Yesterday, whilst dog-walking, Lady Magnon found a couple of plastic cards in the churchyard; maybe it was even Billy who found them. One was a Driving Licence, the other a Santander, contactless, credit card. Both were currently valid.

My first instinct was to call the police to see if anyone had reported them either stolen or missing. I was fobbed-off by some 'clerk' who suggested that I try 'Social Media'.

The only form of 'Social Media' to which I subscribe is Facebook, so I entered the name which appeared on the Driving Licence, and up she came at once. Luckily she had an unusual name.

I sent a message, to which she instantly replied. We arranged that she would pick up her cards chez nous that afternoon. She wasn't very forthcoming about how she'd lost them, but she had cancelled the bank card. It still remains something of a mystery. Anyway, she was extremely happy to have them back.

I have only lost my wallet once. It was at Cahors railway station, and it contained not only money, but all my plastic cards and other important stuff. I was totally devastated. Two days later a 'tramp' arrived at the house with the whole lot intact. As you might imagine, I was instantly elated. I crossed his palm with silver, and thanked him profusely. He claimed to have walked the 50Kms from Cahors to return it.

p.s. Not long before the girl arrived, I was looking out from our front bay window and was shocked to see a beautiful young Fox lying down on our doorstep. 


  1. I hope the lady of the cards is all right. Perhaps she believes she has reason to be embarrassed by the loss. I've never lost a wallet. For that I'm grateful.


    1. I'm none the wiser about the situation, but at least she has them back.

  2. Pity she had to cancel the card but that is the wise thing to do. So, did she offer to cross your palm with silver? Maybe she offered a comely smile.

    1. She was young and very attractive, A very nice girl.

  3. Her address would be on her driving licence. I would have thought the police could have popped it back to her.

    1. They couldn't be bothered. It was easier to do it myself.

  4. How lucky that she had an unusual name so you know the right person got the cards back. The Police seem quite lazy about such things.

    1. They're too busy chasing speeding motorists. I should have known better than to have approached them.

    2. They don't do much of that either, they rely on speed cameras. They were probably rehearsing a TicTok routine.

  5. I must say life has not been dull since you returned to Blighty has it

    1. More has happened here in a week than usually happens in a whole year in France. It's not surprising that we're enjoying ourselves so much.

  6. Replies
    1. And to think that I had occasional concerns about leaving my tiny hamlet!!! We're having great fun, and visitors almost every day.

  7. I am too suspicious of people these days. I would probably have offered to take it to their address and not let them know where I live!

    1. I did ask her to delete all my contact with her on Facebook. Billy barked when she rang the doorbell, so that gives a good message.

    2. JayCee, that's what's wrong with the world: People are "too suspicious", don't trust each other. I think it a terrible mindset.

      By the way, whilst I am sure most of us use avatars of our younger selves, what's with the little girl? I know I am not the only one who has asked you this question.


    3. Ursula, a few weeks back Blogger "lost" my profile photo. This was one I picked at random at the time to replace it. Just haven't bothered to look for and upload a new one yet.

  8. Last month, on the thruway, I stopped in to one of those mega gas stations. Someone had dropped their credit card. The woman behind the counter said, "I'll put it in the box with all the others." She couldn't understand why no one ever came back for them.

    1. That sounds like the Lost Property office at London's Victoria Station. There are thousands of umbrellas all waiting to be claimed. No-one bothers, they just buy another one.

    2. They should hold an Umbrella Sale once a year.

  9. Using Facebook to find the owner and return the cards is brilliant. The owner must have been very thankful. A fox passing through is always enjoyed. The fox sitting on your doorstep is a bit close for comfort.

    1. I think it was a young Fox, it looked quite small. I expect it lives in some nearby undergrowth. I like the idea of it visiting.

  10. Our fox visits pretty much every afternoon …. Trouble is , we are all getting over run by them now .
    I’m glad you found the owner of the card/ driving licence … well done you.XXXX

    1. It didn't take much doing, I'm amazed that the well-paid police couldn't have done the same, and claimed the kudos!

  11. We see foxes now and again when on holiday. It's magical seeing these creatures outside and so near

    1. It was such a beautiful animal, and so relaxed. I hope he/she comes back. I might even leave some food out.

  12. I’m always losing my wallet
    At least 6 times or more

    1. For years I've had a 'military style' shoulder bag with all my essentials in. Since then I've never lost anything.

  13. Possibly the fox was taking a rest after trawling though the rubbish in the streets?

    1. The rubbish is slowly clearing. We heard more about the strike from France than we do from here. There are still piles around, of course.

  14. You Good Samaritan, you! And I do like the touch of Basil Brush at your doorstep. What does Billy make of his scent, I wonder?

    1. I took Billy out not long after, and he took no notice at all. I expect there are Fox smells all over town, and he probably thinks they're just other Dogs.
