Sunday 24 October 2021

It's been a week.


I've been back in the UK for a whole week, and I'm loving it.

At home I've been painting, decorating, and doing general DIY jobs, but outside I've been either shopping, organising, or at my local. Kimbo has forced me out to 'The Caxton', which is about 100 metres away (above).

In France our house came totally equipped. Everything from several different types of salt, a huge variety of curry pastes and powders, apples on trees, and a ready supply of Cavolo Nero growing at Haddock's; it had all that I needed at easy reach. However, returning to a house that had almost nothing except for a few basics that Kimbo had supplied, is quite an experience.

Every day I write a long list of essentials. Mustard, chilli sauce, gherkins, capers, tinned tomatoes, pasta of various shapes, rice, fatted calf, etc. For the moment I am making daily shopping trips rather than my usual once a week. 

I have managed to register with a doctor, I have my bus pass on order, and I have semi-sorted a banking dilemma. I'm not totally happy with contactless card DIY shopping; but I'll get used to it. Otherwise, everything is going according to plan.

What I hadn't expected was to receive several calls each day on our land-line from people with thick Indian accents trying to sell me things that I don't want. I had hoped to leave that side of life back in France; but they've found me!

Everything is going well, and we are having fun. We even had a Thai take-away last night; it was spectacular!!


  1. I haven't read all of your posts so I have some catching up to do. Are you staying in England or returning to France at some point? Wherever you are, there's no place like home.


    1. We're in the UK for six months, we'll return to France in Spring. I hadn't been back for about 20 years.

  2. It is pleasing to hear that you are enjoying being back in England. So many ex-pats seem to groan and grumble about the homeland as if justifying their decision to leave it. I really hate that.

    Love that picture of you.You're like the skipper of a ketch looking wistfully out to sea. Your skin looks so healthy - Do you use Oil of Ulay?

    1. I love my native country. I do moan about England occasionally, but only because of people putting it down, or trying to change it for the worse. My beauty secret? It's called 'Oil of Best Bitter'!

  3. For me, the fun part would be the shopping to restock kitchen supplies, it was always the first thing I did after we had unpacked when moving between states, following the soldier husband. It's the only thing I miss about moving.

    1. It's amazing the amount of ordinary things we DON'T have. Everything needs to be bought. The first thing I desperately needed was a WOODEN SPOON.

  4. Happy homecoming, theres no place like home,Val

    1. Thank you. Home is best; in whatever country!

  5. Happy times. I am looking forward to more of your homecoming story.

    1. And we're looking forward to experiencing it! It all seems very new at the moment.

  6. Glad that you are enjoying your time back in UK, in spite of the lack of essentials!
    We got rid of our domestic land line a few years ago, as the only calls were mainly scams. We didn't have caller ID on it so had to answer in case it was one of the few people who only used that number. Please can I have a photo of the sea....not been to the coast for several years. We could however get a train from here( Harpenden) direct to Brighton...might do that someday soon!

    1. Billy went to the sea yesterday. He rather enjoyed it; he hadn't seen the sea before.

      I suppose we do need caller ID, it would help sort-out the nuisance callers from friends.

  7. I am surprised about the scam calls. Are you not on a new number? When I moved here 6 or 7 years ago I got a new number, new account, and rarely receive scam calls now.

    1. We've had the same number here for about 20 years. All our friends know it, so it seemed very little point changing it. Maybe we should have.

    2. Caller ID helps. Meant to say, I am glad you are enjoying being back.

    3. Register with the TPS to prevent scam calls..they do land and mobile numbers.
      It won't stop the offshore calls, but it helps, and offenders can be penalised.

  8. It is going to be interesting reading about your impressions of being back the first time in 20 years.

    1. I hope I won't become too boring about it. What's interesting to me, may not be interesting to all.

  9. I'm SO pleased hat you are enjoying your return. I was a bit worried that, after such a long time, you might be disappointed. Is Lady M enjoying it all too ? She has been back more often than you though hasn't she ? XXXX

    1. I've just been down to the North Laine area, and it's buzzing with life. It's quite amazing. Lady M is really enjoying meeting all the dog owners in the park.

  10. It would be fun to start from scratch with stocking cupboards. Fraught actually. I would buy things I would never use.

  11. Btw, you are looking very aristocratic in the photo.

    1. We're moving over to our other house quite soon, so I'm trying to keep everything at a minimum. We normally have far too much stuff; now we have too little.

    2. How many houses do you have?

  12. The posts are not boring at all. We are all interested in this wonderful adventure of yours. Is the house in France waiting empty? Anyone guarding it?

    1. Yes, it's being looked after, and has security. It will face the winter alone.

  13. I love that this whole thing has been looming on the horizon for such a long time...and now that it's happened, you're enjoying it so very much.

    1. I would have preferred that our old EU right to stay had been reserved, but we have to make the best of it. At least we're enjoying ourselves.

  14. Just like newly weds - setting up home from scratch. Have fun!

    1. It's amazing the silly things one needs to run a home. We'll get there!

  15. I am enjoying hearing of your experiences back here in the U.K. New adventures to be had.

    1. It seems like a new adventure, but in fact we're on old stomping ground. So much has changed; mostly for the better.

  16. Replies
    1. We really are. Next we'll reacquaint ourselves with pubs, clubs, theatres, etc.

  17. The neighborhood Pub is always essential. Life in England is turning out very well for you and I'm happy for you and Lady M.

    1. I've been a regular at The Caxton for about 40 years, and it hasn't changed that much. Lovely to go there again. It's just down the road.

  18. Marvellous. You're re-finding your native land. Keep on enjoying it!

    1. We're having great fun at the moment, I'm sure that'll continue.

  19. Glad Billy liked the sea. Don't be tempted to dip your toes in - after your swimming pool it would be quite a shock.

    1. Far too cold. We did think of joining a club with a pool, but long walks will have to become our daily exercise.

  20. I've decided to give up cooking and am treating myself to a wonderful new service, ready made meals. It's been years since I've had Thai; but it's sure available.

    1. In London back in the mid 60's, I had a friend who changed his kitchen into an extra bedroom. He never ate at home, and had no use for a kitchen. I was shocked!
