Thursday 21 October 2021

Hopes Dashed!

Regular readers might remember that I had been looking forward to reacquainting myself with certain English 'delicacies'.

Amongst the list were Pork Pies, vacuum packed Kippers, Battenberg Cake, Scotch eggs, and good ole British 'bangers'.

The 'bangers' came by way of Sainsbury's, and were described as Cumberland Pork Sausages. I was looking forward to them. 

They were disgusting; I would hardly give them to Billy.

So upset was I with these bangers, that I looked-up 'Cumberland Sausage' online, and found them to be not dis-similar to the French pure Pork sausages that I'm used to in France.

As you can see above, the 'meat' content was just 70% (pureéd, not course ground), with the other 30% being made up by additives; half of which I can't even pronounce.

What's wrong with pure coarsely ground meat? Add some salt and pepper maybe, but otherwise just leave it alone! It's that bloody simple!



  1. With all the added crap in those things ... You might want to make your own bangers! Making your own means you know what all is in them!

  2. Complain and get a refund! There should be a telephone number on the packet.

    1. I would like to, but I got what I paid for!

  3. Cro, please try The Black Farmer's sausages, they are delicious. Proper bangers. Jean

    1. seconded! You can buy them online from his website and then freeze them, defrosting before use

  4. We now eat Heck’s sausages bought from our local supermarket. They are gluten free and have 97% pork.

    1. 97% Pork already sounds far better. I cannot understand the point of 70%. I should have paid more attention.

  5. We buy our sausages from our local butcher. Supermarket bangers are not as good as the real thing.

    1. I don't think we have a pukka butcher nearby; I shall have to make enquiries.

  6. Find some locally made sausages made from proper meat without all those other weird ingredients.
    I buy some that are produced in a village only about 10 miles away

    1. I might have to buy coarsely minced Pork, and make my own.

  7. Like your other followers I only eat butchers sausages, I'm not a fan of any meat being minced and reformed.

    1. We've been spoilt with really good sausages for years. I don't know why I was so keen to have English Bangers again. Nostalgia, I suppose.

  8. The sausage should be chopped meat and they are traditionally about two feet long and coiled.
    I suspect what you got was vacuum recovered meat. It is vile.

    1. They were truly horrible. The pack looked good, they looked good when frying, but that's where it ended.

  9. Packaged food carries additives and preservatives. A local butcher making his own sausage would be best.

    1. If I can find one. Brighton is a bit radical Vegan these days.

  10. Sainsbury's choice and quality is below par these days. Aldi do better. All meat must now come from independent butcher for any kind of quality.
    It is better in France!

    1. Back in France they are just meat. Nothing else.

  11. I am sorry, Cro. You get what you pay for. I googled the product. £1.60 for that amount of sausage? What do you expect? Double that amount when you go to Waitrose or M&S and you get really good (85 - 95 % pork content depending on added spices and herbs, apples anyone?). I can vouch for the above, anything from Cumberland, Lancashire, Toulouse, Spanish, Italian, you name it. Cheap they ain't.

    And don't you read what's in a product as you shop, before you buy?

    Anyway, I am here should you need any pointers. You'll be pleased to know that the Angel, on visiting deepest Surrey last weekend, brought home the most amazing Wild Boar sausages, straight off the producer. We had them yesterday evening and my son declared them the best ever. I BEG YOUR PARDON? We only eat the best ever! Cheap doesn't come into it.


    1. Of course you are right. I was shopping on cloud 9. Back to reality now. I was influenced by the Rock Music.

  12. Try Gloucester Road. I can recommend the cheeses and pork pies too.

    1. I know the small shop you mean; I haven't ventured that far yet.

  13. I hope you soon find one of these other brands mentioned live up to your expectations and memory.
    Good shopping

    1. None of them can be as awful as these above were, that's for sure. I was shocked!

  14. I imagine they are better then the expensive Italian butchers sausage that I’ve now stopped buying. I used to slice them open to pick out the biggest bits of snout, ear and fat that never rendered before cooking. If I wasn’t a farmers daughter they might have turned me vegetarian.

    1. Of dear. In France we did get the very occasional bit of something hard, but you always knew it was just part of meat.

  15. If you want real sausages it is not a good idea to buy them from a supermarket although one does get to like some of the ones Waitrose sell but it is a question of trying some of the more expensive ones to find one you like. You may also have to bear in mind that your taste buds may have changed over the years and your memory may be playing tricks on you as well. But avoid supermarket sausages and find a real butcher. I would not and do not buy any meat from Sainsburys anymore, they are not like the old days of Sainsburys in my opinion.

    1. I think it's more a question of memory, and a previous acceptability of, such as, Walls Sausages. I had forgotten how manufactured they are.

  16. You need to go around local butchers who make their own and sample a few until you get a good one. There are plenty about but you need o hun them down.

  17. Replies
    1. I shall in future. Everything else has been great; especially the Pork Pie.

  18. I was about to suggest that, but Weave beat me to it!
    Time you investigated your local small traders for your supplies...and kept Sainsbugs for the backup!!

    1. I doubt if I'll buy sausages again for some while, but when I do I shall be very selective.

  19. Whack Cumberland in front of the word sausage, double the price and hey presto! You make lots of money, regardless of how good they are.

    1. I don't know how they dared use the word 'Cumberland'.

  20. I bought "Cumberland" sausages from my local Woolworths a long while ago and they were very nice, good spicy flavour, but a bit pricey so I haven't bought them again. I rarely buy sausages anyway.

  21. Buy a packet of pork mince and make your own.

    1. you don't need skins, just roll them into sausage shapes and fry as usual.

  22. Goodness gracious - buy your sausages from a real butcher. If you get them from a mass produced supermarket brand your expectations of quality should not be high. Find a butcher who will be personally accountable for your enjoyment of his products.

  23. Why on earth would you buy so-called sausages in a plasticised jacket? Proper sausages are sold 'in the raw', fresh and appealing as they recline tastefully amonst the greenery on a gleaming white tray - a mouth-watering display.
