Thursday 7 October 2021


I have a real love of Elephants; they are such amazing and majestic animals.

Could you imagine a world without them? Unlike with the Dinosaurs, if they were to become extinct, the world would be a far sadder place.

Apart from the fact that they look so wonderful, they are also intelligent and caring.

Elephants live to about 70 years old; not unlike humans. They have an amazing sense of smell, and can detect water from 12 miles away, and they drink between 150 and 200 litres per day. The gestation period for an elephant is 2 years.

I would like to think that this photo is of Mum, Dad, and naughty Toddler; but we'll never know. 

What I do know, however, is that it represents total Elephant happiness, and it makes me smile every time I see it; and that can't be bad.



  1. How extraordinary, when I was little, even when not so little anymore, elephants were my favourite animals too. I even rode on one.

    One of my uncles (my mother´s brother) emigrated to South Africa in the late Fifties. Of all the brothers he was the mountaineer, the adventurer. Some time in the Sixties he gave his little niece an ivory necklace to grace my neck, and a tiny little elephant carved out of ivory. The latter was exquisite. When I left home I also left the little elephant, with my mother - at her wish, and with a little bit of a heavy heart for me. Still . . . sometimes other people´s feelings are more important than our own.

    As I don´t have any use for the necklace I tried to sell it some years ago. No one would touch it. IVORY!!! You can´t even give it away.

    Times change.

    Lastly, dear Cro, and I am in two minds whether this is a good thing or not, ELEPHANTS NEVER FORGET.


    1. I hope we have nothing made from Ivory, but I can't be 100% sure. It's such a tragedy that they are still being killed for their tusks; a live Elephant is so much more valuable than Ivory.

  2. I love elephants too, for all the reasons you mention, and am a member of a group that works to protect them, African Wildlife Foundation.

    1. Well, I wish them all the luck they deserve. I cannot imagine a world without our beautiful Elephants.

  3. I love that baby, jumping just with the joy of being alive. Elephants are among my favourite animals

    1. It's a beautiful photo, with the little one being the star!

  4. I think elephants are quite spectacular. There are some lovely videos on YT of baby elephants being rescued from the mud.

    1. Some people go to great lengths to help them, whist others want to kill them. It doesn't make sense.

  5. In Thailand we played with a baby elephant with the same name as my sister. I drew a short straw and had to ride the elephant without the basket to sit in. I became rather intimately acquainted with the mahout as I gripped him and slid forward into him.

    It looks like a family group to me, large male, smaller female. Trivia: Female Asian elephants don't have tusks and nor do all male Asian elephants. They'd be the poof elephants I suppose. (now someone is going to read that and not know I am gay and have a word)

    1. I like to think it's a family. I think they are very family minded.

  6. I also love elephants. When we visited friends in Cape Town a few years ago they took us to the SANParks Addo Elephant Reserve for a couple of nights where we were able to observe them up close, wandering around quite happily. Wonderful creatures.

    1. I've only ever seen them live at London Zoo. I did ride on one once; not very PC these days.

  7. I have a couple of pottery elephants in the garden. That photo is just delightful. An elephant-aki full of joy

    1. It's a wonderful photo. Very lucky shot too.

  8. Good heavens! That baby elephant appears to be flying! Is his name Dumbo?

  9. There is something so mysterious and noble about this animal, it is impossible not to love it.

    1. I always smile when I see an Elephant, that must be a good sign.

  10. Love efalumps …. I remember going for a ride on one at London Zoo …. can’t do that anymore !!!!!! XXXX

    1. I did the same when I was very small. I loved it, but I wouldn't let my own children do it.

  11. They are creatures of great dignity but also charm .Qualities that in the right balance are good in human companions too I suppose .

  12. Wonderful photo! I also love elephants. I've only seen them in captivity. Seeing them in the wild would be outstanding.

    1. I'm the same, and I doubt now if I'll ever get the opportunity to see them in their own homes.

  13. That is the cutest photo! Where ever did you find it?
