Sunday 3 October 2021

Dogs have no shame.

Many years ago, we were invited to our local Chateau for afternoon Tea. The owner was a very good friend of ours, and she had family visiting who she wanted us to meet.

At one stage in the afternoon I noticed a dog pee on the foot of a woman who was sitting cross-legged on a lounger. She had possibly been Roedean educated, and ever-so-calmly removed her sandal, shook it, and returned to her conversation. No fuss was made,

The photo above reminded me of the situation. It also reminded me of my own dog Hamlet, who came with me once to visit a retired British Doctor who lived nearby. Hamlet walked into their Sitting Room and immediately began to pee on a corner of their sofa. He had never done anything similar before. I was shocked (and extremely embarrassed).

I love this photo of Monty and Bok having just shown their appreciation for a very ugly wall that was built between our lawn at the barn, and a neighbour's pool. The foreground had been a nice mowed lawn before his 'builders' suddenly appeared without any prior notification.

Life's like that occasionally. 



  1. Oh My Goodness stuff happens.
    I am so lucky that all my Scotties squat, I did see Winston lift his leg once and tip over ! That happens when you have paws and ankles for legs.

  2. If a dog peed on my foot I might have asked for a damp cloth to wipe it off, but not made any other fuss. I do believe though, that when there is a gathering of people, the dogs should be kept outside.

    1. When the dog peed on the woman's foot that was outdoors, but you're right, I shouldn't have taken Hamlet indoors. It was more my fault than his!

  3. Dogs aren't terribly good at differentiating inside and outside when it is a strange place. The cross legged woman had great style under pressure.

  4. I once had a dog pee on my trouser leg whilst I was standing chatting to a friend outside their house. I was not as calm about it as that woman you describe.

    1. Not a pleasant experience. I must say, I was very impressed by the woman's acceptance of the situation. Keep Calm and Carry On.

  5. Pirate's Labrador used to fart beside people that he didn't like

  6. When I first got my rescued standard poodle his standard greeting to visitors was to pee on their foot as they entered the house. He was five years old already and training him to be less antisocial took some perseverance.

    1. What a strange idea. Maybe he was marking them so he could recognise them later.

    2. That's the problem with rescues. They come with bad habits. This dog had had very little socialising with people or other dogs and needed a lot of TLC but turned into a thoroughly gentle, sociable and delightful dog. I still miss him.

  7. I love that last picture: two dogs exiting stage right having offered their opinions.

  8. I remember when Winnie stopped the traffic both ways on the village zebra crossing by having the largest of dumps right in the centre of it

  9. Dogs can easily get away with often somewhat humorous and occasionally embarrassing (for the dog owner) incidents.

  10. Haha !!!! Monty and Bok showed exactly what they thought of the new wall !!!! XXXX

  11. I've had a few dogs but never one who had to mark every new place the way Harry does. I was severely embarssed a couple of times until I got a bit smarter :)

    It's Monty and Boks wall now
