Tuesday 12 October 2021

Cold weather.

Summer is over, long trousers will soon be worn again, taking morning coffee by the pool is now just a memory.

I don't like the cold. I want to feel warm sunshine on my face. I occasionally listen to an LBC Radio Presenter who hates sunshine and always holidays in Iceland; I cannot help thinking how strange it must be to actually enjoy the cold, and dislike warmth. 

I was born in July, so my first taste of climate must have been Summery, and it suits me fine. In Spring I can't wait to start wearing shorts again, and I continue to wear them (hopefully) until the end of October.

I don't overly dislike rain; in fact occasionally I quite like it. But frost or snow is for masochists. Human blood, like water, freezes at 0 C, and even though my body does have a heating system, when temperatures drop to sub-zero C I feel as if ice has replaced liquid in my veins. I do not like it.

Unfortunately I now face about 6 months waiting for things to warm-up again. I really should be off to Martinique or Guadeloupe instead of staying in Europe; it would be far more logical. I do hope we don't have one of those really hard Winters; we have enough to cope with without more misery.

I'm crossing my fingers that Gas and Electricity supplies don't get cut-off, and that there'll be some food in the shops; I know prices will rise, but anything is preferable to being COLD.

I was just about to take my yesterday's early morning walk with Billy, when I noticed that the temperature was 4 C. I suppose it wasn't that bad; the worst thing was having the very bright rising sun in my eyes.



  1. I like rain too, I even enjoy storms with rain, thunder and lightning, but I couldn't bear to live in the cold winters your northern hemisphere people get, our mild Aussie winters are bad enough. In the summer our heat is far too much for me also, my favourite times are mid to late autumn here and mid to late spring, except for the hayfever part.

    1. Quite recently we were sitting on our covered terrace, and looking forward to an approaching thunder storm. But when it arrived it was so violent, and the rain so heavy, that we had to rush indoors. Otherwise I love storm-watching. I become quite depressed in Winter, and I'm sure it's caused by the cold.

    2. Have you considered that you might be affected by "SAD"?( Causes changes in the brain due to lower amounts of daylight)

    3. I think I'm a 'mild' sufferer.

  2. I too am a summer person. I love the sun and find winter a bit depressing.

  3. I'm one of those cold people, I don't do heat and I love the winter months...Iceland sounds good. Are't you due to come to the UK soon? It's getting nice and cool here!

    1. I cannot understand this liking of cool/cold weather. Give me warmth any day.

  4. It is certainly cooler now here. You are lucky to be going to the balmy Sussex coast and not up here in the North!

  5. We’ve had a few chilly evenings when the wood burner has been lit. Reminded me of our Italian lockdown winter of cold weather and wet logs, 7 degrees in the bedroom was challenging. Is it me or has the cold arrived early this year, the days are ok but it’s definitely parky at night.

    1. It was 4 C again this morning, the same as yesterday. I would normally expect it to be around 10 C over night.

  6. Well, you'd have been an asset to the likes of Shackleton, Amundson and Scott on their assorted adventures.

    There is cold and there is cold, Cro. I grew up the first few years of my life at the bottom of mountains, SNOW country. Most mornings in winter we had to dig ourselves out of the house, six feet high. And is there anything more delicious than sun shining on snow? It's wonderful. You might not see it. I did. I do.

    As to actually FEELING cold - wear the right gear and you'll be just fine. Plenty of layering, good old thermals, waterproof lined boots. Gloves. Right attitude. If all else fails hire a horse drawn carriage at night, through the forests, tucked up in blankets - you'll feel nothing but joy.

    Hot water bottle greetings,

    PS And, tip of the day, if your eyes are light sensitive (get it checked out) do wear sunglasses

    1. I've had sensitive eyes since I was small, even my doctor said I should wear sunglasses.

    2. I have prescription sunglasses, best thing I ever bought and have almost no migraines now, since most of them were caused by sun glare.

  7. I don't understand what is happening with your gas supply. Is Mother Russia playing games?

    I didn't really notice winter cold when I was working but I certainly have during the last winter, even though we were told it was mild.

    1. I think the Russians want to lay an under-sea pipeline direct to Germany, and are trying to twist uncooperative arms.

    2. It is already laid missing out Ukraine..they have their.sights on starving Ukraine of gas transit revenue so have bypassed them. Biden has given approval. Now they need final EU approval so Putin has limited gas supplies to Europe. Also China/Australia tensions have led to gas shortage as China not buying from Australia. All adding up to wholesale energy prices rising.

  8. As a vegetable , fruit etc grower and gardener you know probably that seasons are important for mother nature. So let it get cold and suffer in silence. Cold mornings in the countryside show wonderful lights, fog and humidity in the meadows I love the cold season, when I was a child in the Island of RĂ¼gen the Baltic Sea was frozen and in January/February we got temperatures around minus 20 , spring started late April early May. Many retired Germans who love sun and warm weather have a little house in Turkey or Croatia and spend winter there.

    1. A little place in Croatia would be nice. I must make enquiries. My youngest has a beautiful villa in Thailand.

    2. A lucky one. Is he living there ? Maybe you can spend some wintertime there.

    3. No, he's presently in The Caribbean.

  9. If you wear a duvet through the winter, you should be warm enough. Just wrap yourself in it and tie a rope your middle.You will need an alpine balaclava for your bonce.

    1. This morning I bought a 'Polar Jumper', which, I'm assured, will do the job. I'll buy a new hat in Blighty.

  10. I've never been a sun lover since as a redhead my skin burns much too easily and quickly. I enjoyed cold weather as long as I was warmly dressed. Now that I've been away from it for many years, plus I've aged, I have no desire to return to that climate and resist doing so. The weather here in Southern California U.S. suits me just fine -- except the drought we're having.

    1. We didn't have any really high temperatures this year; or maybe just for a day or two. Generally it's been a good year, but Winter does seem to have come early, even though our days are sunny and around 18 C.

  11. You definitely won't need your shorts in Brighton.

  12. Not an outdoor fan of winter, but there is something delicious about wrapping up in an afghan and curling up on the couch with a good book, while a wood fire crackles and dances. Life comes indoors in the winter and I don't mind that part of things at all!

    1. Unfortunately we shall be leaving our ancient stone cottage, for a 1960's fireless modern UK city-centre house. I've made sure there are plenty of logs in the huge fireplace for our return in Spring.

  13. Autumn lover here. I don't do heat. I wilt.

    1. I'm a 25 C fan. I wouldn't mind that every day.

  14. I like having 4 distinct seasons. When I lived in Arizona with only high heat and low heat, I returned to Massachusetts, US in one year. That said, a mid-Winter escape to the Caribbean islands is perfect.

    1. I too like the seasons, but I do wish it wouldn't be quite so cold in Winter.

  15. It is still 30 degrees here, although it has rained a bit in some places. I like the winter.

    1. It was around 18 C yesterday afternoon. A lovely day, but with a cool beginning. Perhaps I should stay in bed longer.

  16. I actually like the colder weather but then, I was born in February …. There must be something in it. XXXX

  17. I enjoy the cooler weather. It's such a relief after endless summer heat. Still warm here but finally getting some good rain. The greening should begin at last

    1. You do get some very high temperatures, here we rarely get above 35-ish.

  18. Sounds much like the weather here at the moment Cro. Not too keen on it myself.

    1. At least it's dry here. In fact it's quite pleasant at the moment.

  19. I really hate being cold too, Cro... and I was born in July (never thought about how that might affect my dislike). Have learned to 'layer' in winter - it does help. And having a warm fire in the fireplace and an Aga in the kitchen makes winters bearable. But give me the early Spring or early Fall - cool weather. (Loved the weather in Oahu with the clean fresh breezes off the ocean...)

    1. We have a French wood fired 'poor-man's-Aga' here which we occasionally light in Winter. It gives off wonderful heat, and is great for cooking.

  20. 4 degrees?!! Yes, summer is a distant memory for you now. It seemed like only yesterday you were just rolling back the pool cover to get the sunshine on the pool. I hope the central heating in Brighton will be sturdy enough to allow for shorts indoors! We have central heating in our place but it's never what you would call balmy. Cardigans are still needed inside.

    1. I plan to wear shorts for Christmas dinner; providing we can buy a Turkey (which we are told might be in short supply).
