Sunday 10 October 2021

Chestnut Fair.

Yesterday afternoon we went to nearby St Caprais, to their annual Chestnut Fair. However, being forgetful OAP's, we left our Double Vax passports at home, and we were refused entry.

But all was not lost, we visited the small 12th Century village church instead. The carved reredos behind the altar (below) is spectacular. They don't do things by halves out in the countryside!

I am a great fan, and exponent of, primitive painted marble effects. This (below) was just one example in the church. Beautiful.

I rather liked this carved wooden Dove above the pulpit. Behind it you can just see the feint remains of some medieval frescos. 

Then out into the warm afternoon sunshine, just in time to see a parade of passing classic cars. These two Traction Avant Citroens looked superb together. You can just see the Church door behind the front one.

Every year they invite the local 'Classic Car Club' to attend; I imagine there are prizes for the best washed car, etc. However, in typical French fashion, they never organise parking for them. It was chaos, as it is every year. 

We may have missed the main attraction, but we enjoyed the side-shows.


  1. Sorry for not saying anything about the church. I can't get past the beautiful cars, with art deco? grills. Absolutely stunning. They are quite large for French roads I think.

    1. It's a very small village, designed in the days of horses and carts. They didn't envisage such things as 'Chestnut Fairs' or 'Classic Car Rallies'.

  2. I like backwards opening doors on cars.

    1. The old Fiat 500 had them. You stepped out forwards, rather than backwards.

  3. Replies
    1. They were two very proud owners. When we bought our first house here, there was one in the barn, but I think it was there for a good reason. Eventually someone towed it away and dumped it in the woods.

  4. I used to like watching the guy with the apple press at that fair. Nice to think it's still happening much the same as always (apart from needing Vax Passports!).

    1. We weren't that upset not to have been allowed in. We've been going for years, and it never changes; including the Apple Juice man.

  5. All looks part of an enjoyable and usual day in the village calendar. Shame about the passports now needed.

    1. We rather rushed out, and forgot them. Our own silly faults.

  6. Sometimes an unplanned day turns out very well. The antique cars look beautifully restored.

    1. We enjoyed ourselves anyway, it was a nice sunny day.

  7. Do you carry a cell phone? If you do you can take a picture of your vaccination cards and then you won't have to carry them around with you.

    1. We forgot to take everything. We have both, but weren't thinking.

  8. I have paper ones and the new on on the phone app. I'm unlikely ever to go to a function that needs them though. We don't need proof in pubs or churches.

    1. It was a last minute decision to go, and old age won!

  9. What a lovely day out! The cars look beautiful.

    1. Yes, sunny but cool. The cars were a bonus.

  10. I have a paper certificate that says I am vaccinated, but don't have the digital one. I should try to get that too. I don't need it for anything, but if people ask I can prove what I'm saying at least.
    I used to love wandering into churches when I was young and my small town had quite a few. The Catholic ones always felt peaceful.

    1. We have both paper and iPhone proof of being double vaxxed; we just forgot to take them. I'm not a religious person at all, but I do love to sit in an ancient church and 'contemplate'.
