Wednesday 22 September 2021

Unexpected Gifts

When I read of Brooklyn Sean's delightful gift to Trelawnyd's favourite son John Gray, I hardly expected anything similar turning-up chez Cro.

Monday is my 'adverts' day. Usually a bunch of supermarket, shoe-shop, garden centre, hardware store, etc, advertising bumf, turns-up in my mail box; most of which gets instantly 'sent to ground'.

However, on Monday an exceptionally large package also arrived; I was fascinated but confused. It turned out to be from my good friend Tony, in England, who had previously lived just a few hundred metres away from me before leaving unexpectedly. We were at college together (above Tony right, me left)

The package included several 'collages' that he now makes. Having designed some of Dubai's most iconic buildings, as well as part of its infamous airport, he now confines himself to the art of 'collage' back in Surrey, two of which I've already framed.  


Sadly, Tony suffers from MS, but this hasn't quelled his desire to 'create', and he now spends his days snipping and pasting. In a recent letter he compared his work in Dubai to what he does today; describing the latter as being 'just as fulfilling'. That pleases me enormously.

I love keeping in contact with old friends. We all know that our time here is limited, and we should make the most of it. Tony and I have a lot in common. We have very similar educational and family backgrounds; and we think in a similar way. Our interests are much the same, and we both refuse to suffer fools gladly. I was pleased to read that he still has an acerbic tongue for those who wronged him.

I don't think he reads this page, but I send him my thanks, and very best wishes. We need more Tonys in the world.


  1. I still have a few very old friends from my childhood but sadly at my age they are getting less and less as we drop off the perch.

    1. I think ALL of my oldest friends are still around, but it won't be long before I (or they) start studying the Obit' pages of The Telegraph.

  2. What a happy thing it is to
    maintain a lifelong friendship.

    1. It was great when he was living just up the road, but not so easy now that he's back in Blighty.

  3. There are no friends like old friends as one of mine, now deceased, once wrote me. Treasure those you have as so few of mine are still living,

    1. It's fun meeting-up with old friends. We all knew each other as sprite young things, and now we all have aches and pains.

  4. Lovely gifts! Friendships like you describe are treasured.

  5. Good that he found a pastime which he does well and enjoys. And good for he remembered his old friend.
    He's had an interesting career

    1. Yes, he designed some iconic buildings. He retired to here from Dubai, then sadly became ill. It's great to see that he's still got 'what it takes'.

  6. My good friend has been there for nearly sixty years. Friends are the people who stand by you. I could name my friends here but I don't need to they know who they are.Lots of love Jo x

  7. I have a few collages of my own, large boards covered with photos of family mostly and one really large on that began as a side from the box my fridge came in and gradually got covered with pictures cut from magazines. They were fun to work on at the time, but I don't think I'd have the patience now to do another. Your friends ones are very nice, I like the frames you chose too.

    1. I used to collect all sorts of rubbish on foreign holidays then create a collage when I got home. They bring back memories.
