Tuesday 21 September 2021

The Naughty Prince?

It rumbles on. Has he been served with papers? Or, has he not? Will he co-operate with the US courts? Or, will he not?

I'm no fan of Prince Andrew (nor of his ex wife). To me he is a totally irrelevant part of The Royal Family, I simply ignore him.

However, 'Randy Andy' is rarely out of the press these days, due to some fleeting sexual relationship he may, or may not, have had with some 17 year old American girl, called Virginia Roberts. Such casual 'flings' are normally no big deal; even in regal circles. Take Princess Diana for example, she had seven 'lovers' during her marriage, and no-one even mentions it! 

I've tried to read as much as possible about this bizarre case, and I can only base my conclusions on what info' is out there; court papers, Wiki, etc. Most of us rather like the idea of Andrew ending-up in 'the slammer', but the evidence simply isn't there. I'm not even sure exactly what he's supposed to have done wrong!

As far as I understand Andrew and Roberts met in London through Ghislaine Maxwell. They danced together at some nightclub, then having returned to Maxwell's Mayfair home, and according to Roberts herself, she was 'asked' by Maxwell to 'do for him what you do for Jefferey Epstein'. And she possibly did as requested; although Andrew denies it. She could always have refused; but she does look very happy in the photo above.

At 17 years old, coming on to a 'Prince of the Realm' is no crime in the UK. Power hungry young women do this all the time with aristos, wealthy celebs, footballers, etc. As long as they are over 16, there is no wrongdoing on either side unless coercion was involved; which doesn't sound to be the case with Andrew. If anything, it sounds as if any coercion came directly from Ghislaine Maxwell. If Roberts had seduced Andrew in the USA aged just 17, that would be a different matter.

Of course, one doesn't expect The Queen's son to be cavorting with members of the late Epstein's hareem, but at the same time he was single and open for a bit of (sexual) fun, which doesn't represent any crime. On the other hand, putting himself into a position where he could be either blackmailed or sued shows his naiveté. 

It's not always easy trying to analyse what's going on in such cases, but there is information out there. Please don't think I'm offering support to Prince Andrew; because I'm not. Nor am I offering support to Roberts. I understand she has already been handsomely compensated by Epstein in 2009 (said to be several millions), and has received yet more from Ms Maxwell, for 'defamation', in 2015. She certainly likes the idea of receiving lots of money for her previous 'services', and no doubt there'll soon be a book and a film.

Lawyers, over The Pond, are seeing nothing but Dollar Bills, and I hope more than anything else, that they are thwarted.

Maybe when Anne Sacoolas (who killed Harry Dunn in the UK two years ago) is handed over to the UK authorities, the UK/US authorities might start talking about Andrew.

Killing someone is generally seen as more serious in the UK, than having a night's rumpy-pumpy.

I repeat; I'm on nobody's side in this debacle. Just trying to look at the hard facts. It's possible you may view those facts entirely differently.


  1. If this is you ignoring someone then I'd require a week to read about a person you are interested in.

    1. He's not someone who interests me in the slightest, but like so many, I'm interested in what he has, or hasn't, done to merit all this attention.

  2. Watch one of the Jeffrey Epstein documentaries if you haven't already done so. A very creepy man from start to finish and Ghislane Maxwell should be ashamed of herself. As for Andrew, he was a complete idiot for getting involved.

    1. I'm sure that Epstein and Maxwell were deep into the sex business; probably with influence in mind.

  3. You may have saved me another post. This Andrew and Prince Andrew are both sleazebags, personally more of of wanna be. If the Prince committed a crime, fair enough, charge him. That is not what I understand. With little interest, I skim through news reports and I am unsure what crime he has been accused of. I missed the story, but my partner told me she followed him around the world. Yep, not a crime to be a young man focused on sex with younger women.

    1. I'm still not sure what crime he has committed. It seems to me that Roberts has simply complained about everyone she slept with.

    2. A 50 year old man with a 17 year old girl ? You fibd this ok ? Anyway Andrew is Queen Moms darling. I find all this disgusting.

    3. I agree that it's distasteful. but it ain't no crime!

  4. This is a girl who was set on a path by Epstein and that awful Maxwell. It was a very sleazy operation, and one that catered to some very sleazy people. You would expect the rich and powerful to be smart enough to recognize the ethics (or lack thereof) of the situation. But they didn't. Amazingly poor judgement. But here's the thing: I know a Canadian woman who was part of a group of young girls who met Prince Charles years upon years ago. And she remembers him as 'a creep' and 'handsy'. I think with wealth and power comes a certain sense of invulnerability. The rotten underbelly.

  5. The chances of Andy ending up in jail are currently zero. Particularly since the case is purely a civil one. Not one law enforcement agency has presented any evidence whatsoever to a judge to issue any warrants. No law enforcement agency in the USA , not City, state or Federal, have an investigation underway.
    It's a civil he said/ she said case with no actual evidence which is why they plaintiff is desperate to keep it in the media in the hope of a large cash settlement.
    Do I like Prince Andrew? Couldn't care less about him. But I do think that he is entitled to the same protection under the law as anyone.

  6. This is all about money. The ethics of sleeping with a 17-year-old are dubious but he didn´t break any law in England.

  7. Epstein and Maxwell are scum of the Earth. Why
    PA would link himself to them in any way, shape or manner is beyond me.

  8. She was trafficked. you fool. Look it up.
    "a little sexual fun". pathetic.

    1. She was 'trafficked' by Epstein and Maxwell, you fool. That had nothing to do with Andy.

  9. Classic -- the John's involved with trafficked females/males are not held accountable!

    1. If I read you correctly, he was no 'John'. He was simply having a bit of fun, and no money changed hands. I don't think even Randy Andy would stoop to such levels.

      Personally, having looked at all the facts, I would put most of the blame on Maxwell, and I quite expect she will end-up serving time!
