Sunday 5 September 2021

Not again!

It wasn't that long ago (July 1st) that these same people were digging up our lawn and making an awful mess, now they're back again and making even more mess, deeper holes, and they've pretty much blocked our exit. They arrived with three big CAT diggers, four workmen, two fat controllers, and one boss of bosses with clipboard.

When they restart work on Monday we will have our access totally closed, and we shall have to drive over open fields in order to leave home.

One good thing this time is that they seem to be taking more care over how they leave things. They are also quite happy to do a few things that I request, whilst their big machines are here.

On Thursday evening they stopped work early because they'd found a large Asian Hornet's nest amongst the fencing at Haddock's, so they phoned the village Hornet killer, and he sprayed them. We also asked him to deal with a Wasp's nest amongst the stones at the rear of the house, which he did. Two birds; one stone.

Such work is occasionally essential, so we don't moan about them being here. I just hope they won't leave too much mess. Poor Haddock's looks very forlorn.



  1. Are they putting in a new watermain?

    1. They say they are replacing old pipes, but there weren't any old pipes. We're not really sure what they're up to.

  2. Looks as if they are back filling as they go so access should only be delayed an hour. You could always persuade them to cover the trench with a plate if it is longer. Alternatively fill the trench with Frenchmen and dive across that way.

    1. Yes they are back-filling as they go, but it's a slow process. On Monday they will be digging-up the road that leads down to our house; previously they were simply on a public path.

  3. That's a big hole. If it rains you will have an additional pool for swimming. That will be handy.

  4. Look on the bright side: You got your hornets' nest removed for free and no danger to you.

    Oh, Cro, wait till you are back in Brighton. You don't know how good you have it NOW. Enjoy.


    1. We didn't even know the Hornet's nest was there, they were very well behaved.

      When I'm in town, I want it to feel like town. But when I'm in the country I want it to be pure tranquillity.

  5. It seems rather odd to me with work that requires access to your land and working on your land that you know so little about what they are doing.

    1. They all say different things, even about where they're going to next. I suspect that their boss tells them each morning where to dig, and in which direction. One of the first things they told me was that they were 'replacing old pipes', well there were no pipes there before!

  6. Stop complaining about the blogging fodder you get from the works. I like your reply to Ursula. I hate traffic noise in the countryside. It always seems so loud and intrusive.

    1. I agree. I want hussle-bussle in town, and peace and quiet in the country.

  7. It's the kind of thing that happens here sometimes and drives me crazy. I suffer quietly of course ...

    1. In France they do things, then answer questions later.

  8. Quite the mystery. The noise would bother me too. Hearing the wind in the treetops and the birds calling is the preference.

    1. It IS a bit noisy when they're working, but it's no worse than tractors. We are country folk, and used to the sound of agricultural machinery.

  9. Three CAT diggers sounds a bit excessive. At least you are still there to keep an eye on what they get up to.

    1. I hope they don't come back again when we're not here!

  10. Replies
    1. They'll be back again this morning, so we should know more about what they're doing next. It's all very odd.

  11. I hate occasions like that - you have my sympathy.
