Tuesday 14 September 2021


We were eating at a favourite restaurant on Saturday, when we suddenly noticed that our sleepy town had become totally over-run with parked cars; mostly double-parked. I was sitting with my back to the scene, and hadn't been aware of the chaos.

Double parking of this sort is more associated with carefree Italy or Greece, where all road signs are simply 'advisory'; not with rural France. I had never seen this before here.

So, what on earth was going on? They can't have all been in church, even though the doors were open. No, it looked as if they were all in the 'Foyer' playing Belote; a very popular card game hereabouts.

Belote competitions are always hotly contested; enough to even make our good local townspeople leave their cars all over the place. Thank goodness I parked my car elsewhere.

In case my photo is unclear, that should be a single line of cars parked in front of the Halle; but not having either Gendarmes or Parking Wardens in the village, caution was happily thrown to the winds. 

re my meal: Yet another gorgeous 'Steak-n-Chips. I could eat there every night! 


  1. I will eat the chips (double portion pease) and you can have my steak. I have never eaten steak.

    1. I eat my steaks 'Saignant'. Fiercely seared on the outside, and raw on the inside. Delicious.

    2. Sounds better than suggesting that they warm up the blood.

  2. I hope they all wanted to leave at the same time or some of those car owners would have had a long wait to get out.

  3. I miss the picture of the wonderful meal you ate.

    1. It's always the same, so any previous photo would do. It's always a pure delight.

  4. Have had to look up Belote. It sounds ridiculously complicated.

    1. That's probably why I never learnt to play it. 'Snap' is more my game.

  5. Miss that place so much, happy memories though.

    1. It's always a pleasure to sit there, knowing its history, etc. And the steaks are superb too.

  6. It would be so horrible to have been blocked in by double parked cars. I would feel like murdering the culprit.

  7. At first I thought you were going to say that the owners of the cars were all fans of "Magnon's Meanderings" and had parked up in order to watch you and Lady Magnon stuffing your faces with steak and chips.

    1. Yes, lots of fans here, but they are all very shy.

  8. Had to laugh at your parking tale. It's a daily occurrence here. If the police do arrive, now and again, they toot to give everyone time to sort themselves out.

    1. In both Italy and Greece such parking is common, but not here. I was shocked!

  9. I am torn. Apparently, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Which is rubbish advice, and makes people lie.

    You were you dining in the middle of/alongside a car park? I can tell you one for thing for nothing: I'd rather die a thousand deaths than subject my parents to such a scenery or, indeed myself and anyone else.

    Still, on the bright side: What are a few tonnes of steel and cubic meters of exhaust fumes when you can enjoy steak and chips?


    1. It isn't a car park, it's just a few cars by the side of the road, that had been 'added to' in a second row. Show me a decent restaurant anywhere in the world (other than Germany of course), where people don't arrive by car!!!

    2. re your para 2: The 'Halle' was built in 1270, and is a stunning building. Most of the surrounding buildings are also from 1270, and are equally beautiful. I'm sorry if your parents would find that scene 'deathly'. I wish them well, and hope that you never do have to show them such a ghastly sight.

  10. It appears playing cards is very popular in your area. Luckily you were not blocked in by double parked cars. The steak sounds perfect.

    1. It was. In fact we had a beautiful evening. Good food, good wine, good company.

  11. Replies
    1. I suppose that if they all left the competition at the same time, all would have been OK, but I doubt that was the case.
