Monday 20 September 2021

Another Shot to the Foot.

He's even beginning to look like Napoleon.

One really has to wonder how much more this mini despot can bungle, before the people of France throw him out.

The latest result of his hostility towards the British, has cost him (France) dearly. In fact to the extent of between £30 and 60 Billion.

His offer to build a fleet of old-fashioned Diesel powered Submarines for Australia has been scuppered, and the Aussies will now buy a more advanced fleet of Nuclear Powered Subs made by a consortium of American and British makers. Macron is FURIOUS.

So unhappy in fact, is he, that after stamping his feet he has withdrawn his ambassadors to the USA and Oz. They must be quivering. 

I repeat what I've said several times before. If Macron had worked WITH the UK rather than AGAINST her after Brexit, he might have been offered some minor role in the production of the new Subs. As it is, he's been left behind at his desk in Paris, issuing nowt but hot air.

One can but wonder what he will do next to ruin France's economy. 



  1. Sorry, Cro. Yes, the French can be pretty militant. And bureaucratic. Inflexible. What not. But you can't lay Brexshite and its fallout at France's door. Or any other European country's for that matter. Brexshite was baked in Britain. As exports go you can't beat it.

    I doubt very much that Macron is "furious". It's business. Not life or death.

    Having said that, it is curious why he would withdraw ambassadors since, so I understand, it's ambassadors' job description to keep the wheels of diplomacy oiled.

    Anyway, as history books show, there has always been friction between the English and the French. And, no matter what your feelings for Macron, it ain't a one way street.


    1. You always have an interesting view of newsworthy events; mostly not in accordance with the majority of us.

  2. My English is not good enough to explain all this. I do not always agree with French policy , but in this special case I agree. Brexit has nothing to do with it, concerning the economic ruin of France ??? you will be probably knocked down by the situation in UK. Your idyllic ,not expensive life in France, will change when back in your homeland. All my British friends complain about high prices and a very difficult economic "chaos".

    1. The UK's relationship with France has always been difficult. Several famous victories over the French, taking Napoleon prisoner, helping save them from German occupation in two world wars, and now depriving them of billions since Brexit. The Subs contract is just another infuriating thorn in their side.

      Frankly I couldn't care less about the cost of living. I never look at prices, and if it means that I drink one bottle of (non-EU) wine less a week, then so be it.

    2. I spoke about prices only because you refer very often to the low price you.paid for something. Happy that you move in the circle of those who do not need to count their money.

    3. Such trivial matters are of no interest.

  3. He appeared like a pouting leader of a banana dictatorship on our news. Got no sympathy whatever. What did he expect Australia to do?
    Heavens knows why he withdrew his ambassadors. A bit like stabbing himself in the foot.
    He should be better liked here. He sold Greece a bunch of Raphaele jet fighters and sent out his biggest warship when Turkey was nastier than norm. He should be over that old French/ British rivalry

    1. I think he's doing his best to re-ignite the animosity. The UK remains quiet, says nothing about French politicians, and reaps the benefits. It's time he went.

  4. He will be beside himself when he finds out that the Swiss are buying American F-35s.
    Next week Waitrose are said to be cancelling their cheese order. Not a good time to be a shortarse.

    1. And M & S have pulled out of Paris, having been the biggest supplier of Sandwiches in the whole of France.

  5. I was thinking about posting about this myself but maybe I will just make a comment here. Australia and France have never had a strong connection and we were rather pissed off with them when the French government bombed the nuclear protest ship the Rainbow Warrior in Auckland, that is Oceania. We are quite close to New Zealand and have much in common. Nor were we impressed by nuclear tests in the Pacific Ocean. All a long time ago, but we don't forget. What annoys most thinking Australians now is the absurd prices we have have to pay as tourists visiting French Pacific Islands. Ok, that is a joke.

    Not much has been written here beyond the cancellation and the reaction, but I remember reading of cost blow outs for the French built submarines along with delivery time lines blowing out. It was turning into a disaster and I think France was really taking advantage of Australia. It is unusual for Australia to react so abruptly and I think much was going on behind the scenes that the general public is not aware of. Macron can perform his little temper stamp and hold his breath to his is blue in the face, but really, what power does it have over Australia beyond a EU vote. As someone else mentioned, what a great idea to recall the French ambassador when there is a diplomatic incident! Not.

    1. Thanks for that Andrew, it's good have an Aussie viewpoint. I think the next elections are in May, when M Barnier (the chief troublemaker in the Brexit talks) will probably stand for President. As a closet anti-EU candidate, it'll be interesting to see what happens.

  6. I had such hopes for him when he was elected but he really has turned into a foot-stamping despot hasn't he! I was talking with my neighbour yesterday about likely candidates to run against him and (in her opinion) there is no-one with enough support/stature - unless you want a right-wing racist like Zemmour! God help us! Then again, Boris isn't exactly a cadeau is he!
