Friday 27 August 2021

Turning The Tatin.

Despite being a World, and Olympic, Champion Tarte Tatin maker, Lady Magnon is still scared of turning them out onto a plate.

They come from the oven Pastry side up, but need to be put onto a plate Apple side up. With lots of very hot sticky Caramel about, this can prove dangerous. So, rather than put herself at risk; she calls on Muggins Cro, for whom (she imagines) red hot Caramel can do no harm.

Over the years I've managed to master the turning-over process without scolding myself; not easy for a fumbling oldie. I don't always get it to look perfect, but I can always blame Lady M's baking skills for that.

This one below came out very neatly, but it's the flavour that counts. 

We have Bramley Apples by the barrow-load at the moment, so Tatins are on the menu for the foreseeable future.

It's the world's best Apple Pie, and accompanied by a big dollop of thick cream; it's pure heaven.



  1. That looks like a perfect tatin to me.

  2. I learned how to do this long ago. First run a knife or spatula around the edge of the tatin, then place a plate upside down over the top, then flip the whole thing so the tatin is on the plate.

  3. Would you share your tatin recipe please? It looks delicious.

    1. Your method is the same as mine, but you'd be amazed by how many people get it wrong!

      She uses a standard recipe, but probably changes it every time.

  4. Lady M probably thinks because you survived mustard gas during WWI, you are burn proof.

    1. Aren't you thinking of The Hundred Years War?

  5. Replies
    1. They don't last long, I'm surprised we're not as fat as pigs.
