Monday 9 August 2021

Japan, The Olympics, and Sue Perkins.

The jumps have been jumped, the races run, and the dives dived. It's all over, the equipment stored away, and the athletes back in their native countries to great acclaim.

I'm not a huge fan of the Olympic Games, but I do enjoy watching 'excellence' of any sort. For example, on Saturday afternoon, as it poured, we watched some of the Gymnastics involving hoops and balls (I don't know what it's called), and it was spellbinding. I was seriously impressed. 

There seemed to be less 'well known' athletes around this time. We Brits all know Tom Daley (the diver), but not many of the others. In many ways they are a species apart; well known in their own circles, but not so much elsewhere.

I was pleased to see that little GB came 4th in the medals table; I think we even have one more gold than shown above. GB was the highest placed amongst the European countries, which no doubt will infuriate Macron, von der Leyen, and Merkel. Expect some sporting retribution.

People outside of the UK may not know of Sue Perkins, but she is a comedienne and TV presenter. One of the most interesting spin-offs from the games was a tour of Tokyo by Ms Perkins, where she delved into the general life of the city. She (of course) visited clothes shops, and was amazed to see that women's shops all seemed to sell what looked like children's clothes. The fashion being for young women to look like schoolgirls...... Interesting!

There seemed to be only one day of serious rain, plenty of days of heat-n-humidity, no real disasters, and a very well run show. Well done Japan, and well done to everyone who took part; whether they gained medals or not.


  1. Though I find it strange that this Manga culture exists, I am sure it is only for the young and that Western 'news' will always highlight the sensational. Japanese society is very structured and formal.

    1. Ms Perkins did go to several shops, and it seemed that they were all selling much the same style.

  2. I am aware that Manga is huge in Japan and is used in official capacities like stations and notices and goes back a long way even with the older generation who recognise their heroes and villains. I haven't seen the Sue Perkins programme so will take a look sometime.

    1. I noticed that the opening video for the Olympics featured a group of girls who morphed into 'cute' schoolgirls.

  3. I am really looking forward to your comments about Baerbock, Laschet or Scholz, whoever our new chancellor will be.

    1. Let's hope they don't let bizarre jealousies get in the way of their politics. It's better to work WITH the UK, rather than AGAINST her.

  4. These Olympics were successful and all our three home countries, Greece, NZ and Australia did very well. NZ came in at no13. That's not bad for a country of only 4 mill.
    We didn't watch as much as we usually do. It was just too hot and we hardly tuned on the TV , till Greece started to burn. What I saw I enjoyed. A bit of running, a bit of swimming and wherever greece was competing of course we got endless repeats.
    I will look out for Sue Perkins too.

    1. I thought it was amazing that a little country like GB could come ahead of Russia in the medals count; but they did actually get more.

  5. I did not watch a lot of the Olympics. I was reading a book that had me engrossed. They were on because Tim watched them, but I paid little attention. When I did, I was hooked though. It sounds traitorous, but I really found myself rooting for Japan during the women's basketball. They really held their own, and we had taken gold so many times before.

    1. I didn't see any ball games. I prefer the running/jumping things; but even then, not too much.

  6. I wonder why medal winners had to wear coronavirus masks on the podiums. It wasn't a good look and did not make sense. Must have been a ruling from the International Olympic Committee. My favourite medal of the games was a bronze won by the British pole-vaulter Holly Bradshaw. A great example of "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again". If you happen to be a fan of "Magnon's Meanderings", well done Holly!

    1. I did see the very end of the ladies pole vault... I must admit, it was quite gripping! Yes, well done Holly.

  7. Well done GB and Australia didn't do too badly. As I said at YP's blog, ROC is a crock of pretend .... Who agreed to that? The OC I guess. I did not see him but our medal winning skateboarder pleased a lot of people here, especially the young.

    1. The ROC business is a joke. It reminds me of dodgy UK Co's who change their name and do the same; just so creditors can't get at the money they're owed. Why do we allow such things!!

    2. Like Phoenix companies that rise from the ashes and debts are cleared? It happens here too and it is a disgrace.

  8. We have another troll on this page... maybe it's Chloe or Mia More by another name. Who knows, the attitude is certainly the same. If this person continues with his/her conflict; he/she will be deleted.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I think you should take note of your final sentence yourself!

  10. Congratulations to GB on all their Olympic achievements. Well done. Fashion fads exist worldwide. Schoolgirl fashion is new to me. It implies innocence. Not bad in the larger scheme of things.

    1. Except that she did also talk about the clubs where these girls 'do something' (I can't remember what) whilst being watched by lots of old, or sad, men.

  11. Yes YP I felt the same about Holly - the look on her face when she did it was lovely to see.

  12. We loved the Olympics ….. I love watching sports that I wouldn’t normally watch. I think that Tokyo did an amazing job under such difficult circumstances. XXXX

    1. I watched about 10 minutes of 'Speed Climbing'. I can't say I found it terribly interesting; but I was amazed that it existed!

  13. The sue perkins programme I found interesting and rather wry

    1. I didn't see the whole programme, but everything about the clothes shops and clubs was quite revealing. A certain person who claims to have lived in Japan for two years, and said SP was talking rubbish, must have been either Coal Mining, or horse blinkers testing. She certainly didn't notice what was going on around her!

  14. I am so proud of GB. I dipped in and out but last night (or it may have been the night before, not sure now) I found a bit of syncronised swimming and couldn't help watching. It was amazing!

    1. OH NO; Don't tell me I missed the Synchronised Swimming. I love it. Damn!

  15. We in the U.S. know Sue Perkins if we watch the Great British Baking Show.
    Sounds as if her part would have been great fun to watch.

    1. That's right, she was in it with her comedy partner Mel XXX (sp?). I didn't know that show was exported.
