Monday 2 August 2021


I like cats. I've lived with cats since I was very small. At my native home in Surrey (below), we were hardly ever without a cat; but always just one at a time. I think I understand cats.

We only ever had two types; black or tabbies. The black ones were invariably called Blackie, and the Tabbies were always Tiddles. This one above in the arms of my French friend Didier, was no doubt a 'Tiddles'. This idea of sticking with the same names probably came from my aunt who lived down the road. She had a series of Highland Terriers (?) who were all called Rover.

We don't have a cat at present. Freddie (above) was our last one, who we lost at the end of 2018, and here he is, relaxing by the pool.

Like all cats he was an enigma. He was often very annoying, but also had a very friendly side to him. I would often awake in the night to find him curled-up sleeping under my chin. He often brought live mice into the bedroom, and at night would often demand to be let indoors from the roof's sky light.

As I hope you can see by the photo, he was a very beautiful boy, and like all cats had that wonderful look of arrogance and distain. He really did think we were his inferiors.

Shakespeare wrote 'I have studied many philosophers, and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior'. 



  1. What were you doing to get through so many cats?
    Sounds as if the Chinese takeaway needed a close look.

    1. We got through even more Budgies; I think the cats ate them.

  2. Replies
    1. The backs of his back legs were jet black too. Beautiful markings.

  3. As someone who suffers from allergies to most pets the thought of waking up to find a cat under my chin fills me with dread.
    Freddie was a very handsome chap wasn't he.

    1. He would never have done such a thing in daytime. My only problem was moving; he didn't like it if I tried to change my sleeping position.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I disliked his jacket, as much as he disliked my jeans.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. When she lived in Newcastle, my grandmother had a black cat which she called Nigger. I doubt that such a name would be acceptable these days. In fact, are we allowed to use the "N" word in your blog comments? After all, "Magnon's Meanderings" is famous for its political correctness.

    1. The last time I saw 'Reach for the Sky', the dark coloured dog was still called N****r. But I quite expect that'll change before long.

    2. I believe the film has been overdubbed with "Trigger" and in real live the dog's gravestone at RAF Scampton has been removed.

  6. We grew up with cats. My father had the most imaginative names for them and they were a big part of the family. Nothing like the wild beasts around here.
    I remember your Freddy with love. You had some great Freddy posts

    1. Freddie had a flare for dramatic posing. I'm sure he cared about how he looked.

  7. Well, even Shakespeare didn't always know his rhyme from his verse. How do you define wisdom? Particularly if it's not articulated. Having said that I once had a cat who had the most amazing vocabulary of measured tiny meows; her meows so nuanced in another life she might have been an opera singer (or Socrates). She and I had such amazing conversations. Quite extraordinary. Alas, she had a latent death wish (Kierkegaard?) - which eventually was fulfilled. Her son? Her son just purred. Indiscriminately.

    All the cats that have passed through my life, whether my own or those of others (including Freddie and John's Albert), are baked to my heart - if for different reasons.


    1. Wisdom is synonymous with age, so presumably he was talking of older cats! I don't think Freddie was much of a linguist; he came from Windsor, so maybe he'd learned his quiet demeanour at the castle.

  8. In Spain all cats are called "Michi" and all dogs "Tobi"
    (I think I exaggerate a bit)

    1. Sounds much like in the UK. All Border Collies are called 'Spot', all Pit Bulls are called Tyson, and all Yorkshire Terriers are called 'Koochy-woochie-woo'.

  9. The thing is, cats know they are superior....they understand you!
    Apparently cats are more vocal to us because that's how we communicate..we seem to have lost the ability to communicate with body language

    1. I'm sure that they appreciate humans who understand them! I've always had good relations with cats because I seem to know how they want to be treated.

  10. We've had three cats, all so different to each other. Our favourite was warm, loving and affectionate, and a shocking dribbler. The cat that would grab at our ankles with its claws out because we had offended her in some way unknown to us was horrible. Good cat, a lovely long and comfortable life. Bad cat, hit by a car and killed. Freddie does look very aloof and superior.

    1. Freddie was actually 'PAID FOR'. My oldest bought him in Windsor. I always thought that cats were given away by the sack load.

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