Wednesday 11 August 2021

At Last!!!

At last, it looks as if our Summer has started. Like so many in Europe, we've had terrible weather over the past month or so. I do hope the Meteo people know what they're talking about; a max of 33 C sounds fine, and just look at the 10 day forecast below!

Being optimistic, I took them at their word, and purchased that essential of all hot Summers; a Water Melon.

Cold Water Melon on a hot day, is perfect. It doesn't have too much flavour, it's 99.9% water, and it's the most refreshing thing imaginable.

This one below should last us several days.



  1. Nothing like a chilled watermelon on a hot day.

  2. Looks like you are going to be experiencing a lot of global warming over the next few days. Remember what Australians say: Slip! Slop! Slap!

    1. I thought they said Sip! Sup! and Fall over!

  3. It's been okay here. We must have enjoyed your share of global warming. It keeps raining but that is something we are used to in Scotland.

    1. It's either rained, or poured, on and off for weeks here. I've never known a Summer like it.

    2. Adrian, "global wetting" - funny (I mean the wording). Spare a thought for Noah and his ark. Those were the days.
      Meantime Greece and Italy are on fire.

      This spring/summer confusing. August appears to think it's April (unpredictable). Still, the odd drizzle is good for one's complexion and occasional downpours during the night keep these isles lush in its greenery.

      To put it another way: I'd rather drown than burn.


  4. We had our three week summer last month. Autumn is creeping in over here now, unless we get a final burst soon.

  5. Your weather forecast is very similar to ours for next week. Truly a strange world.

    1. I think it's 'all-change' for most of Europe now. Lady M has even just had an early swim... things are looking up!

  6. I thought after the head line, At Last our watermelons have ripened. I can't say the taste of them is strong, but it is not like eating a choko.

    1. To be refreshing they are better with not having too much flavour. I find a big slice far more satisfying than a glass of water.

  7. The forecast of a bad summer in the UK was available for all to see on the long range forecasts several months ago where the jet stream was expected to be weak and further south. That is indeed what has happened.

    1. I like to moan about the weather (like most Brits), but in fact I don't dislike any weather. However, a year without a pukka Summer would be pretty miserable.

    2. Even summers like this are not all bad. It is currently 20 C.

    3. 28C here. I have some mowing to do... then a swim. Out to an open air restaurant tonight.

  8. It is just pleasant here at around 22 - windows open - all that's missing is a water melon. (and a swimming pool)

    1. Perfect day here. Not too hot, and I can get on with things.

  9. Chilled watermelon - the best thing I ever tasted after clambering back (exhausted and thirsty) onto a boat in Australia after snorkelling in the Great Barrier Reef.

    1. I remember buying a big slice from a street vendor in Paris. It was ice cold and delicious.

  10. We've enjoyed a lot of warermelon this year and most of it has been full of taste. I've stopped buying it for the moment and we're eating melons and grapes. So much fruit. It's wonderful. The fridge is full. The colder the better

    1. Our second wave of Peaches is about to start too. Grapes, Apples, Pears, and (bought) Melons; can't be bad.

  11. Sunshine, a clear blue sky, swimming in a crystal clear pool and eating watermelon in France with beautiful garden surroundings sounds just perfect. It's hotter than hxxx here, near 100 degrees and predicted the same for the next few days. God help us!

    1. 33 C again here today, I don't know what that is in F, but it's plenty hot enough for us. I expect we'll spend the day in the pool.

  12. We're in a spate of bad weather over here. 60mph winds overnight. But it's not even the middle of August, so plenty of summer left. And since I don't like watermelon, more for the rest of you.

    1. Really strong wind is one of my nightmares. Our ancient roof tiles are not nailed down (they just rest one upon another), and can easily fly off.
