Friday 13 August 2021

Al Fresco Dining.

At this time of year, we make a point of eating out as often as possible, and what better than to eat outdoors in some pleasant cool environment.

This somewhat ramshackle restaurant reminds me of Greece, Spain, or even the Caribbean, where food, wine, and ambiance, are far more important than waiters wearing bow ties, or eating off expensive fine china.

I really don't mind white plastic chairs as long as the view of the sea (or in our case the lake), or some beautiful ancient building, is just an Olive pip's throw away.

This lakeside restaurant started life as a bar in a shed, and has now become a fully fledged eatery, specialising in Moules/Frites every Friday. Our recent visit was on Wednesday, when we ate Duck breasts with a mountain of chips, and a small salad. Perfect for a warm evening. We even bumped into my very good friend, Margaret, who'd had the same idea.

Such places may seem a bit rough-n-ready, but that's all part of the charm.

Small children swimming in the lake, a waterside table for two (top picture), dogs (including Billy) sleeping under tables, a very pleasant waitress (in mask above), and not a TV in sight. What more could you want. 

N.B. We had to show our proof of double vaccination. Lady M's is on her iPad, and it didn't work. Mine's on paper, and it did! Hooray for low-technology.


  1. Sounds pretty good. Interesting about the need for double vaccinations. Presumably, Lady M was allowed to dine with no proof.

    1. They could see that she had the necessary proof, but it just didn't work. I think she's now jiggled it a bit, so next time should be OK.

  2. I prefer rough and ready over fancy schmancy as long as the weather co-operates. I plan to ask for a paper certificate when I have had my second vaccination.

    1. I've never liked fancy restaurants, and I certainly don't like modern fancy food, with mountains of foam, etc.

  3. Oh that is just my sort of place!.I can remember about 30 odd years ago walking along the seafront in Blanes,Spain and coming across a place like this.Lots of locals eating there and the guys cooking out doors with fags hanging out their mouth as they stood at the grills,lol.It was very cheap as well but tasted wonderful!One of my best meals ever!xx

    1. Those sorts of places are wonderful. Unfortunately the owners suddenly realise that they are popular, so they often make changes, bring in a new 'chef', etc, and the places go down hill very quickly. I knew one such beach-side restaurant in Formentera, and after its re-birth it was hopeless.

  4. I love those places too. I can just relax, mentally kick off my shoes and enjoy the food and wine.

    1. Some of the Greek tavernas I've eaten at are the best examples. Basic seating etc, and good honest food; usually with a jovial host/chef.

    2. Talking of "jovial" hosts.

      Back in the late eighties, my mother visiting us, I took her to London. Royal Festival Hall, Southbank. Classic Flamenco. Post performance, and to round the evening off in style, I took my poor unsuspecting mother for dinner, a different area of London, one of those backstreets (dark, naturally; I like to make settings atmospheric). Cro, just entering that packed Spanish Den of an eaterie was a joyous riot. Just like their food, their tapas. My mother's eyes wide open not least once, after we'd eaten, the host jumped onto our (wooden) table and danced an impromptu flamenco.


    3. I once went to a Spanish restaurant near The Opera in Paris. At a certain stage of the evening, the whole family seemed to take part in Flamenco dancing, guitar playing, etc. It was magical.

  5. I know you haven't eaten out very often during this blasted pandemic so the leisurely lakeside repast must have been a real delight. I guess that an i-pad is the same as an eye patch. Sounds the same anyway.

    1. We've now decided that we're going out much more often. Why not!

  6. What a wonderful place. This week I went with my granddaughter to a small restaurant, I could not activate the vaccination permit on my iPhone, so we took the food and ate at home.

    1. These people were very understanding, and allowed us to stay. Maybe they shouldn't have.

  7. It all looks and sounds so nice. Oh for in house and outside public dining. Mussels in a tomato or creamy sauce with mop up bread sounds delightful.

    1. I can't actually remember the last time I ate INSIDE a restaurant.

  8. How I wish for moules - my favourite in the whole world - never had them with chips only mariniere - but any which way will do.

    1. The good thing about this particular restaurant is they keep coming round to ask if you'd like more Moules. We always say YES PLEASE.

  9. Perfect! You can eat good food in comfort and watch the antics of others. Good company is all you need. And your vaccination papers!

    1. It's a lovely spot. My top picture doesn't show the lake very well, but it's filled with Ducks.

  10. Sounds like a perfect summer meal!

    1. Even Billy loved it, and received a nice piece of Duck too.

  11. I love restaurants like that ..... its usually where you get the best food. XXXX

  12. You have to drive home, the only downside.

    1. I take the tiny back roads, but even the ordinary roads are deserted.

  13. Outside dining at local restaurants offering chef's specials on a summer day or evening is always enjoyable.

  14. I remember Friday night moules and frites by the lake.

    1. The covered area is bigger now. We always try to get a table in the open, near to the water.

  15. A perfect spot for a supper. I hope you have more this fine summer.

    1. It's looking good. We should now have a long period of good weather. 34 C forecast for today.

  16. Sounds like a blissful summer's evening out. You'll have to report back on a Friday moules dinner!

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