Monday 5 July 2021


Just a few days ago, on, I believe, July 1st, three statues were toppled in Canada. One of Queen Victoria, another of Queen Elizabeth II, and a third of Captain James Cook.

Between 1860 and 1970, around 150,000 indigenous children were taken from their families and sent to boarding schools, in order to educate and assimilate. The scheme was run by both Christian Churches, and the Canadian government; nothing at all to do with UK royalty past or present, or even great navigators. About 600 of these children are thought to have died within these institutions; from what, I have no idea.

No-one would sanction such programmes these days, and there is general consensus that such institutions were ill-advised

There is a trend to topple statues at the moment; almost regardless of why or wherefore. Angry adolescents aim their venom at whatever 'authority' is to hand, rather than looking for the true culprits. 

In this particular case, why were Catholic/Protestant churches not targeted; or why were government buildings not daubed with paint? THEY were the guilty ones! The British monarchy is non-political.

No forces of order seemed to be in attendance whilst the vandalism took place.

I just hope that when these people achieve their aim of anarchy, that they find the result better than what they destroyed. Somehow I think that they'll create a system that is far less liberal, than that which allowed them to destroy.

A very sad day for the reputation of Canada, and even more so for those who wilfully destroyed the three beautiful statues. What on earth are those orange-clad children thinking?



  1. It seems a bit hard to believe that those children managed to do that much damage without even hurting themselves.

    1. There were quite big gangs of them, all tugging at ropes.

  2. If we 'erase' the bits of history we don't agree with, how can future generations have any hope of learning from it?

    1. Quite right, it doesn't mean we condone any evil that went before.

  3. Nothing to do with the persons represented by those statues... but they come to represent the authority that oppressed the people.

    1. I do think they should have expressed their anger against the right people. The Catholic church are responsible for some appalling behaviour, and it would have been far better to have aimed their venom at the Pope. I'm amazed they've got away with so much for so long, and still do.

  4. According to headlines, there've been a number of churches set afire over in Canada. Including this past weekend. I can't say I understand how any violence today "sets right" oppression or tragedy from the past. Yet it seems last summer's protests, riots and toppling of statues, all leaders either impotent to control it or actively supporting it, gave permission that this is an acceptable way to express grievance. Society seems to have lost the ability to "adult" in general, globally.

    1. Such outbursts of anarchy by the very young does not bode well for the future.

  5. As a Canadian, and a loyal Monarchist, I am thoroughly disgusted. Several Catholic churches have been torched. Us folks in Eastern Ontario live on First Nations Territory. For the most part we all get along swimmingly.

    1. I would never condone any violence or wonton destruction, but far better to let the Catholic church know how they feel, than topple statues of people who are totally innocent.

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