Wednesday 21 July 2021


Yet again it's a strange Summer. No children making a racket in the pool, no inflatable Crocodiles left lying around, no clothes shoes or towels strewn on the lawn, and no constantly trying to find things for people to do to keep them busy. It is very quiet.

There are a few tourists about. The converted Pigsty next door has been regularly booked, the Metal Container homes have had one or two visitors, and some of the nearby Gites have just started their bookings. 

We see strangers wandering around the woodland footpaths, there are plenty of NL registered cars in the car parks, and we notice people sitting at bars wearing 'holiday clothes' and sunglasses.

For the moment the temperature is around 30 C, meaning that we may start taking post-lunch siestas before too long.

Talking of 'lunch' we try, as much as possible, to eat from Haddock's and the Orchard. Plenty of green vegs are now available, and Peaches are on the trees (above). My good friend J has offered us as many Tomatoes as we like (mine are hopeless again), and we shall go this evening to pick a few Beans. 

Our oldest nearby farming friends (the one's we've known for 47 years) are wonderful; they are generous, friendly, and always have time for a long chat. If only some of the newcomers were thus!

I like Summer; it's definitely MY season. I was born in July, so it's in the blood.


  1. Isn't tomorrow your birthday? If so, happy early birthday to you!

    1. Thank you Jennifer. We shall be visiting a favourite restaurant; the first time for many months.

  2. Is an inflatable Cro Codile the same as an inflatable Cro Magnon? Don't get overinflated at the birthday meal or you will burst!

    1. I am not keen on inflatable animals, lilos, inner tubes, etc, in the pool. One advantage of no kids, I suppose.

  3. Summer is wonderful. It is always a shame when ours ends all too soon.

    1. I couldn't agree more. As much as I like Autumn, it's always filled with some sadness.

  4. I'd prefer to retreat to the mountains during July and August and we almost do. We're up in the hills away from the madding crowd.
    I would like a bit more of the carefree feeling and going down to the water in the evenings for a glass of cold wine and a bit of people watching.
    Sometimes it can be too quiet.
    Your bread and cheese are enticing. Add the tomatoes and you have summer lunch perfection

    1. It's very popular here for people to head for the mountains in Summer. The tourists fry themselves on the beach, whilst the sensible ones keep cool.

  5. Happy birthday a day early. The house is so quiet without the grands, but I find myself really missing the noise and the activity sometimes.

    1. Thank you Debby. Yes it's lovely having the grandsons here, but I think they're ready to do other things for a while. They're 13/14ish, not a good age for holidays in the quiet of the countryside.

  6. Siestas sound good. Your birthday? A very happy fifty ninth. Knowing neighbours for 47 years? Tomato fail again? Best to rely on the kindness of neighbours, or the local supermarket.

    1. Thank you. Yes, we were very lucky to find that we had such lovely neighbours. They've always been wonderful.

  7. What variety of tomato were you growing this year?

    1. Some round red cherry toms, and two lots of 'Marmande'; one ribbed the other smooth. I will have a crop, but nothing like I'd hoped for.

    2. Supersteak and Coeur de Boeuf.

  8. Friendly neighbors are a true gift. Today, it seems people choose to maintain an unfriendly distance. Your harvest looks great. Tomatoes do not grow easily as they once did and mine, like yours, are marginal at best. Your pool looks beautiful and very inviting. Happy B-day!

    1. Thank you. The friend I mentioned, J, is a lovely guy. We've known 5 generations of his family, and in a way we've grown up together. His wife was also my two older children's teacher. I think a lot of the newcomers are 'townies', and don't understand the ways of country folk.

  9. What a delicious looking and fresh, simple meal. I think I'd like to have lunch by your pool, Cro. Socially distanced, of course!

    Years ago we lived just on the other side of a farmer's property in a new subdivision. My gardening caught the attention of the older couple, and we became fast friends. Generosity abounded in those days. I used to help the wife do her canning.

    1. In times gone by I always had an over-abundance of Toms, Peppers, Aubergines, and Courgettes, at this time of year, and I spent half my time bottling. But recently Haddock's has been less productive. I think I shall have to move my Veg plot to another area; it's become over used.

    2. Before you leave to winter in England, you could work about an inch of aged manure and a generous sprinkle of kelp meal into the soil (at least 6 inches deep), top with a layer of fall leaves and soak it all in with beer from your hose end sprayer. Next spring, work what's left of the leaf mulch in and let that sit a few weeks before planting. Just an idea.

  10. It is a different summer here also with a lot of awful and dangerous weather. The terrible once again (masks) off again pandemic sometimes gives us a breather and we can forget some cares, but then more panic is brought to us and it is all too much.

    I did mostly grafted tomatoes this year and although they were quite expensive, their promise of no blight was worth it - I thought. They are acting just like my seeded one and have as much blight. I do have many tomatoes but the plants look terrible and I doubt they will last the summer out. my peppers are almost a total loss. If I am around next year, I probably won't do a veggie garden. It has been a lot of hope and despair.

    Happy Birthday Cro.

    1. Thank you Arleen. We had just one grafted Tomato plant last year, and it did very well. As I have just written above, I think I'll have to move Haddock's to another location in future, I think the soil has become tired. It used to be SO PRODUCTIVE.

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