Thursday 15 July 2021

Best of fruits.

Mid July is when the first of our Orchard fruits begin to mature, and in particular the Peaches.

What nicer fruit is there to pluck from a tree on a warm summer's day, than a ripe juicy Peach.

The tree above is Boo Boo's birthday tree; planted on the very day he was born. It is the best of our Peach trees, and on a good year (such as this) will provide a huge amount of perfect fruits.

The best, of course, is to eat them whilst passing by; grab one, take a huge bite, and allow the juice to trickle down one's chin. What better way is there to enjoy them.

We never do anything else with them other than to eat them as they come. I've looked online at 'things to do with peaches', but nothing really takes my fancy. 

Our only problem is trying to keep the wretched birds off them; they seem to enjoy them as much as we do!


  1. Pure nectar! That's what a ripe, juicy peach is. It's hard to believe that Boo Boo's tree is that big already.

    1. It just a shame that he's not here to enjoy them; he's at school in Miami.

  2. I have peach envy :) One of the best things I've ever made with them is peach curd - one of those things that you just eat out of the jar with a teaspoon!

    1. Thanks for that MrsL, I shall look online. It certainly sounds good.

  3. How nice to be enjoying BooBoos peaches. They look wonderful.

    1. He would have loved them, instead he'll be eating Florida Oranges by the bucket load!

  4. I am envious. We can only get supermarket peaches here. It's like eating a hairy golf ball.

    1. Believe me, we don't take this for granted. We feel privileged to be able to grab Peaches directly from our own trees (or even someone else's). We're even envious of ourselves.

  5. They look very tasty. Sadly I can't eat peaches as they give me tum ache! As do plums that I also love. I read once that " stone fruits" don't agree with some people.

    1. Our only other ripe fruits at the moment are Plums. We have some very small Plums that are wonderful when cooked; full of pips of course, but delicious. It must be very annoying for you to have problems with both Plums and Peaches. I sympathise.

  6. That mental image of you with peach juice dribbling down your chin is quite erotic.

    1. Now don't get excited YP, I don't want you to have a heart attack.

  7. Peach Bellini is quite nice, easy to make too.

    1. Personally, I think that would spoil a nice glass of Champagne, but it would definitely taste very good.

  8. Peaches from the Niagara region are available to us in August. Nothing compares to a fresh, in season peach. I make a delicious peach pie, or you can also make peach jam if the mood strikes you. Preserved peaches in jars? -Jenn

    1. I have preserved them in jars, and very good they were too. I did once make jam but thought it too sweet, and with an indeterminate flavour.

  9. Boo Boo's peaches look fantastic. A home grown peach eaten right from the tree is unsurpassed. My peach tree has yet to produce peaches. The Bartlett and Bosc pear trees are filled with fruit. August should be bountiful.

    1. We have no Pears, but everything else is doing very well. Too much so!

  10. Oh, I think all fruit tastes best picked right off the tree, and eaten while still warm from the sun. My favorite is a handful of cherries!

    Peach cobbler, served warm from the oven and topped with a good dollop of vanilla ice cream!

    1. Other than picking Cherries for taking home, I also love climbing into the tree and eating them in situ. I used to do it as a child, and still do so today. I'll ask Lady M to make a cobbler!

  11. Summer and stone fruits - a divine combination.

  12. I meant to say thank you for the link to the Count Arthur Strong snippet! We'd never seen him before and tracked down and watched the first series and deemed it hysterical!

    1. CAS has a very particular type of humour that I really enjoy, however, my wife finds him annoying. I love all the different characters in the Café.
