Wednesday 9 June 2021

The Bear Necessities.

There are certain small gestures that reaffirm one's faith in commercial nature. 

Lady Magnon wears contact lenses, and she buys her cleaning liquids online.

They always arrive with a tiny 10g pack of Jelly Bears tucked into the box.

As Lady M is not keen on such things, she always passes the little packets to me.

She has remained faithful to the same suppliers for many years. I suspect it's not only because their product is good, and the right price, but also because they give her a tiny present every time she buys more.

A clever commercial gesture, that is much appreciated.

N.B. The Spanish 'Ositos de Oro' translates as Golden Bears, but, in fact, some are red, and others are green! Hmmm.


  1. Oh my god. Gummibaerchen (little rubber bears). My favourites were the red ones. Everyone's favourites are the red ones! Which leaves me with the questions what the other colours were there for. Contrast? A foil for red?

    Slogan of my childhood: "Haribo macht Kinder froh". In English it doesn't rhyme: Haribo makes kids happy.

    It's been years but I shall tempt myself next time I come across them. See if they still work their charm on me. Mind you, let me know what you think, some things which we remember fondly best left alone - lest they now disappoint.


    1. I quite like them, but, frankly, they're not a patch on Maynard's Wine Gums.

    2. I should add that the only 'sweets' that I regularly eat are Haribo 'Rotella', Lakritz wheels. Totally delicious; I eat one a day after lunch.

    3. Lakritze - another childhood memory. I relished them. When we lived in Hamburg here was a sweet shop just round the corner from us. You could buy Lakritze two ways - either shoe lace long and thin (1 Pfennig each) and, as you say, wheels (5 Pfennig). Those were the days. A Deutschmark bought you paradise and a tummy ache.


    4. I completely agree with you Cro as regards the Maynards Wine Gums! Still, a nice gesture.

    5. They are the best. The Black and Green ones are my favourites.

  2. That's a very thoughtful gesture.

    1. It costs nothing, but at the same time is very generous. It makes me smile every time I see the little packs.

  3. It is a nice gesture that makes customers feel good about a company. Might have been worth mentioning the company's name.

  4. I have never liked that kind of confectionary, but Haribo must make a tidy sum from all the businesses that pop their sweets into an order !

    1. I hope they do, and I hope the Eye-Care Co makes lots of money too.

  5. Oh, shame I no longer need to wear contact lenses!

    1. It's almost worth wearing them again, just for the Jelly Bears.

  6. What a lovely gesture by the company. Some of my Ebay purchases have handwritten 'thank you for your purchase' notes. It's the little things.

  7. A lovely gesture.
    I suddenly get little extras from an online order site. Clear plastic envelopes. Usually a dozen. They must have a huge surplus, as I do now. I hand them on to friends and family. Great for keeping important papers.
    We get those bears here too but as you say, nothing like wine gums.

    1. Very good PR. It doesn't really matter what the gift is; it's just nice to receive it.

  8. My son used to buy products from a company that deals with cycle products called Wiggle. Their packages always came with a little bag of Haribos

    1. Ah, so this isn't a one-off then. What a very good idea.

  9. A fellow at work was fired for eating these little bears on the job. I didn't understand until it came out that he was soaking them in vodka first.

    1. We heard of a woman who would take an Orange into work every day, which she would eat for lunch. They were heavily injected with Vodka.

  10. I think you will find that "Ositos de Oro" means crack cocaine which may explain your mood swings.

  11. I love those gummy bears. We can get them in Canada. I love European licorice too. Our Canadian/American stuff is gross. My sister and I are addicted to that very salty Dutch variety. I always share my stash with my Dutch Father InLaw when he visits too.

    1. I've been addicted to Liquorice since I was very small, but I can't stand the Dutch salty version. A few years ago I bought a pack, and had to throw it away. In theory I should like it; but no.

  12. I'm not a fan of gummy bears, but I did read somewhere that they now make chocolate covered gummy bears!
