Sunday 6 June 2021

The Aperitif of France.

When I first arrived in France, I was often invited to neighbours' or friends' houses, where invariably out came a bottle of Pastis.

It was taken for granted that all men drank Pastis, much as all men drank coffee. My problem was; I couldn't stand the stuff, so, as this tradition wasn't about to stop, I needed to do something about it. 

I decided to buy myself a litre bottle of Ricard, and I literally trained myself to like it.

It took a while; in fact it took the whole bottle, over a period of several months, but finally I cracked it, and now I have the occasional glass in Summer by choice. It's a very cooling/refreshing drink, and I love it.

I can't imagine many people in GB asking for a Pastis at their local CafĂ© or Pub'; it just wouldn't taste right. But a Ricard in Paris, a Sambuca in Venice, an Ouzo in Santorini, or a Raki in Izmir, goes down very well, and suits the occasion.

It's been warm here recently, so an evening glass of Ricard hits the spot (see above).



  1. I love Ouzo but haven't had it in years.

    1. I have a bottle of Ouzo, here, that has been waiting to be opened for over a decade.

  2. A glass of Pimm's on Summer evenings is a delight. Less arm gesticulating; and more refinement.

  3. I just gave myself a crash course in Pastis and Ricard. Interesting but while I don't mind Ouzo, I don't think I would be keen on either of options really.

    1. A bit like Marmite/Vegemite; it's an acquired taste.

  4. That was essential I'm sure to live with the locals. It reminds me of myself and Greek coffee. Not my favourite by any means but I can drink it sweet or bitter and pretend to enjoy it.
    I do enjoy a summer ouzo though, with lots of water and ice. Just one though. Two and my legs start wobbling.
    Stin igeia sas. A votre santé

    1. We had a Greek friend at college who used to make Greek Coffee. It was always very strong and grainy. I didn't care for it, but I did like her little pot.

  5. When I had my first Pastis (age twenty, South of France, hot summer) I was in seventh heaven. The taste of liquorice - my favourite childhood "sweet". Aniseed does come with my heritage.

    On my own, having escaped the stoners down the beach (weed not my thing), I found this bar in Saintes-Marie-de-la-Mer. Largely empty, (whirring fan on the ceiling) bar, midday sun. I ordered a Pastis and it came with a large carafe of ice cold water to thin it down, again and again and again. That drink lasted me and my book all afternoon.

    Thanks for bringing back a wonderful memory of peace, quiet and Pastis. As you say, it's definitely a drink for a hot summer's day. Which, SURPRISE surprise, you may find in England too.


    1. As from next Tuesday, it's going to be hot here, so plenty of ice in the freezer, and Pastis in my glass. Things are looking good.

  6. Hubby likes it but I don't like the smell , I prefer a kir or a kir Breton .

    1. Usually at restaurants, my wife has a Kir, and I have a Ricard.

  7. My husband drinks ouzo mixed with an Italian liquorice thick black drink. Tastes and smells like those round liquorice allsorts with the little balls on.

    1. I eat one liquorice wheel (no hundreds and thousands) every day after lunch. I've done so for years. I don't like the sound of that black drink!!

  8. I used to drink Richard with water in the 1980s, it was quite fashionable at the time. I haven't touched it for years.

    1. I used to smoke Gauloise cigs, which always went well with a Ricard.

  9. In Greece, I would often have a glass or two of ouzo but like "Ricard" it's powerful stuff. Have too much and you may find yourself in Narnia sans trousers.

    1. I only ever have one. After that I move on to red wine.

  10. I like the taste of aniseed but strangely I don't really like Pastis. I'll have a Kir please.

  11. When we lived in Tenerife we used to drink the local equivalent Anis Dulce. I have memories of several quite remarkable headaches as a result.

    1. One glass is enough for me, and it usually lasts a long time.

  12. The list of things that I have never done gets longer and longer.

  13. I have just bought myself a new bottle of Sambuca and enjoy a small glass after supper occasionally. I also enjoy Absinthe with water when I can get it (not many bars offer it).

    1. Absinthe has made a come-back. I've not seen it on sale.... which is probably a good thing.

  14. Have heard of Pastis, but don't know exactly what it is... nor Kir. But I did have Greek coffee once at a Greek Festival here in Texas. Only remember that it was very thick.

    1. Pastis is an alcoholic drink that tastes of aniseed. It is mixed with very cold water and an ice cube. Kir is white wine (or Champagne) with a dash of Blackcurrant juice. Both very Summery drinks.
