Thursday 17 June 2021

More 20 Dislikes.


I was doodling in my notepad yesterday evening, trying to think of all the things I really dislike more than pink shorts.  I'd written a reasonable list, when I remembered having written something similar about 6 years previously.

I searched back through my old blogs, and eventually found it. It was interesting to compare the two lists. Basically they were much the same, but there were a few notable differences. In my old list I'd included The colour Orange, ISIS, cold weather, and Jeremy Corbyn & Co. These have now been replaced.

In no particular order (other than my hated No 1), here is my short list of major dislikes.

1. Hypocrisy



4. Laziness

5. Virtue Signalling/Woke-ism

6. Pomposity

7. Angelica; the green bits one occasionally finds in cakes, etc

8. Bread and Butter Pudding

9. Extremes in politics; both left and right

10. Misguided urban 'do-gooder' movements

11. Being expected to give a tip to people who don't deserve them

12. Clothes/Shoes buying

13. Cars/Machines that won't start

14. Wine that tastes like Vinegar

15. Snakes

16. Frogspawn (the dessert, of school lunches fame)

17. Lack of Punctuality

18. Crime/Criminals

19. Inconsiderate neighbours

20. Those awful paintings of wide-eyed Parisian street urchins (Yuk)


  1. I don't like candied fruit either.

    Hypocrisy, virtue signalling, pomposity are, of course, the domain of your average blogger. Present company [yours] excepted. HA.

    The rest of your list is just life. Take it in your stride. Shrug it off.

    Where do you find wine that tastes like vinegar? I am forever on the lookout for vinegar that tastes like wine (say, Sherry Vinegar).


    1. Such wine is known here as 'Piquette', and comes in a variety of strengths. We even had to abandon one vineyard on account of it's having reached level 9.

      I shall ignore your para 2, as my life has witnessed otherwise.

  2. I would agree with all except number 12.

    1. I will forgive you that, and I know that Lady M would agree with you.

  3. My Dad told me never to hate anything because it is a destructive emotion. Having said that there are many things on your list that I dislike. I think perhaps the human quality I am most intolerant of is intolerance (which includes your number 9).

    1. I agree, which is why I was very careful to use the word 'dislike'. It is that intolerance which No 9 personifies, as well as the political frustration that accompanies it.

  4. I agree with Ursula, virtue signalling and hypocrisy is rife on blogs and social media as a whole with positions of moral high ground being very popular.

    1. The 'moral high ground' is very prevalent amongst those who take extreme political positions. They cannot believe that anyone could ever think other than they do. Insults usually follow.

  5. Good to see that No.8 was bread and butter pudding and not Yorkshire Pudding!

    1. I like all the ingredients; but together, I don't know what happens, they make me feel ill.

  6. I think I would choose No.1 hypocrisy. Because we are all guilty of it, though would claim otherwise ;)

    1. I hope we're not. I only know a very few people who are openly hypocritical, and it's always come back to bite them on the bum.

  7. Some of your dislikes are easier to avoid than others. Can't say I've seen angelica on a cake or one of those street urchin paintings for many a year!

    1. I always insist that the 'green bits' are removed from mixed peel well before any cake-making can begin. Maybe all those 'urchin' reproductions have now been burnt.

  8. My no 1 would be cars and machines that don't start . Then that vinegary wine. Life should be without hassles and enjoyable!!
    Your list is comprehensive. Some annoy more than others. I wouldn't mind a bit of frog spawn. Heavens it's been many many years since I've seen that anywhere, cooked or not

    1. I'm not sure if I've actually eaten it. One look was enough to put me off for life!

  9. What on earth is a frog spawn dessert?

    My number one biggest hate is hypercritical people.

    1. Is it Tapioca? Tiny transparent balls of nastiness in some sort of horrible sauce. An insult to gastronomy.

    2. Tapioca. I also don't remember anyone ever eating it. We used to move it around the plate and pretend to eat! It really did look like frog spawn.

    3. Horrible stuff. They sometimes use it in soup here (which I never touch), where it is known as 'Perles de Japon'.

    4. I was going to ask this myself--so thanks Debby!

    5. I detested it at school too and then many years later came the mad fashion for 'bubble tea' - BLURGH!

  10. Man, I was with you before and after bread and butter pudding. Delicious.

    1. Maybe delicious for you Andrew, but for me, a NIGHTMARE.

  11. Just read your comment over at a blog where I am not welcome. The person in question might punch the shit out of someone at school yet, as a grown man, can't stand his ground with me. Be that as it may.

    However, what you, Cro, say, interesting:
    "You might say that humans are plagued by memory as we try to make sense of our passing lives. It seems that animals do not have to bear that particular cross."

    How do we know that, Cro? Elephants are famed for their long memories. Very long memories. I have seen rescue dogs and cats quiver at, say, a man's long trousers. How come if they don't have memories? Pavlova anyone?

    Forgive me for going off topic - hope it worthwhile.


    1. Was this a comment about 'bullying', and my daughter's response?

    2. No, it wasn't about your daughter. Look no further than Yorkshire and today's pudding.


    3. Accusations should not be made publically

  12. Many of us can agree on some-many of your dislikes but after coming out of this past terrible year still vertical and fortunate to still have our family intact, I would next like to read what you and others are grateful for in 2021.

    1. My 'likes' will appear tomorrow, but they're not really 2021 related.

  13. I'm with you on Angelica. Not too keen on snakes either.

    1. Angelica really is horrible stuff. I honestly wonder if anyone at all like it. I haven't seen a snake yet this year, maybe they've gone elsewhere. Fingers crossed!

  14. Nr. 8 how is it possible? The first thing I do when putting feet on British soil take the bus from Norwich airport to the city. From the busstation a quick walk to Greggs where my bread and butter pudding and coffee is waiting for me. The trouble is I have waited so long now.

    1. I would join you for the coffee, but no Bread-n-Butter Pudding for me thank you. Just the smell of it makes me ill.

  15. Re "frogspawn": can I suggest you try the dessert Gula Melaka instead. It's delicious! Also, try adding home made marmalade to Bread and Butter Pudding.
