Thursday 3 June 2021

Little and Large.

I've posted this photo before, but I thought I'd do so again; just for the hell of it. I believe it was taken on 28th June 1954. 

At the time Churchill was Prime minister; Eden (background right) later replaced him in April of 1955. Between the two is Roger Makins (later Lord Sherfield) who was the Ambassador.

Eden's premiership was exemplified by his failure to resolve the Suez crisis; Nasser proving to be the only 'winner' after the conflict. Some international relationships were strengthened (UK-USA, and France-Israel), but Egypt's renewed friendship with Russia became a lingering problem. Eden soon resigned, and has since been seen as a weak PM. In the photo he must have had no idea what his future would hold.

The photo was taken on the steps of the British Embassy in Washington DC, where my late Father-in-Law was a senior diplomat; he's just out of shot.

The small girl sitting at the base of a pillar (bottom left) is a very bored Lady Magnon.

Soon after the photo was taken, Churchill asked the young Lady M if she'd enjoyed his speech. Being from a 'diplomatic family' she replied "yes". She lied!



  1. Replies
    1. We have the original, but it's a bit battered.

  2. It is not everyone whose had their wife's photo taken with Churchill, even if we can't see the young Lady M's face.

    1. I had my photo taken with Harold Macmillan, but I think I've lost it.

  3. LOL. You did well to marry a diplomat's daughter then, didn't you? It certainly makes marriage much easier, I'm guessing. Not that I would actually know. No diplomats in my family.

  4. Wow! That is amazing that Mini-Lady Magnon was so close to Churchill and spoke with him. I guess that Eden is currently wandering around The Garden of Eden - still feeling lost. Useless pillock! (I'm talking about Eden - not you!)

    1. He shouldn't have been so gullible. Why would anyone have believed Hitler?
