Monday 7 June 2021

Lett-us rejoice.

Lady, lady, quite contray-ree.

how does your garden grow?

With Salad plants, and Angels' chants,

And lots of bloody weeds all in a bloody row.

Lady Magnon is fed-up with my lack of Salad production at Haddock's. I tend not to grow them because they all mature at once, and most are wasted. So, she's decided to grow her own.

She's found a vacant plot, sown a mix of red and green salads, and it won't be long before we start to harvest them. This is her first attempt at Salads, and she's rightfully very proud of herself.

We shall start eating them next week. Well done m'dear.


  1. Your subject line very funny.

    As it's well known among those who have shared a table with me I was a rabbit in an earlier life. If left to my own devices I'd eat salad by the bucket full. So, if I lived round your corner Lady M (think Mr McGregor) may find the leaves of her labour depleted. Sorry, Lady M, but thanks. Or, before temptation gets the better of me and to keep the peace, maybe you could invite me over. I'll bring the dressing. Great show.


  2. Well done Lady M - what took you so long to unveil your talent in this respect?

    1. I don't think I'd be wise to answer this.

  3. Did she seek out Cro advice or just do it on her own?

    1. A small amount of advice from beyond Rolling Pin throwing distance.

  4. I sow mixed salad leaves...I like the cut and come again method

  5. They have a saying here 'if someone won't scratch your back then lift your hand and scratch it yourself'.
    You're in for a summer of salad days. Good for Lady M.

    1. Now that I know she's capable of scratching her own back....

  6. Next year she will be wanting to take over Haddock's while you sit in your bath chair drinking Ricard and red wine with drool upon your chin. She may even take over this blog and rename it "LADY MAGNON'S REVELATIONS".

    1. Her own blog was called 'A Lady of Leisure' which is exactly what she is.

  7. Wise woman. Instead of arguing about it, she simply did it herself. A true diplomat's daughter. She knows the value of world peas.

    1. I just told her about your 'world peas', luckily she still looks radish-ing.

    2. Well, if you carrot all, you would have just planted the lettuce yourself.

  8. Maybe I should just leaf now.
