Wednesday 30 June 2021

Just like Christmas.

I was at my local Leclerc supermarket yesterday morning, and, as all Tour de France aficionados will know, they are sponsoring the red polka dot 'king of the mountains' jersey this year.

At the checkout I was given a long red spotted box, which proved to contain what you see below; a map of France for colouring in, complete with a small pack of crayons.

I was a little surprised that the map was unrelated to the Tour itself; I would have preferred that it followed the route in some way.

It says on the box that the map was made in China, and is for those above 3 years old. There are 4 colours in the tiny box; green, blue, yellow, and red, all also made in China.

I was also given two scratch cards. The first one was no good, but the second one said that I'd won a Tour de France game, which I will claim next Tuesday.

Don't ever say that life isn't anything but exciting here in France. A surprise around every corner. 

Now, where are those crayons?

Regarding the Tour itself; what an amazing finish yesterday. Well done Cav.

p.s. Well done also to England Footballers. What punishment is being planned by both France and Germany, we shall soon see. Macron and Merkel must be FURIOUS! 


  1. As you may imagine, Cav's success has gone down really well here in IOM.

    1. Local boy done good! I'm a big fan, it was wonderful seeing him win yesterday.

  2. I heard both football teams blame Brexit for them loosing, What a result for the legend that is Cav, he didn’t even get a mention on the U.K. news.

    1. Of course Brexit is to blame. It's to blame for all the UK's current successes.

  3. You can spend many hours happily crayonning now. We await the final masterpiece! Hope your Tour de France game is equally inspiring

    1. I expect they'll both be going to the dustbin. I'd rather they'd given me 3 centimes.

  4. Have fun colouring in. The end result should be brilliant - you being an artist and all. I trust you will post a picture of the completed artefact here. Lady Magnon is not allowed to help.

    1. Wasn't it Trump's library that was burnt down; all three books were destroyed, including the one he was still colouring.

  5. Was going to say that Rachel would like the map and crayons but, if it’s not relative to this years Tour, then she probably won’t !
    Maybe the grandchildren will like the Tour game ? XXXX

    1. It's more a map of regional specialities, than the Tour itself. I think I won a Tour game once before; it was rubbish.

  6. Adult colouring books are supposed to be good therapy for older brains and minds.

    1. Send me your full address, and it'll be on its way.

    2. Touché. As an old brain and mind I deeply resemble Andrew's slur. Or do I resent it? Hmmm.

  7. We are all children at heart! Hugs.

    1. I still play Snap and Snakes-n-Ladders, but only with my grandsons.

  8. I hate that our souvenirs are all made in China, unless you can connect with a local crafter or artisan.

    1. My surprise was that such things can easily be made here in France, but (I imagine) not at the same price!
