Monday 28 June 2021

Compost Fry-Up.

Haddock's is now producing a reasonable amount of vegs, so perfect time to produce the first of our Summer 'Compost Fry-Ups'.

If you are new to this page; let me explain.

My 'Compost Fry-Up' consists of any vegs found either in the garden, at the back of the fridge, or in the veg aisle at Leclerc supermarket. The main ingredients being spuds, beans, courgettes, peppers, mushrooms, or whatever. All is pre-prepared (according to cooking times), then fried in plenty of garlic butter, and eventually given a generous sprinkling of cumin powder.

The result is wonderful. No need for meat, the overall flavour seems to bypass any desire for a steak or chops.

I must add that when my children were small, they were brought up on this Summery dish, and it became a firm favourite. They still love it today; as do we. 



  1. I love this time of year when I can pick young and tender veg from the garden. Enjoying baby broad beans and carrots at the moment. Your compost fry up looks wicked!

    1. It was our first of 2021, that combination of butter, olive oil, and cumin, is so good.

  2. Sounds great. We call 'compost' the sauce we make up out of all the veg left in the fridge at the end of the week, with a jar or two of home canned tomatoes tipped in if not enough tomatoes in the leftovers - goes on pasta, pizza, and used for baking aubergines in with feta on top. If they didn't go into this compost, they would end up in the other one and we hate waste.

    1. Compost obviously has more uses than just for putting on the Rhubarb.

  3. It looks and sounds delicious and I bet you used low salt, low fat butter.

    1. Low fat butter, low fat garlic, you name it.

  4. A great way to enjoy veg. Sounds wonderful.

    1. A great way to use up all those vegs that hang around.... but only whilst they're still FRESH.

  5. As ex-allotmenteers, and ardent veg growers....
    we rapidly came to the conclusion that meat was an optional condiment at certain times of the year,,,,
    especially the summer....
    I can't binge out on meat at a barbie.... gives me chronic.... far rather a nice chop and assorted salads, or as last night.... assorted salads and and a finger sized chunk of terrine

    1. We only really eat meat in the evenings. But I must add, that if anyone wants to make me happy, they chuck a load of Lamb on the BBQ. Heaven.

  6. Mmm perfect dish for today. We've got loads of bits and pieces.
    Great creation of yours.

  7. It seems to me that almost anything fried in butter and a little garlic becomes delicious.

    1. That's true, it works with everything from fish, to steak, and vegs. The only other essential of Summer is Lemon (mine are preserved).

  8. Swap the spuds for some noodles and this is much what I had for my lunch yesterday too.

  9. Delicious ….. it’s good to have a break from meat and have a few veggie dishes in the week. XXXX

    1. We're not aiming to be 100% veggie, but we eat veggie quite often. Frankly I'm happy either way, as long as it tastes good!

  10. The name of the dish - "Compost Fry-Up" is rather off-putting. It deserves a more tempting, sophisticated name. My suggestion is "Melange de Magnon".

  11. We do something similar here with a good summer sausage and potatoes, cabbage, carrots, pepper, celery. It is one of Tim's favorite suppers.

  12. This sounds delicious and very healthy, not to mention thrifty. I'll have to try something similar since we're working on eating less meat.

    1. I think we're all doing much the same. Better for us, and cheaper.

  13. A quick, delicious, thrifty meal! Perfect for the heat of summer.
