Tuesday 18 May 2021

What a wonderful surprise.

A friend, and blog reader, from nearby; Joan M has just sent me these two wonderful books. One is about Sussex villages, and the other about our UK home town of Brighton.

Both books are beautifully illustrated with line drawings by Gerald Lip and David Peacock. There is even a lovely drawing of the 14th C church at the bottom of our road; I note that they spell it St Nicolas Church, and not St Nicholas Church as it's written today.

I never think of Brighton as a 'Seaside Resort', to me it's a residential town (city), which is full of character and characters. It also retains much of its charm from the early 1500's, with the famous 'Lanes' being its best known quarter (below).

One never stops learning about the history of a town. I was intrigued to read that the Duke of Wellington had attended St Nicholas Church. I have always wanted to attend our Christmas 'Midnight Mass', but have never yet managed to do so. We really must go one year; It would be good to have something in common with Wellington.

Just in case you haven't heard of Brighton, it's a UK south coast town with a reputation for artists, fun, fashion, youth, a big gay scene, theatre, music, two universities, the sea, fabulous international restaurants, and 'wealth'. Because of its location, it's often referred to as 'London by the Sea'. It's a wonderful place to live.

So, thank you Joan; your gift is highly appreciated. We're actually looking forward to being back there this winter!



  1. What a wonderful gift. I look forward to reading about your life in Brighton over winter.

    1. Yes, it'll be an adventure. I haven't been back for about 20 years.

  2. Although only there for a few hours we very much liked Brighton. It felt very alive with happy people, and it is a physically attractive city.

    1. It's a fun town, as opposed to many on the south coast that cater mostly for the elderly.

  3. You make Brighton sound like a very desirable place to live. I hope you find it's exactly that

    1. I'm sure it will be, it's never lost its desirable reputation. Of course much will have changed since my last visit, and as the result of Covid, but the bare bones will always be there.

  4. It certainly seems to have a lot going for it. I am looking forward to your Brighton Blog.

    1. It's one of the UK's best places to live.

  5. I love Brighton …. I remember the first time I went as a teenager and staring open-mouthed at The Pavilion. Have been back on many occasions …. Browsing in The Lanes and eating great food in the many restaurants. You will obviously see a change after 20 years but change is good. XXXX

    1. I'm looking forward to discovering it all again.

  6. Brighton is still a fantastic place to visit, I love the lanes.

    1. Both The Lanes, and The North Laine area, are what Brighton is all about.

  7. It is quite odd that the only thing I can recall about the only visit I can recall making to Brighton in a car was having to pay the most expensive amount per hour to park that I had ever encountered. To make matters worse the exit machine wouldn't read my credit cards. I wasn't very popular for a while. I've never been back.

    1. We have the delightful Green MP Caroline Lucas in Brighton. I believe she has totally ruined parking in town. She is very anti-cars.

  8. It is a place I have never been but I have friends who lived there and they alwaYS speak lovingly of it.

    1. I think it's a place to live, rather than a place to visit. One needs time to appreciate it.

  9. You already have something in common with The Duke of Wellington - wellingtons!
    P.S. Have VisitBrighton given you a backhander to publish this blogpost?
    P.P.S. I can confirm that Brighton is a great place.

    1. I've eaten at an outdoor 'bistro' in Grand Cayman called 'Wellies Cool Spot', the owner's given name was Wellington.

  10. I have visited Brighton and found it to be a very interesting spot to explore.
    I agree with you about sometimes not knowing the history of our own towns. I've been going through the archives of the church where I work and it really does offer a snapshot into the history of not only the city but the province.

    1. I'm a hopeless tourist, I never know much about my surroundings. Luckily these books will tell me all I need to know.

  11. I used to get taken for holidays to my Aunty in Brighton as a child, oh the excitement of approaching on the coach and smelling the scent of the sea. I couldn't wait to get to the beach and always got taken to one of those beach shops and my nan would buy me one of those multi-coloured rubber bucket and spades. Frustrating though, trying to dig a sand castle in all those pebbles.Also got taken to the open air paddling pool, I think it was called Peter Pan? Just loved those bright green double-decker Southdown buses as well, (I still think of that particular colour as "Southdown Green"). Great memories!

    1. The Southdown buses and the Police in white helmets were always a big part of Brighton life. Things change.

  12. My grandmother (and other distant forebears) used to live in Brighton so I have been there many times. A charming and interesting place.

  13. I think your split living in Brighton and South France will be very good. You will have the best of both worlds and always have something to look forward to. What we fear, sometimes turns out to be a blessing.

    1. We'll certainly be making the best of the situation. We're looking forward to it.

  14. Twenty years is a long time. Wish I could say something encouraging about Brighton today. Unfortunately, I can't.
    Just don't expect it to be like it used to be. Just saying......

    1. I'm not listening to you.... I know it'll be wonderful.

  15. It will be interesting to get your views on it after so long away.

  16. The kindness of blog readers
    It has lifted me so many times x

    1. And this wasn't her first time. Lovely lady.

  17. I like those line drawings.

    I have never been to Brighton..I think I would like to go around it very early on a clear summer morning, with no people or cars around.....then I would get the chance just to stand and appreciate without interruption!
