Thursday 20 May 2021

The Charge of the Woke Brigade.

It is being claimed that the current spate of jiggery-wokery is responsible for Labour's dire results at the polls recently. I'm sure these claims are right; people are sick to death of all this silliness.

So, what is prompting all this Woke popularity amongst the juvenile 'far-left'? 

Obviously, being out of favour politically is hurtful; and Labour supporters are frustrated. But surely the best way to regain popularity is to become trusted again, and this will never happen whilst all this negativity abounds. Their current bout of disgraceful, thinly veiled, anti-Semitism, and support for the Hamas terrorists, doesn't help their cause either.

The 'Woke Generation' (how I hate that expression) are shooting themselves in the foot. They are desperate for Labour's far-left to regain power, and are demonstrating exactly how that power would be enacted; or at least how they wish it would! Of course, the Labour Party rarely shows any interest in the desires or interests of their more radical supporters; who presumably are seen as trouble-makers, just as they are outside the party.

The Labour voters' choice is now a difficult one; it's between the untrustworthy extreme left, and the more liberal 'Newer' Labour. The former fills people with horror, and the latter is seen as weak and ineffective.

Sir Keir, et al, should remember that the vast majority of the British voting public are tolerant, fair minded, and moderate people; and that Wokery has no place in any Labour manifesto. 

In desperation I now hear that Sir Keir has employed Deborah Mattinson as his 'Director of Strategy'. Ms Mattinson steered Mrs Thatcher to a couple of famous victories, so maybe there's hope for him yet.

Do not be fooled; 'Wokery' is no joke, its aims are to undermine the very culture and history of a nation. I fear it may be a while before a more sensible Labour Party is seen as electable. I, for one, hope that time comes a.s.a.p.

Personally I'm a very middle-of-the-road Conservative who would like to see a strong Labour opposition. Democracy relies on opposition, and unfortunately the 'Woke Generation' are doing their best to ensure that doesn't happen.


  1. I am always puzzled by a country or race having 'certain values', that apparently no other country in the world has, and these 'values' must be protected at all costs. I put the term with 'living in God's own country' and 'political correctness gone mad'. There is often an unpleasant back story when such phrases are uttered.

  2. PS. I don't know what Woke means and I've no intention of finding out.

    1. I think all countries have a different character which stems from their history; good or bad. To try to erase what makes a nation individual seems like heresy to me. In Oz, they tried to destroy the Aboriginal culture, which I believe has now been curtailed, and they are now seeing what a rich history they offered. We should embrace our history, not try to change or hide it.

    2. I am not sure about "embracing" history (embracing suggesting approval of many a folly) but I do agree with you that we should acknowledge history, warts and all. Neither, and I believe that's what Andrew hinted at, should any nation self-aggrandize.

      As to countries having "different characters": Yes, of course. Yet, in this day and age nationalities mingle. By way of example, the Apple of my Eye is of dual nationality, grew up in the fatherland yet with strong links to the motherland. Similar, I believe, applies to your own nomadic offspring and their kids. Not to mention the USA, a veritable hotchpot of tribes ranging from the original inhabitants (Apaches anyone?) to the descendants of the European Continent.

      The world is in flux - and how we define identity, roots, home, belonging (indeed NOT belonging), culture, language, you name it, we'll need to be open to what is now, what will be, rather than cling to what was.


    3. I don't think we should 'cling' to what was, just accept that it happened. Throwing statues into the sea, does nothing to expose the nature of slavery, nor does sacking university professors help the cause of people who see themselves as a different sex to that on their birth certificate. Wasn't there an expression 'There are many different ways to skin a cat'.

    4. The statue matter is hard. I think of how offensive a statue may be to some people. But I am never one for covering over history.
      U is right about what I was suggesting. I don't know if it is an Australian expression or not, but my grandparents impressed to us, 'No one likes a skite', and that goes for wherever you live too.

      Yes, what was done to Aborigines here was terrible. It is our history and not one to be proud of. We now throw millions of dollars at solving the results of what happened with little effect.

  3. Interesting to read the goings-on in the culture and political life of another nation -- especially G.B. There's a lot of "woke" going on here in the U.S., too.

    1. I believe it began in the USA. Luckily there is now a widespread vocal and vociferous backlash against the Woke Movement', and it is being seen for what it is. Damage has already been done, but we can halt its progress. Free speech is a very basic human right, and it must be preserved (with certain provisos).

  4. Wokery, woke, a harmless sounding term. But it isn't. It's really a form of suppressing opposing ideas, or of anything you don't approve of.
    When Hitler took power he didn't actually win the election, he came second and Hindenburg appointed him Chancellor. A secondary position at the time. When Hindenburg died Hitlers followers went around suppressing any dissent against him. Initially starting with very similar tactics to the woke until they moved in to demonstrations of violence, like riots....
    Similarly Chairman Maos red guard used the same tactics, as did Lenin in Russia. Soft censorship, cancelling performers, writers, political opposition and generally anyone they disagreed with was the beginning.
    History shows us how all that played out.
    The so called woke are in fact the entire opposite.
    When people speak of free speech they forget that free speech even covers the things you don't want to hear. The things you oppose, even loathe, should be aired and of course voraciously opposed utilising your own free speech should you choose to do so. Anything less and you're already on the road to a totalitarian state .

    1. Your opening para' says it all. These people will soon come to understand that they are working against themselves. I believe many of the original BLM activists became disillusioned with all the extremism, as did many of the Extinction Rebellion folk. No doubt certain things needed to be said, but the extent to which they have now gone is self-destructive. The Woke protagonists need to think again.

    2. Things always need to be said. It's the censoring and cancelling of different opinions to what they that is the issue. Thankfully people are beginning to see the coercive and harmful nature of the "woke".

    3. Ro, what type of agriculture are you involved in? I often think of myself as a frustrated farmer.

  5. Based on your final paragraph it seems we might be of very similar views - certainly on the need for an opposition worthy of the description.

    1. Absolutely, and the more extreme the young left become, the less likelihood there is!

  6. I believe that this of which you write is not representative of the true far left of the Labour Party in the name of McDonnell etc. and they would not follow policies of this nature. They would get far more down to the nitty gritty of Socialism.

    1. Maybe not, but if you were to do a survey of the Woke protagonists, you would find that they're all of the far left ilk. I very much doubt if there are any Tories amongst them.

    2. Yes they think they are of "the far left ilk" but if you actually questioned them on what far left policies really are they would not be able to answer.

    3. And even if they could, those policies would have nothing to do with Wokery.

  7. As a proud, lifelong Labour supporter myself what I have to say with regard to this particular post is "No Comment" and - Did you find that absurd chart in "The Sun"?

    1. No, and I respect your 'no comment'.

    2. YP, yes, the chart is absurd. Not least because it doesn't actually reflect what a Labour/Conservative might think. It asks, correct me if I am wrong, on the left hand side (looking at the screen) "Which party do you think is the most likely to agree?" If that doesn't stink of bias I don't know what does. WHO was asked? And where are the Greens?


    3. What Greens? There are only about a dozen of them.

  8. Woke means being aware of social injustice.
    I can't say I like the word itself, but it seems to be being twisted and used against people.
    Surely anyone of any political persuasion should be aware of social injustice?
    Surely being properly described as woke is a compliment and should be apolitical?

    1. You may well be right about the original 'meaning' of the word, but it's the fanatical interpretation by activists that have given it a bad name. Luckily Wokism is now losing supporters and is rapidly retreating. The sooner it disappears, the better.

    2. I agree, GZ. "Woke" is not the most pleasing, audibly. A bit like "choke". Yet the actual concept, as you say, namely "being made aware of social injustice" is sound. And, yes, that awareness should not be linked to political leanings.

      Unfortunately, like so many originally great concepts, a "movement" develops a momentum of its own, is hijacked by lobbies with their own agenda. Ridiculed by those with yet another agenda. Till it's all watered down.


    3. That is a pretty good précis of my piece above. I'm pleased we agree on something; at last.

    4. I have just read that Oriel College, Oxford, will NOT be removing the statue of Cecil Rhodes.... Sanity is slowly prevailing!!

  9. Sadly I have ceased to believe in any party and have more or less opted out of taking an interest. I apologise for the attitude as I know how long and hard women fought for the vote.

    1. I still become annoyed with certain things, even from my own lot.

  10. The leader of woke/word salad in America is the one and only 'arry and megain' from the new castle in Santa Barbara, California.
    Wish us luck.

    1. May I apologise for their presence. I wouldn't wish them on anyone, what fools they're making of themselves (as well as lots of money!).

  11. I'm like Weave, I have almost given up with it all.

    1. I can feel the tide turning; maybe we'll soon be back to 'normality' again. I think Oriel College's message is a very important one.
