Monday 31 May 2021

Summer, at last.

27 C in the shade. 19 C in the water. Did I brave it? Yes, and it was bloody cold! Two lengths only; Lady M claimed more.

We eat outdoors. Simple Summer salads, and maybe a BBQ in the evening. Taboulé is back on the menu, and Shorts, T shirts, and Espadrilles are worn from morning to night.

Billy has become more interested in water. We wonder how he'll cope with the sea!

There are mushrooms in the woods, Strawberries at Haddock's, and fruit is forming on the trees. We will have a great Peach crop this year, providing all goes well.

The grass needs mowing at least once a week, and pretty girls have been spotted wearing Summer dresses.

I even have the start of my two-tone feet.

There's a lot to be said for Summer.



  1. Sounds good. Here May woke up and remembered it wasn't April about 27th [of May]. Shocker of a month. All good now.

    Now that lockdown has broken down so comprehensively and everyone is practically falling over themselves to induce herd immunity what with excessive hugging (no shit, Cro - don't ask, or do) we'll soon be under lock and key again.


    1. I shall continue with my life-style as for the last year. Wear mask, wash hands, use sanitiser, keep away from people, and try to stay as safe as possible. Government advice is only for pub-crawlers, burger eaters, and sports crowds; none of which includes me.

    2. Well, you live in the countryside. Secluded. So it's easy. Here? In town? Inner city? We'll see. From what I observe lockdown may as well never have happened. It's mayhem out there now that the "rules" have been lifted. And just proves that we, humans, are social animals. Not quite like dogs licking each others' behinds but not far from it.

      To my dismay, and you may like to think about this for a second: One minute it's all VERBOTEN (forbidden) to so much as set a foot out of the door the next we mingle with abandon. Which is as fine as it's shocking.

      I am torn on the subject - would be interested what Rachel has to say on this: On one hand I am all for herd immunity (one of the few things Johnson and I agree on - not that Johnson admits to saying "let the bodies pile up"). Call a spade a spade. On the other? Stay away from me!

      Anyway, at least the Virus and variants are not the plague. Think of all the missed job opportunities for (mass) grave diggers.

      You know something, and then I shut up, sometimes I wonder what would occupy us and conversation if it weren't for Covid. Such a beeping waste of time. Still, there is always Brexit.


    3. My own major gripe was Rishi's £10 off a meal deal. Totally ridiculous. If anything was to spread the virus, it was encouraging people into restaurants for a cheap meal.

  2. Skipping the other comments to say...
    sounds like a wonderful is waiting to be enjoyed to the fullest in your little slice of life. All best wishes for every wonderful thing the season brings, Cro. My best to Lady M., too.

  3. meant to say wonderful summer is waiting

    1. We certainly try to enjoy ourselves to the fullest. We shall be swimming again today; even when the water's cold I like to swim every day. Thanks for your good wishes EM, we wish you a good summer too.

  4. Two tone feet... a style statement.

  5. OMG …. That looks so inviting and surrounded by beautiful countryside to boot. ….. green with envy !!!
    Swimming, veggies and fruit ripening, blue skies and alls well with the world. You are in your happy place Cro. XXXX

    1. And I've just heard that storms are on the way for tomorrow. Nothing lasts!

      We'll have a swim in a few minutes, but it could be the last for a while.

    2. Rain is going to sweep through parts of Europe today with devastating force in Ukraine, Romania and Moldova and Southern France will be on the edge/end of it.

  6. You could always put spray tan on your feet to avoid the comical two tone look. By the way, with your mellifluous speaking voice you could make successful audio versions of children's stories. "And now Cro Magnon reads 'The Enormous Turnip' ".

    1. I've been hoping to do voiceovers for Tin Tin; the voice of Cap't Haddock.

  7. Delightful video. Cool running water, a palm tree and Billy. Good for you both for wading in. Or did you just dive?
    Looks great dyllic

    1. I take it very easy; one foot at a time!

  8. Can't think of anything to be said against it myself.

  9. Your feet made me laugh out loud. I'm not sure why, really, since I tend to sport the same look once summer gets here.

    1. Unfortunately most of the rest of me stays lily-white. Not that I care!

  10. Summer time is wonderful, especially with peaches!

    1. The Peach tree I planted on Boo Boo's birthday is covered in fruit. They are a really delicious variety, so we're hoping for great things!

  11. Sticks of Brighton rock? Or are you aiming for liquorice allsorts? ... Happy days!

    1. We have made a mutual decision; the first thing we'll do is to have Fish-n-Chips on the pier. I'm already looking forward to it.

  12. Wow, all looks gorgeous. A simple life well lived.
