Saturday 8 May 2021


Builders seem to be everywhere at the moment; even chez nous.

We're having the exterior weather-boarding replaced at the barn. The old wood was tired, split, and brittle, and had served its purpose. I think the barn was built in 1976, so it's lasted quite well.

Our builder has only just started (the brown area, bottom left), and I shall show more as he advances. 

It's a slow business, but our man is a perfectionist; and that's how we like it. This morning it looks like this (below).

For the moment he has just taken off all the old wood from the East facing façade (the entrance), revealing all my insulation from when I built the interior walls. On the other side of the silver stuff is about 15 cms of Rock Wool behind the brick and plaster. It's extremely well insulated.

There's a lot to do; it's a big building. When done, the work will be almost finished. There is still one bathroom that needs attention, plus a small room, and a few doors.

Maybe all will be done before the end of the year. I do hope so. Maybe we will then be able to relax.


  1. Work is never ending, especially on old houses. We are having some of the front repointed at the end of the month …… all part of owning a house and maintaining it. Your barn looks really big ! XXXX

    1. It is quite big. The house part is a good size, and there is still a large barn section where we park mowers, materials, etc. The Eastern façade 'should' be finished today.

  2. Cro, what is the black material that seems to be going on with the planking, please?
    Barn looks very nice, tho'

    1. I think it's a type of 'roofing felt'. apparently the 'regulations' say that there must be a waterproof membrane between the boarding and the insulation.

  3. All looks to be progressing well. Will you have to leave and come home for a while did you say post Brexit - I don't know the rules on this - obviously you will be able to return to your lovely home but will you really have to vacate it for a while?

    1. We have to Leave before October, and we can't return for 180 days, after which we can apply for a 6 month visa, etc. All rather silly. Of course we'll have to pay all the rates/taxes for the period when we're not allowed to live in our own home. Charming!

  4. Methinks you are pretty relaxed anyway. I think our insulation is rated 2.5 to 3.Our homes have terrible insulation. I did not reply to comments on the post but out Labor Party changed from the Labour Party in the 1960s to appear more modern. A grave error in my view.

    1. I would ignore it, and continue to insert the 'u'.

  5. The wood is a beautiful rich colour. Thankfully you have a 'master' doing the work. Wont it be nice to sit back and admire it all. I do hope it is all done by the time you must leave

    1. I had been rather insistent that the boards were stained BLACK, but the brown is rather warm and pleasant. I'm looking forward to seeing the whole thing finished.

  6. It looks very modern. Here our barn boards run vertically, not horizontally, which is interesting to me.

    1. This is an old Tobacco drying barn. No-one smokes any more, so the old barns are being sold and made into houses.

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