Wednesday 5 May 2021

One Man went to Mow...

I do like it when everywhere is mowed; it makes the scruffy bits look as if they're supposed to look like that!

I've got my mowing patterns pretty well organised. I never do all at once, I take it a third at a time. Each of the three sections takes about 30 mins, so provided that the weather is good (and the grass dry) I can take my time and enjoy the ride.

I'm growing all my Tomatoes in pots this year (below). They are filled with a combination of horse manure, compost, and mole hill soil. I have just 7 plants, 3 Supersteak, 3 Coeur de Boeuf, and just one round red Cherry Tomato.

If I don't get a good crop; I'll spit nails.

Down at Haddock's things are going well. I'm managing to keep the weeds under control, and our first Strawberries, and Artichokes are almost ready for eating.

In the foreground there are Strawberries, Red Onions, Aubergines, and Peppers. All are looking good. In the background there are 5 Courgettes that I'd just planted out; I've given them plenty of space.

Still to go in are all our Winter Greens; Swiss Chard, and Cavolo Nero. These are still in the seed bed, and need another week or so.

All we need now is some proper rain! It's raining this morning.


  1. Good enough for croquet, except for the slope.

    1. We do play Croquet there; but of the cheating variety.

  2. We had proper rain this weekend, but not enough to fill the water butts, love your garden.

    1. Our rain stopped quite quickly; it just wetted the ground a bit. More is forecast for this week. Fingers crossed.

  3. It all looks amazing .... when the grass is cut, everything looks so much better doesn’t it ? My husband is in charge of mowing but his lines can be a bit wonky but, I’ll forgive him !! Clear blue skies here at the moment but we have had a lot of wind and rain over the past few days. XXXX

    1. Neatly mowed grass makes all the difference; I need to do it once a week at the moment. Tiny bit of rain here this morning, we need more. I have workmen up at the barn, replacing all the weather-boarding; they of course want sunshine. I wonder who'll win?

  4. We have done quit well for rain over the past few days - now everything should show somee growth - sadly that includes the weeds.

    1. There seems to be a down-side to almost everything; including much wanted rain.

  5. Hope the rain is plentiful. So much better than watering. We had a good downpour about a week ago and everything has taken off
    Good luck with the tomatoes spit spit spit

    1. I'm quite confident that my Toms will thrive. If they don't, I shall be furious.

  6. Gardens are so exciting, aren't they? Fingers crossed for your tomatoes. Spitting nails sounds very unpleasant.

    1. It's all good fun until things start to go wrong. Our Walnut crop has already been frosted, but everything else seems OK.

  7. They should make sit-on lawnmower racing an Olympic event. You could bring home a medal for Great Britain. Or would you prefer to be in the mobility scooter event?

    1. Isn't there some sort of speed limiter on ride-ons? I did think of buying an old one and converting it into a car for the kids.

  8. I think you will definitely get a good tomato crop this year now that you are using pots. Our frosts should end by the weekend so Paul will be planting out more stuff next week. I hope to reclaim my garden room soon!

    1. If I don't get a decent crop, I shall give-up!!! Otherwise everything is doing well.

  9. I'm guessing those strawberries have disappeared already! Mower's reward?

    1. We're having the first ones tonight; with thick CREAM.

  10. I am envious of your strawberries. Up here we grow ours under glass but they are still just barely coming into flower.

    1. The one's in the photo were baby 'runners' last autumn, which I planted out this Spring. I'm surprised they're doing as well as they are. Our other plants are less advanced.

  11. I too am quite envious of your strawberries and other garden goodies. The deer in my enclave would gobble it up. I've planted tomatoes in pots on my upper deck with some success in the past; you've inspired me to do it again this year.

    1. I hope your Toms in pots works for you too. I have great hopes. I have infected soil problems at Haddock's, so I have no choice but to plant them elsewhere.

  12. One of my favorite scents is freshly mown reminds me of having the summer off from school, sleeping in. Good times!

    1. Me too. I think there's no better aroma in the garden than freshly mown grass. It's a smell that's accompanied me through life.

  13. Everything looks wonderful Cro, including your lawn. Good luck with you tomatoes this year. I took your advice and got mostly grafted toms this year and replaced all my dirt in my raised beds.

    1. It's strange, but all my other crops don't seem to be affected by whatever disease I have in the soil at Haddock's. I'm told that if I don't plant Tomatoes there for another 7 years, the disease will disappear. Hmmmm.
