Thursday 13 May 2021

Macron; another Napoleon wannabe?

There is no question that Napoleon was an important military leader, but his greatest defeat was at the hands of those very annoying English.

His invasion of Russia ended with almost 600,000 pointless French deaths, and at the Battle of Leipzig he lost another 100,000. His ability to maximise French losses was on a par with his occasional success.

Even following Napoleon's defeat by Wellington, his reputation amongst the French is still far greater than that of Wellington's is with the English. Maybe heroes have different standards on opposite sides of the channel.

The English famously sent Napoleon to St Helena where eventually, in 1821, he died. His body was returned to France some 20 years later, where he is still idolised; especially by 'teacher's pet' Macron. It's not surprising that certain Frenchmen hate the English.

Meanwhile back in the UK, some of our finest military leaders are now being 'cancelled' by the junior-thinking Woke brigade. In France, rather than having his name and images removed, as would have been the case had he been English; Napoleon remains a god. His restoration of Slavery in 1802, which led to the infamous 'Haitian Revolution', would have had the UK's Snowflakes taking to the barricades; but not over here, where not even his support for slavery can besmirch his deity status.

And as for slave owner George Washington, who personally owned 123 slaves, and was an extremely cruel taskmaster. How he has (so far) managed to escape the American BLM's loathing is a total mystery! 

N.B. The word 'macron' means long (maybe too long) in time. It is also the name of that little line over a vowel encouraging the reader stretch the sound, as in Māori.


  1. To paraphrase the immortal words of the late Michael Winner: Calm down dear, have a Macaroon.


    1. Calm down about what exactly? If my dislike of hypocrisy offends you; I do not apologise.

    2. Why would I be offended? What you get steamed up about is between your cortisol levels and you. I only offered you a Macaroon. If you prefer a Madeleine be my guest.


  2. BLM does not get heated up about George Washington because they are more focused on current events. Getting distracted by what was will not solve what is.

    1. I mentioned it because the UK BLM activists are going back generations; nothing is too far back for them. Any benefactor who had some connection with slavery is now to be 'cancelled'.

    2. I guess that is not a thing over here. Of course, we have some pretty awful current events that need immediate attention.

  3. One year ago, roughly, as statues were toppled or defaced across the U.S., those of Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses Grant were among them. A lot of Americans seem to have done poorly in their U.S. History classes. I guess I'm not surprised about Napoleon. Or Macron. Or the early comments here.

    1. It seems that almost everyone has some connection with slavery.

  4. Barnier is now, I believe, taking things from Marine Le Pen's manifesto, if I am not mistaken, and saying they are must haves for France. I get the impression there is a little bit of panic going on in France at the moment.

    1. Barnier has recently been having a go at the EU over their vaccine policy; he has even said that the UK was right. Who would have believed it??? I believe that Le Pen is now ahead of Macron in the polls.

  5. Idolising Napoleon? It is a bit like German people paying homage to that evil little squirt who came to prominence in the 1930's - the one with a Charlie Chaplin moustache and a single testicle. I can't remember his name.

    1. I believe that some still do. Every idiot has his admirers.

  6. YP I didn't know he was missing a testicle. Not sure what it explains but it does rather please me.

    1. Didn't you hear the old playground song Pat?...
      Hitler has only got one ball
      His other is in The Albert Hall
      His brother - the silly bugger
      Hasn't got any balls at all!

    2. The words we sang were slightly different, but I imagine they were sung with the same gusto.
