Friday 2 April 2021

Be Prepared (for another protest).

I do hope that none of the pupils at The Pimlico Academy in London are planning to travel abroad in the near future. They might need to apply for the UK's new Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC).

It proudly displays our national flag on the front; which they might find extremely offensive.


  1. English patriotism has generally been understated yet self-confident. We didn't need all that frantic flag waving that happens in so many other countries. Consequently, I find the new trend and indeed pressure to show off the flag rather concerning. We didn't need it before.

    1. Personally I have nothing against our national flag, in fact I rather like it. I also feel very privileged to have been born in possibly the most liberal country in the world, which it represents.

  2. There are many worse flags in the world. My partner has not renewed his EU passport, so our as right dreams of living in the UK or Europe have gone. Only dreams. I am too Australian to live anywhere else.

    1. I don't imagine my daughter in Brisbane ever thinks of returning to Europe. She has a wonderful life.

    2. I am not sure of recent stats but many from the UK who did emigrate to Australia would return 'home'. At times it was because family was missed but not always.

  3. To be honest I never think about the flag - am just grateful that I live under it rather than any other in the world.

    1. It's a symbol of pride in one's country, and with Great Britain, there's a lot to be proud of.

  4. I find it more disturbing that people find the flag concerning. I see no harm in it and if one is quickly wanting to see where one is coming from then what better way than the flag, a well known one at that, as illustrated in your picture. Any avoidance of its use is just plain daft.

    1. I found it quite sad that these children wished to be rid of the flag flying at their school. Most of the children at the school are second or third generation Brits, and their parents or grandparents went to the UK to find a better or safer life. It seems that they want to reject that.

  5. I remember waving my union flag, stood with the whole school, as the royal car came through our town just after HRH Elizabeth was installed as Queen. I would happily wave it now.

    1. I don't think I've ever actually waved the flag, but I do have one that I occasionally drape over my chair when England are playing Rugby.

  6. I've just heard the first Cuckoo of 2021.

    1. I heard the first Skylark of 2021 yesterday.

  7. I don't understand why we are supposed to be ashamed of our flag, or our country. There are plenty of others who are more deserving of shame it seems to me.

    1. I can understand that certain ethnic groups don't wish to 'revere' the flag, but they shouldn't demand its removal. Had I been Headmaster of the school, I would have expelled those who sprayed nasty slogans over the school walls, and kept the flag where it was. The 'woke generation' are having it too easy.

  8. We live in a union of countries where it is not unlawful to disrespect the flag. That, in itself, is a reason to respect it.

    1. I think it's fine to ignore the flag if it offends in any way, but for a bunch of children to demand its removal seems to me like anarchy.

  9. I follow FB groups regarding remaining in France after Brexit and applying for French citizenship and am now the proud owner of my new carte de séjour (on which, unfortunately, I look like a Colombian drug mule. But whatever - it let's me stay here). I had seen frequent mention of GHIC cards and never knew what they were talking about. I'm fortunate that I have excellent private insurance through my former employer but I have to say I really like the flag on that card. There's nothing wrong with waving the flag!

    1. It's strange, I view the Union Flag as simply representative of my native country, and all that that represents. I don't see it as a symbol of repression or racism. It seems that some do though.

  10. I have heard this word "woke" a lot lately. I looked it up and it said, "alert to injustice in society, especially racism. I guess I am woke.

    1. If only that were so; that's what they want you to believe. In fact it's a very repressive movement that is totally against freedom of speech; other than their own. All of us (I hope) are against racism, but constantly telling us that we're racist does their cause no good.
