Thursday 29 April 2021

A different viewpoint of Sofagate.

We've all seen the pictures, and we've all heard von der Leyen saying that she felt 'hurt and alone'.

There were four people at this meeting in Turkey; two had hard chairs, and two had big comfortable sofas. All had individual microphones.

The group meeting involved Recep Erdogan (President of Turkey), Charles Michel (European Council President), and Ursula von der Leyen (EU Commission President). The 4th person, on the right, is Mevlut 'Avu-o'lu (The Turkish Foreign Minister) who, like von der Leyen, was offered a comfy sofa, but didn't complain about it. In fact he explained later that the seating arrangements were in accordance with demands from the EU itself.

What I do know, however, is that I would have much preferred the sofa to the chairs. Others, as we now know, would have liked a chair (or a throne maybe?).

Ms von der Leyen claims that this all happened because she is a woman, and that it was sexism; so was it also sexism against Mevlut 'Avu-o'lu?

Methinks someone doth complain too much



  1. Yes, we had this big news story on our TVs for days after it happened. Why? Because it was Turkey . If it had been Italy it wouldn't have got 5 minutes.
    I was annoyed in the beginning because I thought she'd been left standing and quite frankly blamed Michel for not being a gentleman and offering her his chair. But honestly I could not understand what the problem was. She, and Melvet Whatshisname got the couch. All bottoms should have been happy.
    I suppose protocol probably did call for them both to be treated the same, but move on woman.
    It'll probably bounce back and give Turkey a bite in their own bottoms one day.

    1. She won't forget this in her next deal with Turkey

    2. If Erdogan/Turkey applies to be an EU member again, I don't think they'll even consider the application, it'll be a plain 'NO'.

      She's another little Napoleon; she always wants to be top-dog. I can understand her being a bit miffed, but both she and thingummy did get the most comfortable seats.

  2. I too think that "someone complains too much", and it's not von der Leyen.

    First you had it in for Junker, now it's von der Leyen.

    Call me old fashioned: As a matter of courtesy (and rank since that appears important to you when it comes to those in authority you like and admire) she should have been offered the choice. In my circles the above would have been unthinkable. For starters, a host never sits down before the guests do.

    As an aside: What's more "comfortable" about a sofa? I have a large sofa and chair combo (same make, same comfy) - when in company I rather prefer the chair. Chairing (!) as it were.


    1. The Head of State would normally take the most important seat, and others would be allotted their seats; as in this case. As you know full well, von der Leyen is a 'little princess' and shouts if she doesn't get her way. As I pointed out above Mevlut 'Avu-o'lu didn't start stamping his foot; he simply went to his pre-arranged seat. All was done according to EU protocol.

    2. Junker has pointed out that it was entirely the correct EU protocol and he accepted it throughout his term in office.

    3. But not good enough for little miss Leyen.

    4. Yet again, Ursula is in a minority of ONE.

    5. Yet her opinion is always the only right one.

  3. Here, too, it was in the news, as if the other topics in the world were over.

    1. A lot of hot-air over someone who thinks she's the 'Queen of Europe'. The EU is not a nation state, it's simply a group of trading nations. Occasionally it needs to be reminded of that.

  4. I'm so glad I don't watch much national news as this was the sort of rubbish that Frankly Cro I couldn't give a damn about

    1. Nor could most people. Histrionics should never make the headlines.

  5. The first post I've read for over a week since i went into hospital. Perhaps I'll wait another few days before I read the next one.

    1. And who could blame you. This sort of rubbish is all too common.

  6. How much better to conduct discussions and negotiations while sitting on bean bags. Such casual relaxation would assist the free flow of ideas and opinions. Smoking a few reefers would also help.

    1. Cross-legged in a yurt perhaps. Some Incredible String Band playing discretely in the background. Of course some dope would help.

  7. I doubt it was sexism. More like dislike or an axe to grind. YP's bean bags sound good.

  8. My God. Is there no real news to get excited about?

  9. All the things going on in the world and she omplains about this - something I consider petty - no wonder wonder are often not taken seriously in the world of politics.

    1. She even devoted a whole speech to it back in Brussels.

  10. WOW - this gives an entirely different perspective on the whole incident! I've only ever seen photos that made it look very much as if she had been insulted - I didn't even know there was a 4th person at the meeting. This photo simply shows that they were practising social distancing!

    1. Until I saw this photo, and heard that the seating arrangements were in accordance with the demands of the EU, I was sympathetic with her too. But once you start delving....
