Monday 22 March 2021

The 1st of Spring.

You'd almost think that yesterday was the 1st of April, not the 1st day of Spring; it would certainly be more befitting of the bizarre behaviour we're witnessing from the EU bigwigs (bigheads).

Macron, Merkel, and von der Leyen, have got together in an attempt to collectively punish the UK for their efficiency over its vaccine programme. Their bitterness is overwhelming. 

The French Pasteur Institute's attempt at a vaccine was a total flop and was abandoned, whilst that of the Anglo/Swedish Astra-Zeneca went ahead as planned and has proved extremely effective. Macron's immediate response to this was to say it was dangerous, didn't work, and caused 'blood clots'. 

Well, he would say that, wouldn't he! As a result, the French are now very suspicious of any vaccine; especially the Astra-Zeneca one. Some surveys say that 70% of the French will refuse to be vaccinated.

In amongst all their jealousy, and foot-stamping, they now say they won't allow the UK to receive their June 2020 order of 19 Million doses from their factory in Belgium, and they now wish to keep everything for themselves..... and boy, do they need it. A 3rd wave of Covid-19 has become rampant throughout Europe; possibly as a result of their dire vaccination and lockdown programmes.

So, surely, the question must be this, if the Astra-Zeneca vaccine is so flawed and dangerous, why on earth would they wish to keep it away from the rightful owners, then use it themselves to put their own citizens in such awful danger?

When Brussels next asks the UK for the £20 Billion EU divorce payment, I sincerely hope that Boris tells them to eff-off.

Macron, Merkel, and von der Leyen, even give 'knavery' a bad name. What scoundrels!

We can personally confirm that the vaccination programme, here in France, is a total disaster.


  1. I suspect our vaccine programme was helped by having a fewer layers of bureaucracy.

  2. They have slowed down our access to the vaccine too.Lucky for us we do not have any community transmission of covid19 here and we now will have the ability to manufacture our own vaccine here I believe.
    Can't understand why the Brits are paying this money to the EU. Crazy!

    1. In my younger days, you always paid to JOIN a club. Now you have to pay to LEAVE as well.

  3. Cro, You are right in that it's going well over here in the U.K. And we're all looking forward to re-opening up the country over the next few weeks. Even my own vaccine jab is coming up next week. And hopefully I'll get that second jab before those Euro leaders block that June delivery.
    The only downside is that the media believe that the doom and gloom going on in Germany and France now, might spread over to here sparking a possible 4th wave. We hope not.

    1. The worst of the 3rd wave here is up north and on the German/Belgian border area; very close to Britain. Best to keep well away, and stop all EU citizens from entering.

    2. No chance we can't stop the dinghy trash.

  4. All this reminds me so much of my schooldays. "She's not my friend any more. Let's gang up on her and steal her dinner money"

    1. It's very much like that; bully-boy tactics. On the plus side, the international community are watching very carefully, and it could come back to bite them on their backsides. The newspapers here are really having a go at Macron today... I can't see him being re-elected.

  5. As I understand it, Britain donated significant funds to Astra Zenica to help them to ramp up production. We were ahead of the game and also devoted a lot of know-how to the development process. Von der Leyen and Greasy Macron should be praising and thanking Britain for its foresight - instead they have sought to scupper our success. Bloody foreigners!

    1. They really are a disgrace; all 3 of them!

  6. Have you got a date for your jab yet?

    1. No. We are registered, but there is no vaccine available. I recently heard of one Pharmacist having only ONE phial of vaccine. We'll just have to wait.

  7. The logic of stockpiling and not using the vaccine while at the same time complaining you are not getting your fair share beggars description.

    1. It's just their puerile way of punishing the UK for leaving their club, and depriving them of the huge UK contribution money.

  8. I read yesterday that those at Pfizer have told Von der Leyen to keep quiet as most of the raw ingredients for the Pfizer jab come from the U.K. & if we wanted to retaliate, we could stop sending the raw ingredients and they said if that happened they would run out in a week !!! I think it’s a load of hot air, threats and sour grapes ! XXXX

    1. More 'Sour Grapes' than anything. They really are behaving like a bunch of children. I do hope that Karma exists!

  9. I get my second dose on Thursday so am selfishly pleased it is all behind me before any falling out.

    1. Good for you! We, over here, have to wait until all the squabbles are over. It could be a long wait.

    2. I wonder if you'll even be allowed to come back here to Brighton now Cro, what with all the Covid ramping up over there, we might not be able to let you in! But hopefully if you do manage to get here you might even get the vaccine over here too. Good luck!

    3. I can't imagine us being kicked out now, it'd be like being condemned to death. Here we have little risk, but travelling though France, staying in hotels, catching the ferry, etc, etc, I can't see myself surviving. I shall ask for asylum.

  10. What a contradiction in the UK with the appalling handling of COVID by the top echelons of government and the smooth well oiled machine the vaccination programme quickly became. Truly amazing.

    1. The main fault was not closing all the airports, and sea ports. People were bringing-in Covid from all over, with absolutely no restrictions!

    2. Correct. The UK border should have been closed.
