Friday 26 March 2021

More from Chez Cro; looking south. The tour continues.

Looking away from the cottage; this is what we see. I adore this view from outside my front door. Just fields, woods, and silence. This is my dog-walking, mushrooming, and psychiatrist's-chair country. It's where I feel alive, where any problems dissolve, and where I feel at one with nature.

I know every spot for the very best mushrooms, I know where there are abandoned apple trees, and I know where the Badgers and Foxes live. This has been my intimate stomping ground for the past 47 years.

A lot of people might find this far too isolated, but for me it's just perfect. 



  1. You are beginning to sound as if you are saying good bye. Which, of course, we all have to do, now and then, over a lifetime. Au revoir/auf Wiedersehen (see you again) so much more comforting.

    On a practical note, the very fact that you are so isolated (and financially self sufficient) makes a strong case (legally) for you not having to stoop to the ninety day rule of intermittent "exile". I know it's tough to deal with faceless, anonymous, indeed heartless, bureaucracy but we can try - and never give up at the first hurdle.

    On the other hand you may enjoy your old Brighton, intermittently, whilst Haddock's et al waiting for your return.


    PS My most vivid memory of Brighton, apart from the main pier, staying in the Grand Hotel, sometime in the eighties; in their somewhat crowded swimming pool my bikini top severed all ties with me, floating away.

    1. I somehow doubt if Macron's men will come to handcuff me, and throw me out. However, we're beginning to like the idea of a two base year. I've done it before, and it'll work again.

  2. No furiously clanging tram bells, no truck engine brakes, no huge concrete breakers taking down buildings, just birds to wake you in the summer at some ungodly hour.

    1. It's very quiet here at the moment, just a few birds singing. No ploughing or other agricultural noises.

  3. So peaceful. You made a splendid choice all those years ago. When you made that choice, did you think you would still be there forty seven years later?

    1. I don't think the future crossed my mind. I'd wanted a nice big farmhouse with land to raise my children, and that's what I bought. The present house (about 300 yards away) is tiny in comparison, but still with the same peace and quite.

  4. How very nice! I can see why it would bother you to leave it behind.

    1. I've just been standing by my kitchen door, watching a Blue Tit eating bugs, when a Pine Marten came right up to the door, looked at me, and ran off. Amazing; I've never experienced that before.

  5. You're 'one' with your surroundings. That's a mighty fine way to be. I enjoy our bird song in the morning, watching the hawks drifting and searching. We used to have loads of pheasants too but they seem to have disappeared.
    Keep on enjoying your paradise

    1. Yes, it's lovely having pure nature all around.

  6. cher cro, comme le dit si bien ursula, vous devriez essayer de negocier avec l administration francaise,ce ne sont pas des diables,certains fonctionnaires savent meme se montrer humains!et puis cette ville balneaire m a l air bien aimable aussi;vous nous ferez des videos ,,chic alors

    1. We have decided now, to spend time in Brighton. I'm not interested in having a Carte de Séjour any more. I shall return to being a UK citizen.

  7. When Brexit first started you always said you would stay and only leave if they came and found you and carted you away. Since then you have disappointed me.

    1. We'll go when we decide to go. I don't want them telling me I HAVE to go.

  8. I know Brighton very well and of course it is very different but there are places here in the U.K. which are just as peaceful as your French home.

    1. Yes, I'm sure there are. Even just behind Brighton it's very peaceful.

    2. Yes, I have friends there and we've walked a lot in the countryside and along the coast. Brighton itself is a tad too busy for me full-time but nice to visit. I think having both options will be perfect for you both. Enjoy!

  9. I think I would quite enjoy the new lifestyle; rural paradise and chic town living. Sounds like it could be fun.

    1. I like the contrast between the two places. I'm just wondering if all our old haunts, concert venues, theatres, etc, will be open.

  10. Replies
    1. I love the peace and quiet, it's also very sunny here too at the moment.

  11. Lovely Cro. Are you allowed to wander at will around that countryside, is there a freedom to roam thing there? We have lots of nice countryside around here but there are Private - No Tresspassing signs all over the place and more seem to be popping up by the day, so we can't enjoy it as we'd like to.

    1. Here we can walk where we like. Of course one wouldn't go through a cultivated field, but otherwise there are no restrictions.

  12. You can have the best of both worlds (or countries in this instance).

  13. Isn't it strange how a 'place' can make you 'feel'. I generally feel that kind of peace when by the ocean or water... or on a pier. All your priorities fall into place... and you feel a 'oneness' with creation. Where-ever you go, Cro, I hope you will have this.

    1. I've always felt like that ever since I first bought our little cottage (a ruin as it was then). The cottage itself has a lovely atmosphere, and the surrounding landscape never fails to enthral me.

  14. Beautiful! I love to wander too.

    1. My long walk of the day is at around 8 am, with Billy (our Border Collie). No-one is ever around, farmers have yet to start their tractors, and there is only the sound of birdsong. Lovely.

  15. Forty-seven years of peaceful unchanging countryside (well, apart from crops and grasses growing!) at your doorstep is rather like a window into the past. Brighton will be quite exciting by comparison and there'll be changes at every corner you turn, I expect. It will be very nice to be able to have a bit of both from now on. Have you settled on how you'll divide the year?

    1. I do like Brighton, it's a town with a real buzz. I love the sea, and all the quirky little streets and shops. I'm not sure how the year will be divided. As things stand now, we will be allowed to live in our own house for just 3 months unless we apply for a 6 month visa. After that we will have to return to Brighton for another 6 months before we can return again. I hope the UK and the EU come to some more sensible agreement; the present one is of no advantage to anyone.

  16. There is peace in the countryside. I enjoy the excitement of the cities, but like you, I prefer nature's scenes. You are blessed to have such a lovely place but I hope some time spent in Brighton will also hold some joy for you.

    1. We'll enjoy both, but the locations are like chalk and cheese; so very different.

  17. Your voice is as lovely as the view.
