Sunday 14 March 2021

H M The Queen. A Sunday Special.

H M The Queen is under attack, not only from within, but from an ever increasing group of left-wing 'woke' activists elsewhere; not least of which is the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. She is often spoken of as an unnecessary appendage to the British economy and taxpayer; which of course is rubbish.

I am posting this simply for the benefit of some 'foreigners' who may have been fed (or are being fed) a totally false picture of Her Majesty. 

Queen Elizabeth II has been on the throne since the age of 25; nearly 70 years, and has never put a foot wrong. She has been an exemplary monarch, and a perfect example of 'regal behaviour'.

Last year she performed 296 official engagements, and welcomed 139,000 guests to Royal residences for banquets, etc. As Head of the Commonwealth she also spent an inordinate amount of time on foreign affairs. She's one busy gal.

Anti-Royalists often claim that she lives a life of luxury on the backs of British taxpayers; the truth is quite different. In fact, many of the usual Moaning-Minnie anti-royals are more than likely actually living off the back of The Queen.

The Queen's private income is known as The Crown Estate; ALL of which is handed over to the government, in the form of an 'exchange'. In recent times this has amounted to around £300 Million. In return she is awarded a living allowance, known as The Sovereign Grant; roughly 25% of her estate. Recently this has been around £80 Million.

The Sovereign Grant is managed by the Keeper (and Deputy Keeper) of the Privy Purse, and goes to pay for everything from her stamp collection, her clothing, running her private properties, her page boys, Royal Ascot, and just about everything else that Her Majesty owns, buys, employs, or controls. She may be asked to approve of the spending, but she does not administer it.

The UK's coffers benefit to the tune of about £220 Million annually. Hardly a drain on the anti-royal taxpayers, as some would have you believe!

I must admit that I haven't seen one minute of 'The Crown' TV soap, but I've heard that it presents a very twisted view of the Royal Family. I was 7 years old at the time of Elizabeth II's coronation, so she has been My Queen for most of my life. It saddens me hugely that a young naïve 'foreigner' now sees fit to criticise her, and insult the historic institution she represents.

She should just be grateful that Henry VIII isn't still around.

I don't wish to see a President Corbyn replacing the monarchy. The present system has worked extremely well, so let's celebrate the fact that the UK has one of the most admired Royal houses in the world, and repel those republicans who wish to bring it down. The world is in enough turmoil as it is, let's not add to it.

And, although one may not believe it after Charlie Hebdo's current edition; Her Majesty is much loved here in France too.


  1. As a foreigner and in a country with no royals, I can only make my own judgement based on official facts, trash papers and maybe more reliable news sources. Information about Her Majesty's income is easily available, so it is no suprise to me. I just have to wonder if it is easily available for me because I'm a foreigner? Maybe it is lost in all other stuff among Her own people?
    And I've watched The Crown as an outsider, and to me it gives a heartbreaking picture how lonely it is to be Queen nowadays, and how demanding it has been, not only to Hetself, but to her family. World has changed so much, and She has has to adapt with every change - 70 yesrs with no daus off. I've got a new respect towards Philip, who gave up a life on his own to serve the Queen and England (Britain). He has done well.

    1. If her critics worked half as hard as The Queen herself, they might have a different viewpoint. She's been exemplary in all respects.

  2. The Hebdo cartoon was the first news item I stumbled across this morning. Whilst the image wasn't shown the article described it in graphic detail. It is tasteless. NOT because it's the Queen - if they'd depicted my mother, your mother, my grandmother, your grandmother like that I'd find it outrageous, and I quote "... she is shown in an extremely derogatory light – red-eyed, gurning, with hairy legs." What is this shit?

    As an aside, I found a blogger's (you know who) subject line (12 March) and imagery disgusting too. Disgusting on more levels than one. The truly astonishing part that his readers didn't bat an eyelid. So, my dear Cro, see . . . there is no accounting for taste. At least in Hebdo's case the one mitigating circumstance that that is what they do: Outrageously provoke. And, as we all know, came to pay the price some time ago. Which clearly doesn't stop them. Sometimes I am sick of the world. Retreat up the Alm comes to mind.


    1. I'm not against acidic satire, but I did think that giving over their front page to such a nasty cartoon about an innocent (and elderly) woman, was a bit much!

    2. Perhaps the bloggers followers were not disgusted because they saw the humour in the situation rather than any perceived insult ...really Ursula using “ you know who” phrases ....I think it’s more disgusting threatening to comment about a bloggers relationship in public without knowing either party personally.......a threat aimed to hurt, embarrass and to troublemake.....just as you are doing right now

  3. I just looked up the cartoon and it is what I would expect in a satirical magazine. Two instances disturbed me. One, and she may not have had much say in it, was having Mugabe with other Commonwealth leaders to dinner. But many of the others were hardly lily white, so I will let that go.

    The other is she needed to be there for her subjects when Diana died and she was not in a timely manner. Her people needed to hear from her, hear that she was grieving as they were, even is she wasn't too much which may be unfair. One real mistake in her reign, in my opinion.

    Oh, and she did serve our Prime Minister's wife Tammy Fraser a lukewarm gin and tonic on Britannia. I'm sure it wasn't personal.

    1. PS The comments on this post will be interesting, well already are.

    2. She has to entertain many unpleasant people; it is not under her control. As Head of State she is obliged to greet all Commonwealth leaders, diplomats, etc.

      As for the Diana business, I did think this might crop-up. As the mother of two of her grandsons, she did owe some recognition of her death, but as an ex-member of the royal family, I expect she despaired.

    3. The problem is people are judged by the company they keep. She seems tolerant of nefarious Saudis, perverts like Saville and traitors such as Blunt. Probably just an unfortunate coincidence.

    4. I don't think she has any choice in the people she is obliged to greet/knight/etc; unlike certain politicians who CHOOSE to hob-nob with terrorists, etc.

  4. Much respect to this now elderly lady who has sacrificed her life for public duty. Whatever people’s views are on the monarchy, she is just a human doing her best under constant scrutiny. She deserves a quiet retirement but sadly, that won’t happen.

    1. And all that work simply because of an accident of birth.

    2. And a accident of the first in line falling for and marrying an American divorcee.
      No criticism. Just saying

  5. I like The Queen and have respect for her. The cartoon you mention is tasteless for more reasons than one, but I don't think it warrants much attention. I'm sorry that one of her grandsons is currently acting like an ass and of course one of her sons has recently brought shame to the family. She deserves better from them.

    1. She is being attacked on all fronts at the moment, yet she herself remains dignified. I think that says a lot about her.

  6. God save The Queen! A respected constant in an ever-changing world. She has occupied the British throne all my life. It will be a very sad day indeed when she leaves us.

    1. I don't even want to think about that day. I do hope she sees me out.

    2. I like that by YP, a constant in an ever changing world.

  7. Well said! If those who criticize and think that she lives some sort of fairytale life had to do a fraction of the work she does they'd probably collapse from exhaustion!

  8. Happy Mother's Day to Her Majesty! I hope all the kids sent her flowers and chocolates.

    1. I'm sure Charles, Anne, and Edward did. Not too sure about Andy.

  9. Well said! I thought it was hurtful and disgusting. It trivializes the needless brutality George Floyd suffered in his last moments on this earth, and reduces Meghan's valid concerns about racism to a joke. This is not satire, it's straight up hate.

  10. I also wanted to mention that I just love The Queen's bright outfits with the matching hats and little handbags! Seeing her always makes me smile.

    1. She's renowned for her outfits. She has a style all her own.

  11. Something to consider... HMQ has met or known every leader on the global stage for (at least) a full generation. Imagine the changes she has seen! There's a wealth of knowledge and understanding attached to that. In her 90s, she's still dedicated to service. Some thrive on criticism because it makes them feel important in the moment, yet I wonder how their lives compare, don't you? There's much to respect. Unless respect isn't part of the discussion.

    1. I think 'respect' is very much a part of the discussion, and it's that lack of respect in certain quarters that really annoys me.

  12. I think what I admire most about her is her commitment to serve. Her service during wwii, for example. And that is just a clue to her behavior when suddenly thrust into the role as queen. Young. Unworldly. Unprepared. But she rose to that challenge and met it head on. I have been criticized before for respecting her devotion to duty, but I think that devotion is critical, an integral aspect in the makeup of all good leaders.

    1. The critics of her devotion to duty, probably don't even know what it means.

  13. As a left ish monarchist I do not object to privilege when it is served up with some hard work and a healthy side dish of Noblesse Oblige- as with our Queen and also the Duke and Duchesse of Cambridge..

    1. Most of them do a good job. Princess Anne is a very hard worker, but gets little recognition. Charles works hard, as does Sophie. Some of the others are better off in the background.

  14. The Queen is having another annus horribilis. (The cartoon was just obscene.)

    1. Charlie Hebdo have now moved to a bomb-proof office; a good idea methinks.

  15. I love The Queen. Simple as that. I hope she can rise above all this latest silly bloody nonsense.

    1. The fuss will all die down very quickly. She's above all the nonsense, but probably worries about the relationship between William and Harry.

  16. I am 100% plus against any removal of the British Monarchy. Removing living history that does Good is pure evil spirited.

    1. Just imagine the replacement; have a look around the world and find a really decent President.

  17. A president would have to play politics, even cheat and lie to stay in power. A monarchy does not. And if anyone thinks a monarchy is expensive, check out the cost of Air Force One.

    1. I've noticed that the 'republicans' have never suggested a possible UK President. I wonder why?

  18. She’s well loved
    Don’t worry x

    1. I'm sure you're right. The idea of a President Markle is too much to contemplate!
