Tuesday 9 March 2021

Farage speaks to the nation (and the world).

Protocol prevents The Royal Family making comments about Harry and Meghan, so here is Uncle Nigel instead. It's worth watching in its entirety.


  1. Interesting. Sorry but paying attention to the end didn't happen. Maybe later.
    Oprah at the wedding did stand out as a why is she there because I feel, too much attention was given to her being there by the media. Media's decision. I haven't heard of any request or agreement for the Media to assist Meghan in her alleged grand scheme to enhance her celebrity career. Trashing the Duchess right off as conniving says it all about the man's huge bias; and opens speculation as to his motives for speaking out.
    As for the royal family's going around the world helping people of color is stunning that he has no clue whatsoever about Colonialism; and, what is done in public does not always match what goes on in private.

    Predictable response to the interview. It would have been better, I feel, if he kept his thoughts to himself.

    1. Agree with Salty Pumpkin. "Trashing the Duchess right off as conniving . . ." really wasn't and ain't cricket.

      It's a difficult one. On one hand we are told not to wash our family's dirty linen in public. What to do if your every handkerchief comes under scrutiny BECAUSE you are in the public eye? Neither should loyalty be blind.

      That someone speculated on the baby's colour shouldn't (in my opinion) be made an issue of. People say things, unthinkingly, not necessarily meaning anything by it. For heaven's sake I called my (white) neighbour's kid a chocolate baby. Which was fine (with my neighbour). Good enough to eat, she said. So, yes, there are some flaky bits on the Sussex's part. Having said that, and I know what I am talking about coming from a large extended family, and as I observed even at as a very young child, the outsider/in-law (particularly if it's a woman) will get it in the neck. Everything but everything is HER fault.

      One last thing, Cro, and I hope you'll join me in disgust: Meghan Markel's father's behaviour. He leaked that damn letter addressed to him; he says (impeccable source) that until his daughter will speak to him again he'll liaise with the media (euphemism for dragging her through the mud, racking up shit). What father would do that?


  2. I agree with Farage and I'm glad he's doing his bit to set the record straight.

    1. Of course he's right. Regardless of what happened behind closed doors, they should have simply shut-up and behaved themselves.

  3. I also agree with Uncle Nigel for the most part, but do think it's a sad situation for everyone involved.

    1. This should never have happened. They should have respected the monarchy and kept quiet.

  4. Don't often agree with Nigel but he is right, this is all about her getting her own way and Harry trailing along behind her.

    1. It's all so sad; they make millions from their interview, and the Royal Family suffer from the half-truths. I just hope that (as with 'The Crown') people will see their interview for what it was; childish fantasy.

    2. Cro, please gets your facts right they did not get any money from the interview.

    3. They may not have received any money from the actual interview but it adds to their brand name and ups their value when it comes to selling themselves to Netflix etc.

    4. They may not have received payment from Oprah herself, but knowing that this was a multi-multi million dollar exercise, if you honestly think they're not going to make a few millions themselves, then you have no idea whatsoever of what Meghan is all about!

  5. Since Harry has always lived with the royal family, I was wondering why Harry didnt get help for her if she was in such a bad way ??

  6. Largely agree with everything that is being said above - what a sad situation.

  7. Loose lips sink ships.
    I honored their wishes to stay out of the public eye and didn't watch the interview.
    Ms. Markle can't even get along with her own family, and now she has Harry falling out with his. Shame on them both.

  8. Impressive response from Buckingham Palace today: "The whole family is saddened to learn the full extent of how challenging the last few years have been for Harry and Meghan. The issues raised, particularly that of race, are concerning. While some recollections may vary, they are taken very seriously and will be addressed by the family privately. Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much loved family members."

    Well done. Not so much the couple, who don't seem to be adulting all that successfully for their respective ages.

  9. I have just watched the first 20 minutes of the interview. I was watching an American and an actress, practiced, unhestitant, textbook delvery. It could have been a Netflix drama. A school yard spat, "Kate didn't make me cry, I made her cry". It was as I imagined when I wrote on my blog last night. I am now watching the Hairy Bikers in Poland. Much better. I haven't listened to Farage but I am sure he gets it right from what people have said, it doesn't take much. Sadly those to have gained from this dreadful episode are the anti-royalists. If I get the strength to do so I will watch more of the interview to see Harry. And does it sound like racism to ask how dark the skin might be? No. One minute she is saying how kind the Queen was and sharing and then we hear she is saying the Royal Family made a racist remark. Rubbish. You either love them or hate them, you don't do both. Half of the UK was asking the same question. It meant nothing more than curiosity, we have had a Black Prince before.

    1. For some reason, Google now has me posting comments as "unknown". I didn't watch the interview, or click on any headlines until today seeing the Queen's public response. It would really be best if H & M grow up and decide what it is they actually want, because it obviously isn't the privacy they've declared their goal. Surely they could find a quiet island somewhere to raise their growing family with the help of her mother? And privately mend their fences? --EM Griffith

  10. I am an American and watched the entire interview and my opinion is what a couple of spoiled brats. They wanted all of the good bits of being royal-even to trying to trademark the business name of "Sussex Royal".
    Megan claimed to never read tabloids yet they were so cruel she wanted to kill herself? Archie wouldn't receive a title? Rubbish, he just wouldn't have been a prince because there are 5 other princes and a princess in line before him for the throne. Has there ever been a situation in England where a great grandson of the monarch who is not in the direct line of succession would be given the title prince?
    And lastly, of course it's about money. Harry was angry that he would not receive free royal security once he moved to Canada.

  11. Farage makes some very good points, and he would never be my favourite person. It is all kind of tacky and distasteful.

  12. I don't like Farage nor the part he played in getting Britain out of The European Union. However, I think he is spot on in the way he sums up the stars of Oprah's TV interview special. To me Prince Harry is a traitor. Washing one's dirty linen in public is very bad form. The two f them should try living in a council block on Universal Credit - then they would have something to complain about.

    1. I agree with you. Farage may not be everyone's cup of tea, but he sums-up the situation very well. There will always be anti-royalists who will side with Markle, but the rest of us can see quite clearly what's been going on. One has to wonder how long it'll take Harry to see it too.

  13. Well said Mr Farage, just what I and all my friends are saying. We welcomed Megan with open arms and now she's sh*t on us and our beloved Queen.

  14. The family should talk it over between themselves and the world should get back to being concerned about issues that affect themselves. I have more things to worry about than celebrity family feuds.

  15. I don´t like Farage but he made some good points.

  16. Well said Nigel! I've been saying much these same things for months now. I welcomed Meghan into our UK 'family' - it was lovely to see Harry finally find somebody to love and settle down with. Yet within months, as Nigel says, the lecturing started - do as we say, not as we do! Slightly annoying but ho hum, the rich & famous DO like to jump onto the latest trend but not actually follow it 100% if it 'inconveniences' them. But to suddenly (or was it?) turn around and walk away seemed like a betrayal. Fairt enough if they wanted a quiet life to raise a family etc etc but it just seems like they've both been hypocritically courting celebrity and fame and using their royal titles. Hypocritical, a very sad affair indeed and incredibly disloyal to the Queen and the rest of their family.
