Friday 5 March 2021

The Saga Continues.

It's a strange thing that The Royal Family were getting along quite well before Meghan arrived on the scene. One really has to wonder what changed all that.

Yes, they're still in the bloody news.

I know I'm not alone in wishing that Mr and Mrs Sussex (or whatever they now call themselves) would simply settle down, shut-up, go and make themselves lots of money, and do what they'd originally told us they wished to do; which was to live a quiet life away from their Royal duties, and away from the horrid, horrid, beastly, UK press.

Harry has been enjoying his new-found privacy by riding around in an open-top Hollywood bus (mentioning Netflix 3 times), and jointly spilling beans to Oprah in a 2 hour 'primetime special'. Obviously keeping themselves out of the limelight.

Meghan, unfortunately, has been making exactly the same mistake as Harry's late mother, seeing herself as the headline, rather than the support act. She, also, like Harry's mother should have understood that she was simply a consort and not the 'big banana'. 

Harry claims that he is able to cope with his separation from the Royal Family because he has Meghan by his side; and claims that his mother had had no such support, and had "gone through the process by herself". I think they've been keeping a few details from you dear boy!

It's far too late for advice now. Pre her wedding she was very popular in the UK,  but after the wedding she should have stayed in the background, perhaps adopted a couple of good causes, maybe continued with her acting career, and left Harry to be the star of the show, then none of this nonsense would have happened. 

People were bemused by her inviting so many Hollywood stars to her very expensive wedding. Most she had never met; others only briefly. It's this constantly searching for the limelight that has made her unpopular; people don't like that in England. England is not Hollywood. It's simply not 'British'.

She got what she wanted. She married her Prince, returned to Hollywood, and has her heir and spare (almost). The one thing they both now owe to HM The Queen, is some respect; and possibly to Markle's own family as well. Is there anyone she hasn't yet upset?

Her Majesty has behaved impeccably throughout her life. She's never dressed in Nazi costumes, never wandered around naked at Las Vegas parties, and, above all, she is Harry's grandmother. So would you now both behave yourselves, and shut-up!

Meghan comes from a pretty ordinary background, she was a divorcee, a bit-part actress in a cheap soap, and frankly knew absolutely nothing of the duties and expectations of The Royal Family. Why she thinks she can now admonish them for not behaving correctly, is a mystery. Obviously she thinks she knows best.

And one more thing. Would you please now stop calling yourselves the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. I don't suppose you've ever been to god's playground, and Meghan probably doesn't even know where Sussex is.



  1. Sound of loud applause and wolf whistles. My thoughts exactly Monsieur Cro! I am just so pleased that these two money-grabbing, discourteous nitwits were not give the titles Duke and Duchess of Yorkshire. We would have been so ashamed to be associated with them. It annoys me greatly that Markle refers to our royal family as "The Firm". Who the hell does she think she is? The divorce cannot be long now. They can sell the story to "Hello". magazine.

    1. I wonder how long it'll take him to realise what a plonker he's been. I cannot understand why he didn't marry someone who knew the business; there was no shortage of suitable brides.

    2. Gordon Bennett Cro, enter the 20th shortage of suitable brides!

      They are minor royals, I just don’t know why people are so agitated or interested. As to calling the Royal family “The Firm”, I thought that was pretty common parlance until the Daily Mail decided it wasn’t.

    3. YP, it was Prince Philip, on marrying Elizabeth, who coined the phrase "The Firm".


    4. "Suitable Brides", Cro? We are not into horse breeding here (Diana anyone?). Even the Royals are human. My dear sweet beloved mother-in-law (RIP) had a couple of "suitable brides" in mind for her son. Alas, she was romantic (and human) enough to bow to that je ne sais quoi called "love".


    5. He had loads of suitable young ladies after him. Let's face it, he was one of the world's most eligible grooms. The word 'bride' doesn't suggest 'horse', it's simply a name for a woman who marries. Is that now non-PC? I can't keep up with what's allowed and what's not.

    6. Sorry, Cro, crossed wires here. Lots of people fall in love with the "unsuitable". My father warned me off black men. Whether parents, you or anyone else approves or not doesn't come into a love match. It is what it is. And what it wasn't was an "arranged" marriage.

      As to "breeding" the next heir - that was, unfortunately for her, Diana's role. You disparage her, yet it's ok for Charles to having maintained his relationship with Camilla? I don't knock their relationship. It was clearly meant to be even though Diana was deemed the "suitable" one. And what of Princess Margaret and the sacrifices she made?

      I really think it best to leave the Royals to do what they do. Let them live their lives as we do without scrutinizing them. Yes, the "Crown" was fun to watch but the players involved are REAL people, with all their foibles. Let's not sit in judgment over them.


    7. Charles had always been in love with Camilla, and in a way he remained faithful to her. Ms Spencer, however, had a series of seven different lovers; Mannakee, Hewitt, Gilbey, Hoare, Carling, Khan, and Al Fayed. A tad weighted on her side!!

  2. Please note that I am extremely pleased to see that very few people see fit to comment on this farce. The sooner they realise that no-one is interested in their childish behaviour, the better.

    1. Cro it's not showing on my reading list. I have no interest in any of them apart from their comedic value and that happens too rarely to justify following them.

    2. I have a feeling that after their '2 hr special' they might find people are less interested in them.

  3. I think Meghan is not liked by the media
    I think the general public think she’s fine

    1. I'm not so sure about that John. The media loved her in the UK, then she started to behave like some spoilt brat, and they took against her. As for the public; I think they still like her over in the USA, but that may soon change.

  4. Aye right they hate media,. So bogged of to US n Oprah. Signed up for millions of dollars . Entitled brats. Wonder how long will take US to realise that. Bye bye

    1. They like the 'media' that pays; not so keen on they type that doesn't.

  5. Sick of the sight of them both. Every time I see their faces pop up on my tv screen I hit the mute button.

    1. I think your reaction might soon spread. They should go hide!

  6. Queen Elizabeth's uncle made similar choices for love and that seems to have worked out for the best. At least for the U.K. As an aside, do many people watch Oprah anymore? Haven't watched her since the 1990s. Ah, well. Life goes on. --EM Griffith

    1. I don't know what Oprah does these days, other than selling interviews with nitwits for millions. Good luck to her.
