Sunday 14 February 2021

Feb' 14th.

If it's St Valentine's Day; it must be my old friend Jock's birthday.....Happy birthday Jock. 

Jock (Veitch) knew EVERYONE. You could mention almost any well known actor, actress, singer, politician, king, queen, etc; and Jock would have had a story. As a journalist in Sydney and New York, he put himself around a bit. If you're interested, his Sydney Herald obit' is on Google. 

Of course it's also St Valentine's Day, the day when we buy boxes of chocs, bunches of flars, or reserve seats at expensive restaurants (in better times).

In these days of lockdown, however, chocs will probably be this year's most popular  gift (I hope so anyway, ahem!). May I wish all our lovely wives, girlfriends, and ladies everywhere, a very happy day. I hope you are all being spoilt rotten!


  1. Here in recent years everybody began to celebrate Valentine's Day, I did not know anything about it when I was younger, happy day to you too Cro.

    1. It's been around as long as I can remember. When I was much younger it was essential to receive at least one card; otherwise you felt rejected. These days it's more relaxed.

  2. It's been devastating here economically with our unexpected five day lockdown, for florists, for restaurants and the cancellation of Chinese New Year celebrations. We only exchange cards for Valentine's Day.

    1. I suspect that the St Val's Day industry will take a bashing this year. No-one's meeting anyone, so no need for woo-ing.

  3. Eight years ago we had oysters and champagne for lunch. I have never been so ill in all my life! (Soup and wine today to be on the safe side.)

    1. Soup and cheese here; curry with dahl for supper.

  4. I think Valentine's Day was rather more romantic when I was a teenager but, on the whole, I think there was more wooing in those days if for no other reason than opportunities for instant sex were just not available as a general rule for teenagers.

    1. The whole business of 'romance' was much more fun when we were young. I'm only disappointed that I didn't take further advantage.

  5. My Valentine's Day treat will be to bathe P's infected foot after breakfast.

    1. Well Whooppee for you, I trust you'll manage a couple of heart-shaped chocs whilst changing his dressings.

  6. I had a fancy to make a card this year for my beloved. So I rootled around and found some colouring pencils, a pen, some card and then set to searching the web for suitable romantic poetry. I was fairly pleased with the result. I may even put the finished item on my blog. I told the Mr I had made a card so obviously he set to making one for me. His was various images of places we will hope to visit this year, printed on to coloured card, with a lovely printed message inside. Just as personal as mine but showing our respective approaches to technology. Happy Valentine's Day Cro. Btw we opted for a delivery from Cotes Brasserie, it looks wonderful. Jean

    1. The card that accompanied my wife's cadeau, was a gold heart with the traditional 'Be my Valentine' written on it. I'm a man of few words! She did like her prezzie though|!

  7. In all of our 45 years of marriage, plus before, we have never celebrated St Valentines Day. Firstly, it is for unrequited love and, secondly, why only celebrate on one day a year ?!!!! .... and on a day when everything doubles in price !!!! XXXX

    1. I'd be in trouble if I forgot Feb 14th. I value my mobility.

  8. I received roses and a card. I gave him a card. We will have a grilled steak and baked potatoes with a salad for supper. Then we will romantically work on our taxes as he watches the Daytona 500.

    1. Sounds like a filled day. Your supper sounds better than mine. I was supposed to be roasting Lamb this evening, but, guess what, I was clean out of Lamb. I shall replenish my stock on Tuesday.

  9. Valentine's Day has never been a big thing for us. When the kids were young, we celebrated a bit more. Now we all text each other, but that's about it. DH and I would exchange cards and kisses, but now with the pandemic, cards aren't even available since we don't go out. But that's OK. I do wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day! Stay warm and stay safe!

    1. St Val's is more to me about my old friend, Jock's, birthday than anything. He was such a wonderful character, and we had terrific fun together eating drinking and laughing.
