Thursday 14 January 2021

Vulgus Vehementi.

There is no question that many social injustices have been overturned, and corrected, following civil unrest, but to attempt to overturn the results of a Presidential Election by similar means is not only undemocratic, but, frankly, ridiculous. 

However, a regular mélange of anarchists, civil libertarians, Marxists, hooded opportunist tracksuit-wearing rabble-rousers, Fascists, and even CND supporters, see fit to cause trouble for their governments by taking to the streets, and rioting. Personally I can never see this as a 'right'. Peaceful protest OK, but not wanton destruction.

At present on the world's streets are Proud Boys, Rebellion Extinction lovies, BLM activists, every day Anarchists, and MAGA red-necks, amongst a multitude of other groups. Some are peaceful; others are no less than well-armed destructive militia. Those who recently stormed The Capitol are plainly just ill-informed criminal hooligans.

Ex-UK Prime minister, David Cameron, rightly said "No government I lead will ever put those who fight to defend democracy, on the same footing as those who seek to destroy it". Our problem is that the less one does to quell such destruction and violence on our streets, the more it gives encouragement to those those who are out for blood.

No-one wishes to stop peaceful demonstration; it's all part of the democratic process. But overtly violent mobs on our streets should be dealt with swiftly and sharply. When Boris was Mayor of London he bought several water cannons to give such people a good soaking, but the bleeding heart do-gooders claimed it was against their human rights to be drenched, and the cannons were banned and eventually sold for scrap; at a loss to the good folk of London of £300,000.

There's a fine line between lawful and unlawful protest, but when destructive looting takes place, and the police, and government property, attacked, then immediate action should and must be taken, and those who have instigated the violence made to face the law; or even impeachment.


  1. Well said Cro, bring back the water cannons!

    1. If you don't wish to be drenched, don't go rioting. Demonstrate sensibly.

  2. Yes, well said. Rioters in Athens throw molotov come cocktails, rip up marble paving and cause damage to local shops. It makes most people's blood boil. I don't think peaceful marches achieve much but at least it lets the govt know there is opposition to 'whatever'.
    The real anarchists should be arrested and jailed but here they never are. Never makes sense to me. They are called the known-unknown.
    At least after next Wednesday maybe we will have a change in news stories , though Erdogan will always fill our front pages

    1. It can't be nice for you having Erdogan so near by. Nasty man.

  3. Now these miscreants are threatening to attack every state capitol simultaneously if their darling leader is removed from office. They will 'never accept Biden as president'. I thought it was an empty threat, just mouth noise from an incredibly stupid population. But, in Pennsylvania, there has been a 22% increase in people buying firearms. (These are the figures doing things legally. It doesn't consider the assholes that are getting them illegally.) We've got a problem. We've got a big problem. Imagine how shocked we were to see a fellow who looked a lot like a relly on the telly. Imagine how much more shocked we were to discover that he was probably not only there, but that he took a bus load of like minded with him. I will never, never understand the mindset of these people. They will straight faced tell you things that are simply insane. Something no rational person would believe. And yet they DO...they believe that they are fighting evil.

    1. Great comment Debby. I do not understand why so many, about half, of your country are so irrational.

    2. The situation is not unlike the UK's Brexit vote, where the for and against were too close for comfort. It gives the losers a cause to fight for; in your case those wretched MAGA loonies. I do hope the 20th doesn't see more violence and bloodshed, but I expect it will.

  4. That's a good quote from Cameron. Prat that he was, he at least showed some intelligence.

    1. I don't think Cameron was that bad. He just shouldn't have promised to hold the referendum.

  5. I believe that The French Revolution included much angry protest. Without it, the France we see today would never have been born. Similarly in England the direct action of The Chartists brought about many vital reforms. Sometimes people have to fight for change.

    1. As I said, many injustices have been overturned by civil disobedience. I think in the case of the French Revolution many heads rolled for reasons other than the reasons stated.

  6. It is hard to disagree with an 'is motherhood good' statement, and I don't actually.
    Violent protest is part of the history of many countries and was necessary at the time, but I see no need for it today.

    1. Both here and in the UK, such rioting is often used as a cover for crime. Keep the cops busy there, whilst we rob a house here.

  7. Sadly, some of the Jan. 6th mob have expected a "pardon", not understanding the full scope and reality of what they did. Impeachment was necessary. Resignation would have been better. In 6 days he'll be gone. Thankfully. And maybe things will settle down after awhile in the U.S., especially once vaccinations have fully rolled out and life can return to something resembling normal? Where we stop hating and condemning one another? Hoping so. Peace would be lovely. As would a return to freedom. Where everyone is "essential" and diverse ideas are valued once more.

    1. Those who committed crimes on the 6th must be prosecuted, those who didn't left alone. It should be no different for a crowd of 10,000, than for a group of 5.

  8. All evidence of irregular postal votes and counting have been systematically destroyed and people gagged and stopped from speaking out. No wonder there has been a lot of unrest. Graveyards opened and corpses voted. A peaceful protest went wrong and a president is impeached. If Biden wants to unite and move America forward he should do whatever is necessary to wipe the slate clean and for America to start again and forget it. Pelosi should quietly exit and grow old gracefully.

    1. At 80, Pelosi IS old. Election aside, I read transcripts of the Jan. 6th rally in D.C. Official transcripts. A resignation would have been best. But I honestly think nearly 10 months of enforced isolation and (previously unthinkable) restrictions have had profound effects on people's mental health. I believe it's the root cause of much of our unrest. In any event, he was always only going to be #45. We'll see what #46 does. It isn't looking promising and I don't expect much. Will 1/2 the country be given penance? Or silenced? Black listed? 1/2 the country is still demonized. Now, more than before, it seems.

    2. I can't see the changeover creating anything near harmony. Socialist policies usually create unemployment, and Trump will continue to say "I told you so". It's not looking good for at least another 8 years.

    3. Cro, I fear you're right. My husband is still a year and a half from retirement, when we'll retreat to a quiet corner of the Southwest. God willing. Having the land almost makes the wait harder. I may not live long enough to see what comes after what looks to be coming. Our sons should, though.

    4. What utter nonsense Rachel. That's exactly the crazy talk we are hearing. There is no proof of it, yet people insist it is true. IT. IS. NOT.

    5. Thanks Debby. I hope Biden takes a sensible view to take the country forward in a positive way, as I said.

    6. A peaceful protest did not go wrong. The rally was planned for a while. Trump clearly invited the crowd to March to the Capitol. The crowd was well organized with weapons, ladders and restraints.

      Trump has been laying the ground work since before the election. Unfortunately some have fallen for his lies and believe that the election was stolen.

    7. Oops that should have been incited....though invited sounds so more peaceful.

  9. We, in the US, are very nervous about what will happen next. Trump gave these hate groups a voice; they gave him power. He gave they lies; they gave him loyalty.

    1. Wow. What happened to healing and unifying? Tens of millions (of us), solidly in the middle ground, desperate for peace, are collateral damage from what BOTH sides have inflicted. Do you see us? End the war. It's what Biden ran on.

    2. I'm not surprised that you're nervous. Almost anyone would be better than Trump, but an elderly Socialist doesn't give too much confidence. We over here can only wish you well.

    3. I would hardly classify Biden as a socialist Cro!

    4. Biden is NOT a socialist! That is nothing but right wing propaganda nonsense and fear mongering put forth by the likes of Fox News.
      From some of the comments on this post I see that a lot of the conspiracy theories and "alternative facts" (i.e. "lies") have spread all through Europe.

      Please take some of the info you all get about our elections and politicians with a grain of salt.

    5. We have been led to believe that he's an old-style left winger. I hope for America's sake that he's not. Tax-n-spend always leads to disaster.

  10. Just so, Traveller...Democrats are right wing....Republicans even further right wing...that is what most people misunderstand, Cro

    1. Not knowing the man, I can only believe what I read... and I don't read the obviously politically biased tripe.

    2. Socialism is a belief that the means of making, moving, and trading wealth should be owned or controlled by the workers.

      That is not Biden

  11. "Almost anyone would be better than Trump"... this is very true.

    1. It's amazing how he got there in the first place. It must have been the power of TV.

    2. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups, as the saying goes.
