Saturday 23 January 2021


Call me an ageing hippy if you will, but I have been an active burner of incense sticks since the 60's.

Like many, I burn those lovely Nag Champa sticks in the blue pack; probably the world's favourite.

It was -6 C outside this morning, so as soon as I'd returned from my early walk with Dog-Face, I lit one, and allowed its beautiful fragrance to permeate the house. The aroma immediately makes one feel warmer and happier.

If you don't believe me; try it.


  1. Finding good incense is like finding buried treasure.
    In Harvard Square, Massachusetts, circa late 1960s there was a shop that sold incense, candles and such. I have yet to find that scent since then, and I don't remember the name.
    Nag Champa on a lamp shade or a fabric leaf also scents the air nicely. Sandalwood and franchinsense are favorites.

    1. I have 'all-sorts' in the house, but always return to the comforting aroma of Nag Champa. For me it never fails.

  2. I live and learn. I assumed incense was just to disguise the smell of cannabis. I do know that patchouli oil was used by girls who are allergic to soap and water.

    1. I happen, also, to be a great fan of Patchouli, and possess several varieties from Cheapo bottles from flower-power shops, to very expensive ones from Marrakech.

  3. O.k. I will call you an ageing hippy if you want. We have a variety of incense that we burn here.

  4. I do the same thing but at a temperature of 9 degrees, here it is considered very cold.

    1. It has a very comforting and warming aroma. Perfect for winter evenings.

  5. It wouldn't make me feel calmer or happier - hate weird scents - give me fresh air any day!

  6. I agree with Sue in Suffolk, can't stand the scent of anything wierd or cloying, don't even like perfume, I'm a fresh air freak too!

    1. I'm a fresh air addict too, but on cold frosty days I find incense very comforting.

  7. Well, living in a place where the air could not be fresher, I can say that I enjoy both.

    1. Plenty of 'fresh air' here today, accompanied by driving rain. An indoors day!

  8. Burn incense on a daily basis as it is the best antidote for "toilet smells".

  9. Fond memories of incense burning but now sticks in a perfumed oil. I can no long bear the smell of incense. One does like the mental image of a conservative hippie.

    1. We do also burn scented candles; mostly vanilla scented, which are very nice.

  10. I must give it a try. I could do with calming down a little.

    1. It does have a calming quality. But remember to sit cross-legged on the floor and say Ooooooooom.

  11. I do burn sceented candles and find them calming Cro.

    1. We have some in the bathroom; Vanilla aroma. Very sexy.

  12. I love burning incense but husband hates the smell (whichever I'm burning) so I can only burn them when he's out for the day - which is never at the moment.

  13. When the joss sticks are lit, do you and Lady Magnon wear beads and sit crosslegged with your eyes closed singing "Hare Krishna" over and over again?...I guess you will be incensed by that remark!

    1. Not at all, that's exactly what we do. Lady M tends to cough quite a lot too.

  14. Have to agree with "Sue in Suffolk" - can't stand anything scented like incense - it gives me a splitting headache.

  15. We burn incense sticks here also... sandalwood is my favorite. Haven't found it lately, so Paris Cafe candles take it's place... gives the house have the aroma of fresh coffee.

    1. I have never heard of nag champa incense, but found some online and ordered it... along with some sandalwood. Thanks for the recommendation.

  16. I used to be a big fan of incense. However, now I find that the smoke triggers sinus issues and headache. Even at Christmas, I avoid the 'smells and bells' mass because by the time it's over, I can taste the incense, and I'm feeling sickish. That being said, I am a fan of scented candles. My favorite is probably my coffee scented one. I also have a bottle of patchouli essential oil. I add a couple drops to unscented lotion. I've had it forever.

  17. Yes I used to be a great fan of incense. After all I am from the flower power generation. I used my last ones up last summer (in the garden). I read some articles of incense (the smoke) related to cancer. Just like other smoke I suppose.

  18. Pleased to see you and Lady M don't have any trouble sitting cross legged on the floor. I know some people have trouble doing that at our age.
