Thursday 7 January 2021

Fyfe Robertson.

I was recently saying to a friend, how much I'd enjoyed watching Fyfe Robertson's interviews and reports on TV, back in the 60's and 70's.

He had a wonderful presence, and his calm soft Scottish voice gave him an instant air of authority on any subject.

One particular interview I remember extremely well, was with an Irish 'Gypsy' at the annual Appleby Fair. It went something like this...

FR (Scottish accent). Local people tell me that when you're here, you steal their Chickens.

Gypsy (Strong Irish accent). Yes Sir, we do do that.

FR. And the farmers say that you leave a lot of rubbish behind you, when you go.

Gypsy. Yes Sir, I'm afraid we do do that too Sir.

FR. And they also complain that you break down fences, let out their animals, and just park your wagons wherever you fancy.

Gypsy. Well, yes. We do that too.

At this point Robertson was lost for words and simply gave up. It was one of the funniest interviews I've ever seen. It's a shame that there seems to be no record of it.


  1. Maybe they are all those things but he was brutally honest to the detriment of his race.

    1. I think he was simply taking the pee. It certainly stopped Robertson in his tracks.

  2. I cannot imagine that Fyfe ever stole chickens or tore down fences but he might have run through a cornfield like Theresa May.

    1. Nor did he travel between TV locations in a horse-drawn wagon; unless he kept it quiet.

  3. Fyfe Robertson, rings a bell. Probably saw or heard him in NZ. Great interview.
    But was there another Robertson back then, broadcaster, comedian? Ive got it at the back of my mind that it's another name I'm thinking of

    1. It's not an uncommon name so there must have been others. Fyfe, however, was unmistakable. A wonderful man.

  4. He taught the rest of the nation how to do a Scottish accent. A great interviewer too.

    1. It was an 'understandable' accent too. Not too broad.

  5. I needed this laugh today.

    1. Me too. We all ned a laugh or two these days.

  6. Oh Cro, you never fail to take me back to my childhood. We always watched Fyfe { the Tonight programme ? } I remember that interview along with another one where he was interviewing someone on the street in Scotland who had the broadest accent and you couldn't understand a word they were saying !!! That, too, was very funny ..... I bet its on YouTube somewhere ! XXXX

    1. I loved him. He was always so calm and unflappable. Cliff Michelmore (sp?) was good too, but very different.

  7. Sounds wonderful Cro. I can just imagine the interview.

    1. It was a hilarious interview, made all the better by FR.

  8. The thing about Fyfe Robertson's accent was not so much that it was Scottish but that it was Edinburgh and thus everyone watching TV in England suddenly thought all Scots spoke thus. When they arrived in Glasgow they we consequently completely bamboozled.

    1. Yes, I can imagine that. His accent was very soft and attractive, but probably at that time we had yet to experience Glaswegian-speak.

    2. Weegie is a language unique to mankind. There is a YouTube video of a Weegie lass trying to get Alexa to play here a song. If I find it I'll pop a link in.

    3. Imagine living with that woman... horrendous. Thank you.

  9. I had for gotten him. They don't make them like him any more.

    1. He was very good. I always loved watching him.

  10. Tonight was a very good programme and I remember Fyfe Robertson and all the others on the programme very clearly.

    1. These days it's 'The One Programme', which wouldn't receive two minutes of my precious time.

  11. He looks a bit like Catweazle. It's amazing what you can find on youtube - the interview might be there.

    1. I've had a good look, but can't find it. Pity, it was so funny.

  12. I think it was he that filmed a farmer and his sheep that were penned in with a dog to stop the dog from worrying sheep. Instead of letters claiming cruelty the team were inundated with requests to get their dogs 'treated'.
    Cliff and his wife - of 2 way Family Favourites - lived in Reigate my home town.

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