Monday 21 December 2020

Things are becoming serious.

Woodman, woodman, spare that tree
touch not a single bough.
In youth it always sheltered me
and I'll protect it now.

Being that nasty woodman, I felled the tree yesterday. In fact two were felled; one for us, and another for Boo Boo & Co.

Ours were not Oaks, as in the famous song, but the tops off unruly Leylandii. No Squirrels were made homeless, no birds were forced from their nests, and no children's swings were evicted from strong supporting boughs.

The tree is now thick with baubles, garlands of tinsel, and strings of flashing silver lights.

Boo Boo and The Cherub of course helped with the décor, and, when satisfied that everything was PERFECT, went off to decorate their own tree.

The only hint of an argument came with the programming of the lights. Being able to deliver about 10 different sequences, my own choice was soon outlawed, and a far inferior flashing sequence chosen. I bit my lip and said nothing.

Now all I need is to find a good sized Turkey before the big day, and all will be fine. I shall go Turkey hunting on Wednesday.



  1. Let the Christmas season begin then. Xmas cake sampled, tree up. Bet the boys are getting excited too.
    I made my patë yesterday. All systems go

    1. I might make Paté next month; I still have a supply from last year!

  2. I suspect most of us older people don't like lots of flashing racing lights on a tree. Gentle rhythms for me please. While it is easier to hit them with a shotgun, better to use a rifle when hunting turkeys. Nothing worse than biting on a shotgun pellet.

    1. My supermarket refuses me entry with my rifle; I'm obliged to buy an already-shot beast.... if I can find one.

  3. Frozen French turkeys are very popular here. Around 3 kilos, about 2.50 euros a kilo and with a thermometer poking out of its breast. That's what we used to buy. Now we stuff a chook......and there will be pork, pork and more pork

    1. There are no frozen Turkeys here, just local reared outdoor birds... if you can find them. My wife said that if I can't find one, to buy a Guinea fowl and a chicken instead; but I'm sure I'll be OK. I have 4 supermarkets to scour.

  4. I haven't decided on what to have yet.

    1. It wouldn't seem right for me without Turkey; it's the aroma of the roasting that is as much about Christmas as anything else.

  5. John Wyndham should have written a follow up novel - "Day of the Leylandii".

    1. Ours are becoming of monster proportions; perfect for a Christmas tree.

  6. Two trees! Lucky boys! Turkeys finally made an appearance at our grocer's, too. I decided on the spot for a 1.25kg mini ham. We're only 2 now so a turkey would have been out of the question, even if I had fancied one.

    1. We shall have 5 Turkey eaters, and one veggie, for lunch, so hopefully there'll be some left over for Boxing Day. I like the left-overs almost as much as Day 1.

  7. Your tree is lovely, Cro. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and you find a nice plump bird to to add to your feast.

  8. I like gently twinkling lights but unfortunately ours seem to have a mind of their own. After a few hours of twinkling they suddenly turn into disco mode.

    1. Those are the 'Joke Lights', just after midnight they go crazy.

  9. A good way to get rid of a Leylandii!!
    It certainly shouldn't drop needles like a fir.

    1. I can guarantee that when I take it down on Jan 6th, there won't be any dead matter on the ground. I do water it as well.

    2. The Naylor-Leyland who bred them never thought that they would grow to monster size...their estate in North Wales has a really huge wall and they even topped that....before even they cut them all down!!

  10. Your tree reminds me of my childhood Cro ..... it has a lovely old-fashioned look about it. Do you buy a turkey every Christmas and know where to get one ? ..... You probably have an idea where to get one ! XXXX

    1. I cannot remember a Christmas without a Turkey. I love the smell of the roasting; and of course the taste. I'm pretty sure I'll find one on Wednesday, otherwise I will continue my hunt on Thursday. Contingency plans are in place.

  11. A headline like that made me think right away for Covid. I am happy to hear that the only serious thing right now is getting the house in order for Christmas!

    1. Not too much virus around here, but we remain vigilant.

  12. So Cro, what is your choice of light sequence? I do feel your pain. I always go for the simple, non-flashing, pulsing, fading. Just simple 'on'

    1. Anything that DOESN'T resemble a 1970's disco. I prefer 'demure'.

  13. Wonderful and even better because you had such great help.

  14. I wish you and your family happy Christmas Cro.

    1. Thank you. Things are looking good; even the weather might be OK.
