Sunday 20 December 2020

Santa Letter 2020.

Dear Santa,

You've ignored my letters for the past 70 years, so I'm not going to waste this one on requests that you'll ignore yet again.

I really want nothing at all this Christmas; at my age if you haven't got it, then you don't need it.

I have all I need for a reasonably comfortable life, my minor illness is easily controllable, and COVID-19 has yet to knock at my door.

So may I occupy your time by asking on behalf of others. 

Would you see to it that 'Common sense' is equally distributed; some seem to have far too much, and others, sadly, have far too little. 

Would you also grant those who have none, a certain amount of 'pleasantness'; there are too many folk out there who seem to enjoy being unpleasant, love conflict, and who would find their lives greatly improved by your gift. 

And lastly, may I ask that you share some of your own renowned 'generosity'; both materially and in spirit. It could only help make the world a better place.

All rather tricky I'm afraid Santa, but I know you'll do your best.

On the night of the 24th, my Yule Log will be burning on the fire, a small glass of Single Malt will be warming nearby; as will your usual Mince Pie and Carrots for the Reindeer.

Your long time friend, Cro x



  1. I wonder what the young Cro requested in his first letter to Santa?

  2. Hear hear Cro...or is it 'here here'? Anyway, a very nice letter. One can but hope....

  3. Dear Cro,
    I have just read your lovely letter. It came at just the right time for me as one of my trusted elves - Brian passed away just yesterday with that horrid virus.

    Brian had been with me for seven hundred years. Now I have an urgent opening for a new elf and I was wondering if you would be interested in the job as you clearly possess the kind of qualities I always look for in an elf.

    Naturally, your elf costume will be provided free of charge. I should warn you that consorting with Christmas fairies is verboten.

    Please let me know.


    1. Dear Santa, you may not have received my letter as yet, but I had hoped you'd join me here. The work is unpaid, but the rewards are high. Cro x

  4. Just hope the reindeer doesn;t drink the single malt and leave the carrot for Santa - that would put the cat amongst the pigeons and we have enough of that already this year

    1. It'll only be a tot of Whisky, and just one Carrot; not enough for Rudolph to get tipsy, but enough for Santa to see in the dark.

  5. How did you get that photo of me on your blog?

    1. I'm still waiting for that kiss under the mistletoe.

  6. Love it! Thanks for the smile this morning (in CA). Merry Christmas, Cro.

  7. For a worrying moment I thought you were going to request the minx in the photograph in your letter to Santa!
    A sprinkling of common sense and pleasantness on our benighted little island, ah, that would be good.

    1. Mostly it's the common sense that's in short supply at the moment. Ah well...

  8. Oh Cro, I do wish also for 'common sense' to be more prevalent in the world. It doesn't seem like such a lot to ask for... common sense and kindness!

    1. I think we all wish for the same thing. With more common sense around, we might just beat this awful virus.

  9. A nice letter with excellent requests. Santa will do his best.

  10. Oh, if only common sense were common. Lovely letter.

    1. At the moment it's only too obvious that it isn't. Most of us are doing our best whilst others just couldn't care less.
