Monday 28 December 2020

Morgan et al.

I wasn't expecting this book for Christmas, but I'm very pleased that it was in my stocking (thank you Lady M).

I really don't know much about Morgan. I don't watch morning TV, and have never subscribed to The Sun, The Mirror, or The News of the World newspapers. My only vague connection with him is that we were both born in God's own County of Surrey. I am slightly senior to him.

In the introduction entitled 'The World's Gone Nuts', one sees at once that his book will be an interesting read. It already had me feeling slightly worried that I was agreeing with his every observation.

His book is timely. He faces the appalling advance of 'Wokeism'; and the disgrace of genuinely liberal folk being classified 'cancelled'. His patience runs out when he hears that Canada's Trudeau outlawed the word 'Mankind' as sexist; forgetting that 'Woman' also contains the word 'man'. 

If you too despair at all the 'over-the-top' silliness of PC, then I expect you'll enjoy the read as much as I will. It certainly won't appeal to the 'snow-flaky-left', but then THEY are mostly the subject of his wrath.

If like me you mourn the demise of true 'liberalism', then this is the book for you; but be prepared to shout, scream, and tear out hair!


  1. Replies
    1. But not to everyone. I don't know a lot about Morgan, but I had the feeling he wasn't flavour of the day!

  2. From what I have seen and heard from him, but more importantly what others have said about him, I don't like him at all. But maybe, possibly, most likely, I am a snow flake lefty, which is not nearly as good being an inner city chardonnay sipping and café late drinking leftie. At least I am aspirational in one way.

    1. His main gripe seems to be the intolerance of the 'woke' society. The extreme vegans, BLM activists, etc. He doesn't hold back.

    2. I should perhaps have added that going by all that I've heard about him (I've never hear or seen him on a programme) he is as objectionable a character as one could meet and certainly not an espouser of views I support. However I would like the opportunity to find out for myself - hence my comment.

    3. Had to look up "woke". Where do I live? The moon? No signal.

      Piers Morgan, from what I hear, has become a hate figure. In his defence, his job is NOT to be liked. His job is to be hated, despised. Topping up the viewing figures.

      I've only seen him once on TV. He made me laugh so much (for the wrong reasons). I thought I had opinions and voice them. Morgan and HIS opinions leave me for dust. What divides us most definitely that he talks over people - not least his co-presenter. It was so glaringly obvious I was speechless.

      Still, as you, Cro, and some of your other commentators say: Political correctness has gone ape shape, shit bat crazy. On the plus side it makes us think twice before we open our mouths.

      Roger, over and out,

  3. I am very familiar with Piers Morgan and for the sake of civility have decided not to articulate my thoughts about him.

    1. Seems like I was right about his popularity.

  4. He is certainly not my flavour but then I don't suppose I am his and it is a free society.

    1. The 'free society' is the important bit here. May it always exist.

  5. Yorkshire Pudding put my feelings into words perfectly ! XXXX

    1. I don't disagree with all he says but, I just can't watch him with Suzanna Reid ...... they just argue with each other and shout all the time .... I can understand why all members of the cabinet boycotted his morning show as he just shouts over them all and never gives anyone a chance to speak which is absolutely pointless ! XXXX

    2. Now that I'm reading the book, I must have at look at him in action.

  6. From what I know about him, he believes in the freedom of cruelty.

    1. He makes it very clear that he is a confirmed Meat Eater, and won't be lectured to about it. I presume that's what you're referring to?

    2. I am not a vegetarian but two of my children are. I don’t care what anyone eats and especially don’t care what Morgan eats. I just think he is an ass. I googled him and it seems his father’s last name is my maiden name. Lordy, Lordy, I hope we aren’t related.

  7. He likes to be controversial, he is not doing programmes like Watch with Mother. He was editor of the Daily Mirror for years until he got the sack and he did some insider dealing at one point and got into trouble I recall. I neither like nor dislike him but for those who have never heard nor seen him I believe they should not just go on hearsay. I won't go looking for the book but if it came my way I would read it.

    1. I don't know much about him, so can't really comment, however I take the Voltaire view that "I may not agree with what he says, but I'll defend to the death his right to say it". From what I've read so far, I think he takes the same attitude.

  8. Could have been much worse, you could be having to read David Lammy's book.

    1. Adrian, I do have certain standards; I would never read a Lammy book.

    2. I suspect Lammy's book is mostly pictures done in crayons.

  9. He's a bit instant with his opinions, often has to make retractions, but at the same time he often says what many people think but daren't say. Good at stirring things up!

    1. There's a lot of stirring-up that needs to be done at the moment. He certainly does it in the book.

  10. It amused me when people started referring to the Labour politician Harriet Harman, with her particular interests in civil liberties and human rights, as Harriet Harperson.

  11. Good to see Morgan is as accurate as ever...a Trudeau didn’t outlaw “mankind”

    1. No, he humiliated the person who asked the question using the word.

      He's just as bad a leader as his Father was. A trust fund kid with an Education Degree spouting off.

      He want a job with the UN and has been using Canada as his launching point.

      He's barely been seen during the Pandemic. Didn't stop flights from China the start because it would have been "racist" but has now decided to refuse flights from the UK

      He has no time or liking of old stock Canadians unless they are from la belle province who vote him in.

    2. I'm be very surprised if he fabricated the story.

    3. I have no idea what an “old stock Canadian” is...unless you mean First Nations people.

      Morgan didn’t fabricate the whole story but he certainly did t report it accurately. It was a Q&A in Edmonton. A woman had a rambling preamble to a question, over four minutes. She was talking about motherly love, women in the church, her church. Trudeau interrupted her asking whether she had a question. The woman responded by saying something about motherly love being the love that would change which Trudeau jokingly replied that it is better to say “people kind” as it was more inclusive. But reporting all that wouldn’t have had the same appeal to Daily Mail readers.

    4. Trudeau's words were ridiculed by the world's media across the board.

    5. Yes his words were ridiculed...but how many people watched the tape? I did. I think it was taken out of context and I am not a Trudeau fan. It was picked up by Fox News and Morgan.....and others

  12. Cro, not that my idea of Morgan matters to anyone, but I'll join the voices above who are negative. He's just a twit. I don't recall when I began to think he was...I did give him a try when he first began to become somewhat popular. Will be interesting when you've read his book to hear what your view is.

  13. Replies
    1. He makes some reasonable points in the book, but he goes on and on and on about them. You end up wanting to punch him!

  14. The man is a sexist and egotisical twit.
