Friday 18 December 2020

Let's scrap the EU NOW!

So, what can we do about the wretched EU?

It looks as if Italy could be the next country to quit the EU. I hear that they will wait a couple of years to see how things go for the UK, then hold a referendum; which current thinking suggests would probably end in a LEAVE vote. They have been treated too badly.

Now, France and Germany are almost exclusively paying for the likes of Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and a few other of the 20+ remaining poorer countries. No wonder they are so annoyed that the UK quit.

What I suggest is this. France and Germany should follow the UK's example, put their childish tantrums and belligerence behind them, pre-empt any future disaster, and both quit the EU in order to form a tripartite union with 'England'. All three countries are well positioned geographically, and their economies (regardless of their love/hate relationships) are the strongest in Europe. As a threesome they would make an extremely powerful (non-political) trading union. The smaller but financially secure Holland and Belgium (as they are locked by borders) would also be included.

At their next general elections, the two countries should vote for 'leave' parties. In France for the FN, and in Germany for the AfD. Both countries could then quit the EU; with more middle-of-the-road, less focused, main-stream political parties returned to power a short time later.

This would leave just 20+ EU mostly poverty-stricken member countries, hopefully including a newly independent Scotland, to do whatever they wished. Shake their fists, make impossible demands of each other, and probably run amok; start a war even.

Wouldn't that be fun! What chances do you think there are of this happening?

Yup, that's what I thought.


  1. Does seem like a bit of wishful thinking -- fantasyland(?). You know better than I what's possible or realistic in Europe, but I'm always interested.

    1. This is only 'tongue in cheek'. In their wildest dreams this would never happen, but maybe it should.

  2. They can take Yorkshire with them and let the retired property owners who rent out contribute taxes to the EU pot and and fund the French farmers. Yorkshire would be invaded by French and German and Flemish tourists and the grouse moors trodden to dust. Hikers would ignore one another on the hills busy only with photography and Brussels could send over tax inspectors to go from door to door to find the hidden landlords.

    1. That's a wonderful picture you paint. They are already proposing to tax ex-pat 'residents' in the EU on their properties held back in the UK, plus capital gains on sales, etc. Another reason for us NOT to apply for residents papers.

    2. I thought most of the rentiers were on their expensive launches on the Norfolk Broads. We should cut Norfolk off with heavy earth moving equipment and float it out into the North Sea to form a union with the Dogger Bank.

    3. Only wherries and sail boats and cruisers for the drunken visitors from Yorkshire with telephoto lenses but they'll require visas and we won't be issuing any.

    4. Visas should be issued as for French lorries using UK roads; a flat fee of £2,000 per mile; payable at Newhaven only.

    5. After I wrote the reply in response to Tasker I bought the local paper and coincidentally the first inquest was in for the Broads summer drownings. It was a Yorkshireman. They were "playing" at pushing each other into the water.

  3. No chance but wouldn't that be going back close to the original EEC? Once countries with weak currencies were included and suddenly had euros, I expect that is when all began to sour.

    1. When we joined the Common Market back in 1975, it was a very successful trading group. The more political, and bureaucratic, it became, it started to go downhill.

    2. Uk joined in 1973 Cro, not 1975

    3. Forever checking up hey Traveller. Stasi trained.

    4. OK, the European Community then!

    5. By the way 'Traveller', I am always suspicious of people whose Profile contains no information. One has to wonder why!

    6. Please don't be suspicious, Cro. I can't speak for Traveller but as soon as someone asks me for my "profile" I freeze. I have no idea what they want from me. How can you condense yourself into a few line's profile? You can tell, can't you, I just love writing my CV (resume as it's called now) on applying for a job. HELP! We are all more than the parts of our sum (!).


    7. I like to know where people live; in what continent. I also like to know if they're male or female, maybe a profession, and a rough idea of age. I'm not after personal details; just enough to roughly place people. Those who fail to offer such info do so because they probably have something to hide.

    8. Funny you should mention you'd like to know whether someone is male or female. There are forums (not blogs which are, obviously, more intimate and revealing) who will take me as a male. Just on account of my username. Hilarity is mine.

      You are quite right: We do like to get the measure of a person who shows an interest in us, we show an interest in them. However, slowly does it. And even if you don't know a person's reading list or favourite film(s) people will reveal a lot of themselves via their comments. Slowly does it, my dear Cro, slowly does it. All good (and the shocking) will come to those who wait. Ever the optimist, please don't take my word for it.

      Happy Advent,

  4. Agreed. WTO seems to function well. The EU is fraught with issues. Should the EU attempt to re-invent themselves to satisfy all members or is it better to simply abandon ship?

    1. I think a lot of the member countries are now asking that same question. It'll be interesting to see the EU in 10 years time.

    2. WTO is a back stop...very little trade is on WTO terms

  5. Actually I was just reading today about the possibility of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK forming a partnership for trade, and allowing for free movement within those borders - it actually seemed to make a lot of sense....

    1. The Commonwealth countries are huge, and cover most of the earth. It does make sense to get together as a trading union.
