Wednesday 16 December 2020

A Trump Christmas Story

I expect you've seen this, but it's one of the better Trumperies.


  1. I always feel a little sorry for him.

    1. It's been an 'interesting' 4 years. An eccentric period in the history of the USA.

  2. I wonder whether he ever acts normally.

    1. That depends on what you call 'normal'.

    2. My thoughts entirely. Who is to say what is normal and what isn't. We are all different and in Europe we have had a better time with Trump as president than with Obama and Clinton and no new wars. If he wasn't Trump he would be up for the Nobel Peace Prize but as he is he won't be.

  3. Is that really him? his hair looks grey and not the usual gold, lol

    1. Based on him, no doubt; but with a certain amount of tweaking. I think it's called 'Deep Fake'.

  4. This very dangerous child has been shown the door. We have another month to go, and we all fear what his rage will do to hurt more people. We will be feeling the repercussions of Trump for years to come.

    1. I really don't know much of his legacy. I just hope the confidence people have in Biden isn't misplaced.

  5. Thanks, Cro ... I had not seen that particular video!
    For the most part, most are just damned glad to be rid of Trump and Biden and Harris and THEIR administration have their work cut out for them ... cleaning up Trump's trashing of everything he touched!
    Looking forward to never seeing his ugly, orange mug and anal-looking mouth again! He quit dying his hair and let it go gray ... probably the only "real" thing about that cretin!!!

    1. Marcia you angel, before you criticise anyone's appearance then I suggest changing your avatar. Alternatively keep quiet.

    2. Lol ... well, excuse me! At least I have my picture ... you just have an orange blob similar to Trump's face!
      You prefer a dictator? Fine ... take him ... he's yours if you have enough money to support him!
      Sorry, Cro!

  6. Oh Dear.
    The bloke can't do right for being a little right of centre.
    Biden the crooked, cretinous, child fondling little pervert will obviously be a vast improvement.

    1. Yes much better to have the serial liar who brags about grabbing women by the privates....oh I forgot that was just locker talk!

      Trump came up against something he couldn’t bully and lie his way!

      Trump’s actions in the last couple of weeks have been truly mental. It doesn’t matter how many votes you get, it is whether you get more than your opponent. Saying you were winning at 10pm is a bit like saying you were in the lead at mile 16 of a marathon.

  7. How rude to come on someone else's blog and tell someone to "keep quiet". And criticize someone's appearance? You're pretty shallow, and I'm going to assume that there's a reason you don't have a picture up. Further more, Marcia? Hear, hear. tRUMPers are a rude lot. Best to ignore them and hope they go away.

    1. Debby, this is what I find so strange/entertaining about blogland. You criticize Adrian Ward for him criticizing Marcia LaRue for criticizing someone's (Trump's) appearance. To then go on criticizing AW for not not putting up his likeness. Bit of a mind bender. If entertaining.

      I think looks should be kept out of any character assessment (easier said than done); demeanour is everything. Other than that, there is someone in my close vicinity who (like AW) questions Biden's (and his son's) merits. In the motherland we have a saying, roughly amounting to: Replacing the Devil with Beelzebub. Who knows. You can't but laugh.

      Hope you, Cro, will forgive me for trespassing on your comment box,

  8. It’s not so funny when you’ve been trying to live through his dangerous $hit the past 4 years...Covid still climbing here. He’s tweeting and playing golf, and WHINING...
