Wednesday 4 November 2020

Roborace: Oh dear!

If you've ever had doubts about 'self-driving-cars'; look no further.

The cars in this short video probably cost millions, and would have been 'state of the art' in terms of hands-off technology. Gives you confidence, n'est pas; especially the red one!


  1. That's funny. Reminds me of the school holidays here.

    1. Back in the 60's I remember following a driverless car in Oxford. It was well marked as being experimental, and was being driven from a car behind us. Not quite the same as the ones in the video; it didn't crash.

  2. Left hand d0wn a bit Mr. Pertwee.
    Aye-aye, Sir!!

    1. Maybe Sub Lt Phillips had a hand in programming the system in the red car?

    2. Exactly.... "The other left, Mr Phillips, sir!"

    3. I missed a really good phot a few years back... we are overflown all day at high altitude by holiday flights.... but on this occasion there was just the one.... my wife spotted it "No, the other left!"
      What we saw was a vapour trail that turned right quite gently.... then suddenly turned at 90 degrees to the left....
      Didn't have a camera to hand.... we were gardening.
      Dashed indoors.... came back out, but it was already breaking apart!

    4. I have seen similar things here. One presumes it was a passenger plane, but in our case it could have been experimental planes from Toulouse. They used to do strange things overhead.

  3. Reminds me of the electric toy cars that were once the rage. But steering was always hit and miss and then the flippin batteries always ran out!

    1. Steering in the hands of small children was usually haphazard. I suspect that more table legs have been scratched by toy cars, than by the family cat.

  4. Self-driving cars are okay in video games or sci-fi films but here in the real world there will always be tragic accidents because of all of the unpredictable possibilities out on the roads. It's just simple common sense.

    1. There didn't seen to be anything 'unpredictable' with the red car in the video, and yet it drove straight into the wall. Hopeless.

  5. This is a recurring nightmare of mine. That I am in the back seat of a car and suddenly realize no one's driving it. My nightmare is grabbing the wheel and then trying to get over the seat into the front seat. It is also exactly how I feel waiting for the result of this election. Also, in Pittsburgh, someone was killed by one these cars. Also an apt allegory for this election.

    1. The main problem with these cars seems to be 'Who would be to blame in the case of a fatal accident?' I did hear of the case in the US, but never heard who was finally prosecuted... if anyone.

  6. Technology in cars has not been proven entirely. The 2021 Subaru self-braking is terrible in city driving. I did a test drive and decided no thank you.

  7. That went really well then, didn't it.

    1. And this was supposed to be a showcase for self driving supercars.
